The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

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The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

By John Garrigues and others


After the split in 1895 - Mrs. Besant alters the "Pledge" - puts her own and Leadbeater's writings on a par with H.P.B.'s - Judge holds true to the line - but sickens and dies March 21, 1896 - The Tingley "Successorship" myth - E.T. Hargrove and others hold a "General E.S.T. Meeting," March 29, 1896 - they announce to the members that "Judge left an occult heir" - the circular of April 3, 1898 - the statements of the "Council" and the "Minutes" of the meeting of March 29 - the identity of the "Successor" to be kept secret for one year - the whole claim rests on "messages" from the dead W.Q. Judge - not a scrap is the physical handwriting of the living W.Q. Judge produced then or since - the real explanation - the secret meeting at Mrs. Tingley's home on March 26, 1898 - the American Theosophists accept the Tingley "Successorship" - the Convention of 1896 - Mrs. Tingley disclosed as the "Successor" - the "Crusade - frictions begin - Hargrove resigns - another secret meeting at Mrs. Tingley's home - the "Universal Brotherhood" planned - the Convention of February, 1898 - Hargrove and his friends "bolt" the Convention - the war of recriminations - the members follow Mrs. Tingley - Hargrove's "E.S.T." circular - the degradation of both wings of the old Society - offshoots from Tingleyism - Hargrove's "T.S. in A." - the "Temple of the People" - the "T.S. of New York" - Dr. Buck and "The T.K." - Mrs. Alice L. Cleather and her "pupil" - the "Blavatsky Association" - the Besant-Olcott fragment - Leadbeater the "power behind the throne" of Mrs. Besant - Leadbeater admits infamous teachings to boys - resigns from the T.S. - Olcott dies - Mrs. Besant claims "Successorship" to President-Founder - More charges and counter-charges - Leadbeater invited back to the T.S. - the "Coming Christ" - the "Liberal Catholic Church" - complete reversion of the T.S. - its offshoots - Dr. Rudolph Steiner and the "Anthroposophical Society" - Max Heindel and his "Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception" - other "Occult" societies.



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