The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

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The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

By John Garrigues and others

Present And Future Of The Theosophical Movement

Has the Theosophical Movement been a failure? - Cyclic Law - Centenary efforts since fourteenth century - H.P.B.'s mission the fifth - Mediumship and psychism inevitable concomitants of the public Movement - the Movement has not failed - spread of Theosophical ideas - they permeate religion, philosophy, and science today - the signs and evidences - the real aim of H.P.B. achieved - the Masters never fail - what of the future of the Theosophical Movement? - 1925 its nadir point - the first and Seconds Sections still active as always - signs of their work - Nirmanakayas - true Disciples known by their fruits - Edmond Holmes - "The Creed of Buddha" - the Angarika Dharmapala - B.P. Wadia - Julia H. Scott - Robert Crosbie - the United Lodge of Theosophists - the magazine Theosophy - the "changing Buddhi-Manas of the race" - due to incarnation of the pioneers of the "Sixth Sub-Race" - the destiny of the Movement until 1975.



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