The New Atlantis

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The New Atlantis

By Sir Francis Bacon

New Atlantis is an incomplete utopian novel by Sir Francis Bacon, published after Bacon's death in 1626. It appeared unheralded and tucked into the back of a longer work of natural history, Sylva Sylvarum (The Forest of Materials). In New Atlantis, Bacon portrayed a vision of the future of human discovery and knowledge, expressing his aspirations and ideals for humankind. The novel depicts the creation of a utopian land where "generosity and enlightenment, dignity and splendour, piety and public spirit" are the commonly held qualities of the inhabitants of the mythical Bensalem. The plan and organisation of his ideal college, Salomon's House (or Solomon's House), is closely related to Freemasonry and the tenets and precepts that form the foundation of the New Atlantis are inspired by the natural philosophy that is enshrined in Freemasonry. 

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New Atlantis



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