The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

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The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

By John Garrigues and others

Beginnings Of The Judge Case

Mrs. Besant publishes in Lucifer for April, 1893, Judge's letter to Olcott in 1891 about the "Jasper Niemand" message - Sturdy's article really a reply to Judge's letter to Olcott - Olcott joins in the fray - "N.D.K." writes in The Theosophist - challenges Judge's statements in the letter to Olcott - Olcott reprints Sturdy's article including paragraphs omitted by Mrs. Besant - Walter R. Old and S.V. Edge - Old a member of the "E.S.T. Council" - Edge assistant on The Theosophist - they write in The Theosophist on "Theosophic Freethought" - the article a veiled attack on Judge - they tell of the "Mahatma Message" at the "E.S.T. Council" meeting of May 27, 1891 - they question the bona fides of Judge and the genuineness of the "message" - Old and Edge undoubtedly inspired by Olcott - the question of "Master's seal" - the whole subject of "messages from Masters" discussed - H.P.B.'s statement - "Occult phenomena can never be proved" - The publication of "Theosophic Freethought" - a violation of the E.S.T. pledges of Old and Edge - taken up by Mrs. Besant in the Esoteric Section - Old and Edge suspended from membership in the E.S.T. in August 1893 - the circular issued to members of the E.S.T. by Mrs. Besant and Judge - Olcott follows up the attack on Judge and H.P.B. - the White Lotus Day meeting at Adyar May 8, 1893 - the quandary of Olcott and his allies - can Judge be unseated in confidence of members? - H.P.B. cannot be "buried" while Judge lives - Judge invincible with Mrs. Besant's support - the problem to win over Mrs. Besant against Judge and H.P.B. - beginnings of the conspiracy against Judge.



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