Madame Blavatsky comes to New York in 1873 - meets Col. H.S. Olcott in 1874 at the Eddy farmhouse - she controls the exhibition of phenomena unknown to the spectators - Olcott a prominent lawyer and newspaper writer, a life-long Spiritualist - becomes greatly interested in H.P.B.'s powers and knowledge - introduces her to Wm. Q. Judge, a young lawyer - Olcott and Judge become pupils of H.P.B. - Olcott's book, "People from the Other Word," draws public attention to the phenomenal powers of H.P.B. - her apartment dubbed "the Lamasery" becomes the scene of a never ending throng of visitors and marvel seekers - Olcott proposes a "Miracle Club," which falls through - the Theosophical Society established in November, 1875, by H.P.B., Olcott and Judge other early members - most of them Spiritualists who turn enemies - teachings of H.P.B. entirely opposed to the theories of Spiritualism - many European and Indian Fellows join the new Society - The Arya Somaj and Swami Sarasvati - the original Society democratic in organization - no restrictions on freedom of conscience or liberty of thought - the "Three Objects" of the Parent Theosophical Society - H.P.B. writes "Isis Unveiled," published in 1877 - goes with Col. Olcott to India, leaving Judge in America - rapid growth of the Society in the Orient - early publications and formation of new "Branches," East and West.
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