The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

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The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

By A. T. Barker


Received Allahabad. About February, 1882. 

Your " illustrious " friend did not mean to be ** satirical,"whatever other construction might be put on his words. Your** illustrious " friend was simply feeling sad at the thoughtofthe great disappointment K.H. is sure to experience whenhe returns among us. The first retrospective glance at the work he has so much at heart, will show him such samples of mutual feel- ing exchanged as the two herein enclosed. The undignified, bitter, sarcastic tone of one will give him as little cause to rejoice as the undignified, foolish and childish tone of the other. I would have left the subject untouched had you not so misunderstood the feeling that dictated my last. It is better I should be frank with you. The term " Highness " to which I am not in the least entitled is far more suggestive of satire than anything I have hitherto said. Yet as ** no epithet will hang to the shirt-collar of a Bod-pa " I heed it not advising you to do the same and see no satire where none is meant and which is but frankness in speech, and the correct definition of the general state of your feeHngs towards the natives.

Your solicitor knows better—of course. If the paragraph in question is not libellous then all I can say is, that a complete re- codification of your libel law is very much needed.

You will certainly have trouble with her about the ** female branch." Her scorn for the sex—has no bounds and she can hardly be persuaded that any good can ever come from that quarter. I will be frank with you again. Neither myself nor any of us—K.H. being entirely left out of the question—would consent to become the founders let alone the conductors of a female branch—we all having had enough of our anis. Yet we confess that a great good may result of such a movement, the females having such an influence over their children and the men in the houses, you being such an old and experienced hand in that direction could with Mr. Hume's help be of immense use to K.H., from within the area of whose " loveable nature," with the ex- ception of his sister females were always excluded and love for his country and humanity reigned alone. He knows nothing of the creatures—you do. He always felt the need of enrolling women—yet would never meddle with them. There's a chance for you to help him.

On the other hand we claim to know more of the secret Cause of events than you men of the world do. I say then that it is the villification and abuse of the founders, the general misconception of the aims and objects of the Society that paralyses its progress —nothing else. There's no want of definitiveness in these objects were they but properly explained. The members would have plenty to do were they to pursue reality with half the fervour they do mirage. I am sorry to find you comparing Theosophy to a painted house on the stage whereas in the hands of true philanthropists and theosophists it might become as strong as an impregnable fort. The situation is this : men who join the Society with the one selfish object of reaching power making occult science their only or even chief aim may as well not join it—theyare doomed to disappointment as much as those who commit themistake of letting them believe that the Society is nothing else.It is just because they preach too much *' the Brothers " and toolittle if at all Brotherhood that they fail. How many times hadwe to repeat, that he who joins the Society with the sole object ofcoming in contact with us and if not of acquiring at least ofassuring himself of the reality of such powers and of our objective existence—was pursuing a mirage? I say again then. It ishe alone who has the love of humanity at heart, who is capableof grasping thoroughly the idea of a regenerating practicalBrotherhood who is entitled to the possession of our secrets. Healone, such a man—will never misuse his powers, as there will beno fear that he should turn them to selfish ends. A man whoplaces not the good of mankind above his own good is not worthyof becoming our chela—he is not worthy of becoming higher inknowledge than his neighbour. If he craves for phenomena lethim be satisfied with the pranks of spiritualism. Such is the realstate of things. There was a time, when from sea to sea, fromthe mountains and deserts of the north to the grand woods anddow^ns of Ceylon there was but one faith, one rallying cry—tosave humanity from the miseries of ignorance in the name of Himwho taught first the solidarity of all man. How is it now?Where is the grandeur of our people and of the one Truth?These, you m.ay say, are beautiful visions which were oncerealities on earth, but had flitted away like the light of a summer'sevening. Yes; and now we are in the midst of a conflictingpeople, of an obstinate, ignorant people seeking to know thetruth yet not able to find it for each seeks it only for his ownprivate benefit and gratification, without giving one thought toothers. Will you, or rather they never see the true meaning andexplanation of that great wTeck of desolation w-hich has cometoour land and threatens all lands—yours first of all? It is selfish-ness and excliisiveness that killed ours, and it is selfishness andexclusivehess that will kill yours—which has in addition someother defects which I will not name. The w^orld has clouded thelight of true knowledge and selfishness will not allow its resurrection, for it excludes and will not recognise the whole fellow-ship of all those who were born under the same immutable naturallaw.

You are mistaken again. I may blame your ** curiosity " whenI know it to be profitless. I am unable to regard as an" impertinence " that which is but the free use of intellectualcapacities for reasoning. You may see things in a false light andyou do often so see them. But you do not concentrate all thelight in yourself as some do, and that's one superior quality you possess over other Europeans we know. Your affection for K.H. is sincere and warm and that is your redeeming- quality in my eyes. Why should you then await my reply with any " nervousness " at all. Whatever happens we two will ever remain your friends, as we would not blame sincerity even when it is manifested under the somewhat objectionable form of trampling upon a prostrated enemy—the hapless Babu. 




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