The Republic

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The Republic

By By Plato

“I am the wisest man alive,
for I know one thing,
and that is that I know nothing.”
What is Justice? Why do men behave justly? in the ideal state, how should women, children and property be treated in the ruling middle class?
Join Socrates along with the Athenians and other interlocutors as they question, argue and discuss their perceptions of an ideal community and combine argument and myth to commend a life organized by reason.
Regarded as the culminating achievement of Plato, the Republic, in the form of a Socratic dialogue, goes on to argue that the world of everyday objects imperfectly imitates the world of Forms. it also expounds Plato’s belief that there is an ancient quarrel between poetry and philosophy and acknowledges the influence of art upon the mind.
The Republic is undoubtedly one of Plato’s masterworks and one of the most influential and widely read books in the history of philosophy.
With a lasting historical influence on the world culture, the Republic is inherent with the power to change the world.

Intoduction And Analysis
Persons Of The Dialogue
Chapter I. The Republic - Book I
Chapter II. The Republic - Book II.
Chapter III. The Republic - Book III
Chapter IV. The Republic - Book IV
Chapter V The Republic - Book V
Chapter VI. The Republic - Book VI
Chapter VII. The Republic - Book VII.
Chapter VIII. The Republic - Book VIII
Chapter IX. The Republic - Book IX
Chapter X. The Republic - Book X



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