Convention of American Section held in April, 1892, immediately following Olcott's resignation - great growth of the Section - letters from Olcott read - Judge reviews the year since H.P.B.'s death - pays tribute to Annie Besant - convention resolutions in regard to Olcott - Olcott requested to withdraw his resignation - request cabled to Olcott - Olcott replies must wait to hear from
all the Sections - Convention re-elects Judge General Secretary - votes for Judge for President in case Olcott adheres to his resignation - American Convention's recommendation to British Convention for July, 1892 - advises same action in regard to Olcott's resignation as its own - Mrs. Besant gets out private circular urging Judge for President - Olcott writes to British Convention - intimates willingness to withdraw resignation - Convention nevertheless votes for Judge and to accept resignation - Olcott in a quandary - encouraged by Judge - Judge sends him message from Masters - Olcott decides to withdraw resignation and remain President - Judge publishes Olcott's notice and informs American Branches.
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