The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

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The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

By John Garrigues and others

Growing Divergences - Olcott Resigns As President

The old issues once more aroused - The Theosophical Movement one thing - the Theosophical Society quite another - the criteria applicable to Theosophical history - Altruism the self-professed Object of the Fellows of the T.S. - Altruism and Theosophy the self-pledged objectives of the members of the E.S.T. - Fellows of the T.S. must be weighed in the scales of their own conduct, not that of others - members of the Esoteric Section by their allegiance to their voluntary Pledges, not by worldly standards - the war of ideas within a year after H.P.B.'s death - official report of the Adyar Convention of 1891 - Olcott's Presidential Address - great importance of Olcott's declarations - Judge meets the issue - publishes article on "The Future and the Theosophical Society" - quotes a letter of H.P.B.'s - her vision of the coming strife - "a few earnest Theosophists" - "in a death struggle with nominal and ambitious Theosophists" - the dangers now the same as always - the Society not a "School for Occultism" - must flourish on its moral worth not on phenomena - members must be "true to themselves" - Judge corrects Olcott's Presidential remarks on H.P.B. - Judge declares H.P.B. knew she was going - decries attempts to create bogies - a thunderbolt in the Society - Olcott resigns the Presidency - Judge publishes official correspondence and takes charge as Vice-President, March, 1892 - secret of Olcott's sudden resignation a mystery to this day - the hidden facts disclosed - Olcott indiscreet at London in summer of 1891 - charges of "grave immorality" made by Miss Muller - Mrs. Besant excited by the charges - comes to New York to see Judge - demands Judge force Olcott's resignation - Judge writes Olcott - suggests he resign if charges are true - Olcott denies charges but tenders resignation - Olcott's fatal blunder - proud and sensitive - cannot endure contumely and calumny - Judge writes him loyally.



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