The Pyramid Texts

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The Pyramid Texts

By Translation by Samuel A. B. Mercer

Nut and the Deceased King, Utterances 1-11

Utterance 1.

1a. To say by Nut, the brilliant, the great: This is (my) son, (my) first born, N., opener of (my) womb;

1b. this is (my) beloved, with whom I have been satisfied.

Utterance 2.

1c. To say by Geb: This is (my) son, N., of (my) body -----

1d. --------

Utterance 3.

2a. To say by Nut, the great, who is within the lower mansion: This is (my) son, N., (my) beloved,

2b. (my) eldest (son), (who is) upon the throne of Geb, with whom he has been satisfied,

2c. to whom he gave his inheritance in the presence of the Great Ennead.

3a. All the gods are in exultation; they say: "How beautiful is N., with whom his father Geb is satisfied!

Utterance 4.

A To say by Nut: N., I have given to thee thy sister Isis,

3c. that she may take hold of thee, that she may give thy heart to thee which belongs to thy body.

Utterance 5.

3d. To say by Nut: N., I have given to thee thy sister Nephthys,

3e. that she may take hold of thee, that she may give thy heart to thee which belongs to thy body.

Utterance 6.

4a. To say by Nut-Nekhbet, the great: This is (my) beloved, N., (my) son;

4b. I have given the horizons to him, that he may be powerful over them like Harachte.

4c. All the gods say: "It is a truth that thy beloved among thy children is N.,

4d. to whom one will do service of courtier for ever."

Utterance 7.

5a. To say by Nut, the great, (who is) within the encircled mansion: This is (my) son N., of (my) heart.

5b. I have given to him the D?.t, that he may be chief therein, like Horus, chief of the D?.t.

5c. All the gods say (to Nut):

5d. "Thy father Shu knows that thou lovest N. more than thy mother Tefnut."

Utterance 8.

6. He lives, king of Upper and Lower Egypt, beloved of Re‘, living for ever.

Utterance 9.

7a. Horus [lives], beloved of the two lands, N., king of Upper and Lower Egypt, N., of the two goddesses beloved bodily, N., lords of Ombos, N.

7b. Heir of Geb, whom he loves, N., beloved of all the gods, N., given life, endurance, joy, health, all happiness, like Re‘.

Utterance 10.

8a. Horus lives, living apparition of the king of Upper and Lower Egypt, N.,

8b. (of the land of) the two goddesses, living apparition, N.,

8c. (of the land of) the two lords (of Ombos), N.,

8d. Osiris, lord of the D?.t, N.,

8e. the beloved son of Geb, N.,

8f. son of Nut, opener of her body (womb), N.,

8g. endowed with life, endurance, joy, health, like Re‘, eternally.

Utterance 11.

8h. To say by Nut: I unite thy beauty with this body (and with) this ba, for life, endurance, joy, health

8i. of Horus, divine apparition, king of Upper and Lower Egypt, N. (of the land of) the two goddesses, divine apparition, N.,

8j. powerful lord (of Ombos), N., living eter[nally].



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