The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

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The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

By John Garrigues and others

H.P.B., Olcott And Judge

H.P.B. the Messenger of the Masters - Judge next to her in importance esoterically - Olcott the public head and front of the exoteric work - Olcott's limitations and obstacles - his own letter quoted - Olcott, the probationary Chela, falls often and upsets his work as President - his attitude toward H.P.B. and Judge - his friendship and intimacy with those who afterward became enemies or traitors - Massey, Prof. Coues - Olcott's slights to H.P.B. - his partiality for Subba Row - friction between Subba Row and H.P.B. over the "Sevenfold Classification" - the contentions in The Theosophist - Judge intervenes in the controversy - internal frictions cause of all external troubles - failure of Theosophists to adhere to First Object and of probationary Chelas to keep their Pledges - could not endure correction at hands of H.P.B. or Judge - "Pledge Fever" real cause of stormy course of the Society - necessity for restoration of the Movement to true lines - Judge advises formation of "Esoteric Section" - draws up its Rules - Olcott torn by fears and doubts - the battle between the "Three Founders" prior to the formation of the "Esoteric Section" - not disclosed till long afterwards in "Old Diary Leaves" - neither H.P.B. nor Judge ever wrote anything personal - never "washed Theosophical dirty linen in public" - story of friction between the Founders unknown to Theosophists at the time - disclosed long afterward by Olcott - "Old Diary Leaves" not a history but an autobiography.



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