The Pyramid Texts

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The Pyramid Texts

By Translation by Samuel A. B. Mercer

A Purification Litany, Utterance 563

Utterance 563.

1408a. To say: The double doors of heaven are open, the double doors of ?b?.w are open for Horus of the Gods,

1408b. that he may ascend and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

1408c. The double doors of heaven are open for N., the double doors of ?b?.w are open for N.,

1408d. that he may ascend and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

1409a. The double doors of heaven are open, the double doors of ?b?.w are open for Horus Šsm.t-land,

1409b. that he may ascend and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

1409c. The double doors of heaven are open for N., the double doors of ?b?.w are open for N.,

1409d. that he may ascend and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

1410a. The double doors of heaven are open, the double doors of ?b?.w are open for Horus of the East,

1410b. that he may ascend and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

1410c. The double doors of heaven are open for N., the double doors of ?b?.w are open for N.,

1410d. that he may ascend and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

1411a. The double doors of heaven are open, the double doors of ?b?.w are open for Horus of the Horizon,

1411b. that he may ascend and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

1411c. The double doors of heaven are open, the double doors of ?b?.w are open for N.,

1411d. that he may ascend and purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

1412a. He who ascended, ascended, Horus of the Gods, that he might purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

1412b. He who ascended, ascended, N., that he might purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

1413a. He who ascended, ascended, Horus, of the Šsm.t-land, that he might purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

1413b. He who ascended, ascended, N., that he might purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

1414a. He who ascended, ascended, Horus of the East, that he might purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

1414b. He who ascended, ascended, N., that he might purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

1415a. He who ascended, ascended, Horus of the Horizon, that he might purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

1415b. He who ascended, ascended, N., that he might purify himself in the Marsh of Reeds.

1416a. N. is purified; N. has taken the sw?-vestment.

1416b. N. truly ascends to heaven, permanent like the earth.

1416c. It is grievous (?) for thy body, O Nut, because of the divine seed, which shall be in thee (or, in thy mother).

1417a. N., this one, he is the divine seed, which shall be in thy mother, Nut.

1417b. Receive him, this N., as thou didst receive thy divine son.

1418a. Hp?t, Hp?t, Hnni, Hnni,

1418b. take him with you; let N. be established among you.

1419a. ?ftn.t, mother of the gods,

1419b. give thy hand to N.; take his hand (or, take to thee the hand of N.), for life;

1419c. draw him to heaven, like as, thou hast drawn this one, Osiris, to heaven.

1420a. Hnni, Hnni, Hp?t, Hp?t,

1420b. take N. with you; let N. be established among you.



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