The Pyramid Texts

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The Pyramid Texts

By Translation by Samuel A. B. Mercer

Texts of Miscellaneous Contents, Utterances 578-586

Utterance 578.

1531a. To say: Osiris N., thou shalt not hasten to those lands of the East;

1531b. thou shalt hasten to these lands of the West by the way of the Followers of Re‘.

1532a. Thy messengers hasten; thy runners go;

1532b. those who are before thee rush on,

1532c. that they may announce thee to Re‘, to him who lifts up (his) arm in the East.

1533a. Thou dost not know them; thou art astonished at them;

1533b. thou hast laid them in thine arms like herdsmen of thy calves.

1534a. Thou art as he who prevents them from slipping out from thine arms.

1534b. Thou goest forth to them; thou art glorified, by birth; preeminent, by birth,

534c. in thy name of "spd.w";

1535a. A (thy?) whip in thy hand; and thy sceptre on thine arm.

1535b. Enemies fall on their face before thee;

1535c. the imperishable stars kneel before thee.

1536a. Thou art as he who prevents them from falling out of thine arms,

1536b. and (who prevents) that thou be sick because of them, in thy name of "m?i.t."

1537a. They recognize thee, in thy name of "Anubis."

1537b. The gods do not descend to thee, in thy name of ’i?.t.

1538a. Thou standest as chief of the gods, eldest son,

1538b. as heir on the throne of Geb.

Utterance 579.

1539a. To say: Thy going from thy house, Osiris N.,

1539b. is the going of Horus in search of thee, Osiris N.

1539c. Thy messengers hasten; thy runners run; thine envoys hurry.

1540a. They announce to Re‘,

1540b. that thou, N., art come, as son of Geb, from upon the throne of Amun;

1541a. that thou hast ferried over the Winding Watercourse; that thou hast traversed the canal of [Knsi.t].

1541b. Thou settlest down on the eastern side of the sky; thou sittest in the double ’itr.t-palace of the horizon;

1541c. thou givest to them thine arm; thou givest thine arm to the gods.

1542a. They praise thee; they come to thee with salutations,

1542b. as they do homage to Re‘, as they come to him with salutations.

Utterance 580.

1543a. To say: Thou who hast smitten (my) father; he who has killed (one) greater than he;

1543b. thou hast smitten (my) father, thou hast killed one greater than thou.

1544a. Father Osiris N. I have smitten for thee him who smote thee as an ox;

1544b. I have killed for thee him who killed thee as a wild-bull.

1544c. I have overpowered for thee him who overpowered thee as an ox;

1544d. thou art upon his back as he who is upon the back of an ox.

1545a. He who stretched thee out as the stretched out ox; he who slaughtered thee as the slaughtered ox;

1545b. he who stunned thee as the stunned ox--

1545c. I have cut off his head; I have cut off his tail;

1545d. I have cut off his two hands; I have cut off his two feet.

1546a. His upper fore-legs including (lit. "being to") his lower forelegs belong t[o Atum], father of the gods;

1546b. his two thighs belong to Shu and Tefnut;

1546c. his two sides belong to Geb and Nut;

1547a. his two shoulder blades belong to Isis and Nephthys;

1547b. his two shoulders belong to M?nti-’irti and Hrti,--

1547c. his spinal column belongs to Neit and Ser?et; his heart belongs to Sekhmet, the great;

1548a. that which is in the back part of his body belongs to those four gods, the sons of Horus, his beloved,

1548b. ??pi, ’Ims.ti, Dw?-mw.t.f, ?b?-sn.w.f.

1549a. His head, his tail, his two hands, his two feet

1549b. belong to Anubis, who is upon his mountain; to Osiris who is chief of his department (or, thigh-offering).

1549c. That which the gods leave belongs to the Souls of Nekhen and the Souls of Buto.

1550a. Eat, eat the red ox, for the voyage by sea,

1550b. which Horus did for his father, Osiris N.

Utterance 581.

1551a. To say: This thy cavern there is the broad-hall of Osiris N..

1551b. which brings the wind. The north wind refreshes;

1551c. it raises thee as Osiris N.

1552a. Šsm.w comes to thee, bearing water and wine;

1552b. ?nti-mnwt.f (comes) bearing the vases which are before the two ’itr.t-palaces.

1552c. Thou standest, thou sittest like Anubis, chief of the necropolis.

1553a. Aker stands up for thee; Shu dries (lit. something like. "lies down," Wb. V 366) for thee.

1553b. They tremble who see the inundation (when) it tosses;

1554a. (but) the marshes laugh; the shores are become green;

1554b. the divine offerings descend; the face of men brightens; the heart of the gods rejoices.

1555a. "Deliver N. from his bandages, which restrain (?) the living, O gods,"

1555b. (is) in the mouth of those who run to them on the good day of running (while running is good).

1556a. "Set is guilty; Osiris is justified,"

1556b. (is) in the mouth of the gods, on the good day of the going upon the mountain.

1557a. (When) inundations are upon the land,

1557b. he who hastens with his soul goes to his cave;

1557c. (but) thou marchest behind thy spirit towards Knm-’iwnw,

1557d. like the successor of Hrti, chief of [Ns]?.t.

Utterance 582.

1558a. To say: N. is come to thee, Horus,

1558b. that thou mayest recite for him this great and good word, which thou didst recite for Osiris,

1558c. by which N. may be great; by which he may be powerful.

1559a. His shm is within him; his ba is behind him;

1559b. his spd is upon him, which Horus gave to Osiris,

1559c. that N. may rest in heaven, as a mountain, as a support.

1560a. He shall fly as a cloud to heaven, like a heron;

1560b. he shall pass by the side-locks of the sky;

1560c. the feathers on the two arms of N. shall be like knives.

1561a. S?? shall give him his arm,

1561b. Sothis shall take his hand;

1561c. the ground shall be hoed for N.; an offering shall be made for N.;

1561d. the two nomes of the god shall shout for N.

1562a. He will be more at the head than he who is at the head of the Two Enneads;

1562b. he sits upon his firm throne,

1562c. his sceptre glittering in his hand.

1563a. If N. raises his hand towards the children of their fathers,

1563b. they stand up for N.;

1563c. if N. lowers his hand towards them, they sit down.

1564a. The face of N. is like that of a jackal; the middle (of his body) is like that of ?b?.wt;

1564b. N. judges like Sebek in Crocodilopolis,

1564c. like Anubis in T?b.t (Hypselis?).

1565a. When N. calls for a thousand,

1565b. there come to him the blessed dead (?) with salutations,

1565c. while they say to him: "Who is it who has done this to thee?"

1566a. It is the mother of N., the great wild cow, she with the two long feathers,

1566b. with the brilliant head-dress, with the two hanging breasts,

1566c. who has lifted N. up to heaven--she did not leave N. on the earth--

1566d. among the glorious gods,

1567a. that N. may see their spirit and that he may be a spirit likewise.

1567b. N. [is protected] by his, father Osiris (just as) the blessed dead (?) protect N.

Utterance 583.

1568a. To say: Re‘, turn thou, that N. may see

1568b. ------- N. Thy red (crown) is that of N.

1568c. ------- N. of Re‘, the uraeus-serpent, which is on the forehead of Re‘.

1569a. Thou art Shu; thou art height, O father;

1569b. thou art the nšs; thou art the nšss.t;

1569c. thou art ------------------------

1570a. ---------------

1570b. The arm of Horus is behind thee; the arm of Thot [is before thee].

1571a. The two Great Gods support thee;

1571b. they prepare thy place which is in [heaven] -----------

1572a. ---------------------------------------

1572b. ---------------------------------------

1572c. Arisen, arisen, on thy feet ------------------------

Utterance 584.

1573a. To say: N. [has occupied] his seat;

1573b. [N. has taken] his helm (oar);

1573c. [N. seats himself in the bow] of the boat of the Two Enneads.

15 74a. [N. rows Re‘ to the west. He writes (the name) of N. over the living];

1574b. he establishes the seat of N. [over the lords of the kas]

1574c. [he puts N. on the shores of the Winding Watercourse];

1574d. he puts N. over the n??.w (-stars).

1575a. [The double doors of the b?-k?, which are in ?b?.w are open for N.];

1575b. [the double doors of] bi?, which are in s?d.w [are open for NJ.

1575c. ----------------------------------------

1575d. [N. is pleased] with his name.

1575e. ----------------------------------------

Utterance 585.

1576a. ------------------- [star] s

1576b. they [prepare] ------------------------

1577. ----------- upon the forehead (or, to judge) ----

1578a. ----------------- lakes

1578b. great ---------------------

1579. It is N -------------------------------

1580. ------------------- truth

1581. ----------------- this

Utterance 586.

1582a (Nt. Jéquier, VIII 14). To say: N. shines like Re‘, expelling the dawn, establishing Truth behind Re‘,

1582b (Nt. VIII 14). shining every day for all of those who are on the horizon of the sky.

1583a (Nt. VIII 15). The upper gates of heaven (?) are open.

1583b (Nt. VIII 15). To say: Great is Atum; the son of a great one is Atum; N. is the s?d-star in the sky among the gods.

1584a (Nt. VIII 16). Thy mother says to thee that Šs?, like N., weeps for thee;

1584b (Nt. VIII 16). like N. he mourns for thee.

1585a (Nt. VIII 16). To say --- wash, give thou (thine) arm to N. while thou causest her to come.

1585b (Nt. VIII 16). Ho! His-back-behind-him, bring the [?d-?tp]-ladder to N.,

1586 (Nt. VIII 17). made by Khnum, that N. may ascend to heaven upon it, to do service of a courtier to Re‘ in heaven.



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