The Pyramid Texts

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The Pyramid Texts

By Translation by Samuel A. B. Mercer

The Deceased King Triumphs Over His Enemies and is Recognized by the Gods, Utterances 260-262

Utterance 260.

316a. To say: O Geb, bull of Nut, N. is a Horus, heir of his father.

316b. N. is the goer, the comer, the fourth of these four gods,

316c. who have brought water (and) made themselves clean, who rejoice over the "power" of their fathers.

316d. He desires that he be justified by that which he has done.

317a. Since Tfn and Tefnut have judged N.; since the Two Truths have heard (him);

317b. since Shu has been advocate (tongue); since the Two Truths have given verdict;

317c. he has encompassed the thrones of Geb, he has raised himself to that which he wished.

318a. (So now that) his limbs are united, which were hidden (in the grave),

318b. he unites himself with those who are in Nun. He puts an end to his words in Heliopolis,

318c. as N. goes forth on that day in the true form of an ??.

319a. N. destroys battle; he punishes revolt.

319b. N. goes forth (as) the protector of truth; he brings her, for she is with him.

319c. Those who were furious, (now) busy themselves for him; those who are in Nun, (now) give life over to him.

320a. The refuge of N. is in his eye; the protection of N. is in his eye;

320b. the power of N. is in his eye; the strength of N. is in his eye.

321a. O gods of South, North, West, East, respect N., fear him;

321b. he has sat in the ?t? of the two courts.

321c. That uraeus-serpent dnn-wt.t might have burned you, for she attained your heart,

322a. you (they) who might have come to N. as an adversary; come to him (as a friend), come to him.

322b. N. is the dsds of his father, the n?b of his mother.

323a. The abomination of N. is to walk in darkness,

323b. lest he see those who are upside down.

323c. N. will come forth in this day; he will bring truth with him.

323d. N. will not be delivered up to your flame, O gods.

Utterance 261.

324a. To say: N. is a heart-beat, son of the heart of Shu,

324b. wide-outstretched, a blinding light.

324c. It is N. who is a flame (moving) before the wind to the ends of heaven and to the end of the earth,

324d. as soon as the arms of the lightning are emptied of N.

325a. He travels through Shu and strides through ?kr;

325b. he kisses the red crown, the divinely created.

326a. Those who are in the arbour (heaven?) open for him their arms.

326b. N. stands on the eastern side of heaven;

326c. (where) there is brought to him that which ascends to heaven.

326d. N. makes a separation of the tempest.

Utterance 262.

327a. To say: Disown not N., O god; for thou knowest him and he knows thee.

327b. Disown not N., O god; for he knows thee.

327c. To (thee) it is said: "The transitory."

328a. Disown not N., O Re‘; for thou knowest him and he knows thee.

328b. Disown not N., O Re‘; for he knows thee.

328c. To thee it is said: "The Great (One) is altogether destroyed."

329a. Disown not N., O Thot; for thou knowest him and he knows thee.

329b. Disown not N., O Thot; for he knows thee.

329c. To thee it is said: "He rests, the solitary."

330a. Disown not N., O Horus, the pre-eminent (pointed); for thou knowest him and he knows thee.

330b. Disown not N., O Horus, the pre-eminent (pointed); for he knows thee.

330c. To thee it is said: "The unfortunate."

331a. Disown not N., O thou who art in the D?.t; for thou knowest him and he knows thee.

336. Disown not N., O thou who art in the D?.t; for he knows thee.

331c. To thee it is said: "The damaged."

332a. Disown not N., O bull of heaven; for thou knowest him and he knows thee.

332b. Disown not N., O bull of heaven; for he knows thee.

332c. To thee it is said: "This n??-star."

333a. Behold, N. comes; behold, N. comes; behold, N. is ascended.

333b. N. is not come of himself.

333c. It is a messenger who is come to him; it is a divine word which will cause him to arise.

334a. N. has passed by his broad-house; the fury of the great sea has avoided him.

334b. His fare is not accepted in the great ship;

334c. the palace of the Great cannot ward him off from the way of the s?d.w-stars.

335a. Behold, therefore, N. has attained the heights of heaven.

335b. He has seen his uraeus-serpent in the boat of the evening sun; it is N. who has journeyed in it.

335c. He has recognized (his) uraeus-serpent in the boat of the morning sun, it is N. who has bailed it out.

336a. The blessed dead (?) have witnessed to him;

336b. the hail-storm of heaven has taken him away, it (lit. they cause) causes N. to approach to Re‘



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