H.P.B. dies May 8, 1891 - Her life an open book to friend and foe - remains today as much a mystery as then - Theosophists never studied her life in the light of her teachings regarded personally even by her most devoted followers - judged at second hand on hearsay and opinion by the world and by Theosophists - weighed by trifles - her teachings and her works the true evidence of her Mission and her nature - no fact adduced by her ever overthrown by counter-evidence - her theories as unimpeachable as ever - her life and her message absolutely consistent - her followers and detractors weighed in same scale make a sorry showing - her Messages to the American Theosophists prove her sage and prophet - her "dying declaration" - "My Books" - "Isis Unveiled" a Message from the Masters - every word of her teachings from the Masters of the Wisdom - no charge against her ever substantiated - her inexhaustible philanthropy - the price she paid to serve mankind.
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Larkspur CO 80118
United States
(303) 681-2028
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