The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

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The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

By A. T. Barker

Letter No LXXXIX

Received Allahabad March 24th, 1882. 

Good friend, I will not, in sending forth the letter, reiterateagain the many remarks that might be made respecting the variousobjections which we have the right to raise against Spiritualphenomena and its mediums. We have done our duty ; and,because the voice of truth came thro* a channel which few liked,it was pronounced as false, and along with it—Occultism. Thetime has gone by to argue, and the hour when it will be proved to the world that Occult Science instead of being, in the words of Dr. R. Chambers—'* a superstition itself," as they may be disposed to think it, will be foundl the explanation and the extinguisher of all superstitions—is nearby. For reasons that you will appreciate, though at first you will be inclined to consider (in regard to yourself) unjust. I am determined to do that, for once, which hitherto I have never done; namely, to personate myself under another form, and, perhaps—character. Therefore, you need not grudge Eglington the pleasure of seeing me personally, to talk with me, and!—be " dumfounded " by me and with the result of my visit to him, on board, " The Vega." This will be done between the 21st and the 22nd of this month and, when you read this letter, will be a ** vision of the past,"—if Olcott sends to you the letter to-day.

* * All things being are in mystery ; we expound mysteries by mysteries "—you may perhaps say. Well, well ; to you as to one forewarned it will not be one ; since, for several reasons—one more plausible than the other—I take you into my confidence. One of them is, —to save you a feeling of involuntary envy (the word is queer isn't it?) when you hear of it. As he will see somebody quite different from the real K.H., though it will still be K.H.— you need not feel like one wronged by your trans-himalayan friend. Another reason is, to save the poor fellow from the suspicion of boasting; the third and chiefest, though neither least nor last, is, that theosophy and its adherents have to be vindicated at last. Eglington is going home; and, were he upon his return to know nothing of the Brothers, there would be a sore day of trial for poor old H.P.B. and H.S.O. Mr. Hume, twitted us for not appearing to Eglington. He chuckled and defied us to do it before Fern and others. For reasons which he may or may not be able to appreciate—but that you will—^we could not or rather would not do so as long as E. was in India. No less had we very good reasons to forbid H.P.B. to either correspond with him, or take too much notice of him in the Theosophist. But now that he is gone, and will be on the 22nd, hundreds of miles away at sea ; and that no suspicion of fraud can be brought against either of them, the time for the experiment has come. He thinks of putting her to test—he will be tested himself.

Thus, my faithful friend and supporter, keep yourself prepared. As I will recommend Eglington to recommend in his turn, to Mrs. Gordon discretion and that the good^ lady may feel inclined to carry it on too far and take it a la lettre, I furnish you before- hand with a hull for her, calculated to unseal her lips.

Now for Mr. Hume. He has worked for us, and is certainly entitled to our consideration—so far. I would fain have written to him myself, but that the sight of my familiar characters may produce a diversion in his feelings—for the worse—before he goesto the trouble of reading what I have to say. Will you kindlyundertake the dielicate task of notifying him of what I now writeto you? Tell him that there are persons—enemies—^who areanxious to catch the ** old lady " at cheating, to entrap her, sotosay, and that for that very reason I am determined to settle thequestion and have it once for ever at rest. Say to him thatprofiting by his suggestion and advice I, —K.H., will appeartoEglington in propria persona as in actu at sea, between the 21and 22 of this month ; and that, if successful in bringing the rebelwho denies the ** Brothers " to his senses, Mrs. Gordon and consort—will be notified of the fact immediately. That's all. Wehave, waited on purpose to produce our experiment until hisdeparture, and now—we mean to act.

 Yours ever, 
K. H.

Till the 25th of March, Mr. Sinnett is expected to keep his lipsclosed as they will be in death—three score and ten hence. NotaSoidy but Mrs. S., your good lady, must know one word of thisletter. This I expect of your friendship, and now put it to test.To Mr. Hume—you may write just now, so that the letter mightbe received by him on the 24th, in the afternoon. Your futuredepends on this, —your silence. 
K. H.



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