The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

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The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

By John Garrigues and others

Channels Of The Theosophical Movement

The Theosophical Movement the story of Spiritual and Intellectual evolution - Religions and systems of thought, governments, sects and parties, landmarks of its cyclical progression through the ages -The Reformation, Free Masonry, the American Republic, the abolition of human slavery, all steps - "divine right" of God and the "divine rights" of kings alike obstacles to progress - all physical evolution preceded and accompanied by intellectual and moral growth - upward impulses due to the inspiration of higher evolved Intelligence - they work through appropriate channels - modern signs of the Theosophical Movement abundantly in evidence - Western interest in oriental philosophy and religion - the great influence of the "Light of Asia" - the tremendous effect of Darwin's "Origin of Species" on prevailing religious ideas of "creation," God and Nature - Buckle's intuitive perception of the rise of new religions and philosophies - the great work of iconoclasts like Ingersoll and Bradlaugh of liberal preachers like Kingsley and Channing - the Bastilles of orthodoxy no longer impregnable - Spiritualism an index of the transitional state of mind in religion - phenomena and forces ignored by Science - the writings of Allan Kardec - Spiritualism devoid alike of morality and philosophy - becomes in a generation the faith of millions - due to awakening psychic faculties - Madame Blavatsky enters the Western arena - her exhibition of powers exercised at will - her totally unknown philosophy of Life - her first efforts made with the Spiritualists.



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