Adyar Parliament at end of 1892 - Olcott's Presidential address - explains his resignation as due to ill-health - ready now to continue to the end as a "sacrifice demanded by the best interests of the Society" - names Judge as his successor - adverts once more to "Adyar" as the centre of the Movement - admit Adyar Convention merely an informal gathering - "only 5 Branches out of 145 really doing satisfactory work" in the Indian Section - Indian Branches mainly exist on paper - First Object makes no appeal to Indian membership - trouble in the E.S.T. - due to Mrs. Besant's private circular preceding Convention of British Section - Judge issues notice in the E.S.T. - the School has no connection officially with the T.S. - members free to act according to their own judgment - Mrs. Besant's private circular stirs up Olcott's friends - her action ascribed to Judge's influence - Mrs. Besant issues circular to the Esoteric School explaining her action - Judge's effort to shield Mrs. Besant - and restore harmony in the Society and the E.S.T. - why the circular was jointly signed - members too prone to follow authorities - would not "cultivate self-reliance and develop the intuition" - the bane of "successorship" - H.P.B. declared in "Isis" that "apostolic succession is a gross and palpable fraud" - the "successorship" idea among Theosophist after H.P.B.'s death - Duchesse de Pomar hailed as H.P.B.'s "successor" - then Annie Besant in England and Judge in America - Judge tells the reporters "H.P.B. was sui generis" - "she can have no successor" - claims of mediums and "Occultists" to be H.P.B.'s "successor" - the case of Henry B. Foulke - Judge's two letters on the subject to the Wilkes-Barre Times - Mrs. Besant reprints Judge's letters in Lucifer - Olcott declares himself on "successorship" claims - "Blavatsky nascitur, non fit" - Olcott begins the publication of "Old Diary Leaves" in The Theosophist for March, 1892 - their effect on the Society and the Movement - "Old Diary Leaves" ostensible purpose to give a "true history of the Theosophical Society" - the actual motive to pull down H.P.B. to the common level - the real animus not disclosed till 1895 - contradictory views of H.P.B. held by Olcott and others - the "real H.P.B." unknown to Olcott - some hints for the intuitional-minded on "our Brother, H.P.B."
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