The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

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The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

By John Garrigues and others

Isis Unveiled

"Isis Unveiled" a Master Key to the mysteries of science and religion, modern and ancient - dedicated to the Theosophical Society with whose "Three Objects" its teachings are in correlation - discusses the roots of all religion, the negations of science, and the phenomena of Spiritualism - declares all three before a blank wall only to be penetrated by recourse to the wisdom of the ancient sages - affirms the existence of the Wisdom-Religion as the true Source of the Theosophical Movement in all ages - H.P.B. avows her own intimate acquaintance with living Adepts - phenomenal powers over space, time and matter - proves the fallacies of "exact" science by the testimony of its own exponents - all claims of religious "infallibility" mere theological dogmas - raised her voice for spiritual freedom and enfranchisement from all tyranny whether of Science or Theology - postulates a double evolution, spiritual and intellectual - the Wisdom-Religion the only philosophy which can reconcile faith and knowledge - Metempsychosis, in its esoteric sense - the solution of the "missing links" in Science and the mysteries that baffle religionists - ancient Magic a Divine Science - Cyclic Law, or Karma, the explanation of the rise and fall of civilizations - the periodic destructions and renovations of Nature - every problem of existence solved by the Wise Men of old - the secret and unbroken chain of the Adepts of the Great Lodge - the great propositions of Occultism - there is no miracle, everything under Law (Karma) - Spirit, Mind and Matter the evolving Trinity in Nature and in Man - Adeptship versus Mediumship - the Trinity of Nature the lock of Magic - the Trinity of Man the Key that fits it.



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