The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

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The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

By John Garrigues and others

Annie Besant In America, 1892-3

Mrs. Besant invited to visit India again in fall of 1892 - goes to America instead - her American tour a great success - returns to England loud in praise of Mr. Judge - Olcott writes the American Convention in April, 1893 - raises the "hero worship" bogy once more - Judge speaks as General Secretary American Section - disclaims all hero worship and dogmatism - but insists those who reverence H.P.B. have perfect right to express their views - warns against official promulgations on matters of individual opinion - Mrs. Besant upholds members' rights to freedom of individual belief and expression - W. Scott Elliott's claims to "inspiration" discussed - "authority" in the T.S. - no doctrines "authoritative" - all must stand on their own merit - Mrs. Besant quotes H.P.B. on freedom of opinion in the T.S. - E.T. Sturdy takes a hand - Sturdy a member of the E.S.T. - objects to claims of "messages from Masters" - Mrs. Besant writes on "Gurus and Chelas" - opposes Sturdy's views - the whole subject of "Mahatma messages" once more to the fore - claims of "Jasper Niemand" in The Path article - claims of Mrs. Besant to recent "messages" from Masters - Mrs. Besant now the foremost figure in the Society - Olcott and Sinnett worried over Mrs. Besant's championship of Judge and H.P.B.



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