The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

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The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

By John Garrigues and others

Mabel Collins And Professor Coues

The Esoteric Section promptly brings about Pledge Fever in the T.S. - the great storm of 1889-90 - Mabel Collins and Prof. Coues the conscious and unconscious instruments - Mabel Collins joins London Lodge is 1884 - a "psychic" with no knowledge of Occultism - medium for "Light on the Path" and "The Gates of Gold" - becomes Associate Editor of Lucifer with H.P.B. - acquires great Theosophical reputation - suddenly dropped from Lucifer in February, 1889 - Prof. Coues of Catholic descent and training - highly educated - noted scientific authority and writer - interested in "psychical research" - joins T.S. at London in 1884 - becomes member of American Board of Control - establishes the Gnostic Branch of the American Section T.S., at Washington, D. C. - aids in establishing an American Society for Psychical Research - tries to control T.S. in United States - Judge's cautions - Coues corresponds with H.P.B., Judge and Olcott, trying to set them at odds with each other - Olcott nearly succumbs - letter from Olcott to Coues - Coues made Chairman at American Section Convention of 1888 at Chiemo - gives the Chicago Tribune a spurious "Mahatma message" - admits it to Judge - denies it to H.P.B. - his letters to Judge and H.P.B. - his hypocrisy and thirst for notoriety and power - H.P.B. replies to him - speaks plainly - refuses to countenance his "messages" or his ambitions - he demands to be made head of the American Section as the price of his allegiance - his offer rejected - not present at the Convention of April, 1889.



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