The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

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The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

By John Garrigues and others

H.P.B. Takes Charge Of The T.S. In Europe

Esoterically, the great storm of 1888-90 due to the clash between human and divine nature - the Objects of the Movement practical, not theoretical - the gulf between the views of Olcott and his party and those personified by H.P.B. and Judge - Olcott once more sobered by "A Puzzle from Adyar" - realizes he has gone too far - fears for his beloved Society - determines to go once more to England - realizes that to rise in rebellion means to ally himself with Coues - arrives in England late in 1889 - met as always by H.P.B. with affection and charity - heart warmed by the treatment accorded him - his fears allayed for the moment - makes a tour of the British Isles - issues an "Order" delegating his Presidential powers for Europe to H.P.B. and an "Advisory Council" - "Bombay Conference" adopts stirring resolutions in support of H.P.B. during Olcott's absence - fresh Paris troubles after Olcott's return to India - he once more interferes and issues Presidential ukases - the British and Continental Theosophists rise up in arms - Mrs. Annie Besant joins the Society - becomes associate editor of Lucifer and President of the "Blavatsky Lodge" - she heads the insurrectron against Olcott's papal actions - unanimous demand that H.P.B. take direction of affairs in Europe - H.P.B. bows to the will of the European Theosophists - issues a Notice in Lucifer assuming full authority and responsibility for Society in Europe - names it "The Theosophical Society in Europe" and declares for democracy August,1890 - cables Olcott of her action - Olcott saves his face by accepting the facts and repudiating the factors.



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