The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

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The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

By John Garrigues and others

The S.P.R. And The Theosophical Phenomena

The Society for Psychical Research preceded by the Dialectical Society - that Society investigates Spiritualism in 1889 - publishes its Report is 1870 - concludes phenomena of Spiritualism are genuine - transcend all known laws - should be investigated scientifically - criticisms of the Report by London papers - Professor Crookes investigates Spiritualism - publishes his results in 1872 - Mr. Crookes assailed as savagely as Darwin - no advance in understanding of Spiritualistic phenomena during next ten years - the "Unseen Universe" - the Society for Psychical Research established in 1882 - its chief sponsors Spiritualists - some of them members of the Theosophical Society also - many well-known men and women join the S.P.R. - it begins its investigation of the "Theosophical phenomena" in the summer of 1884 - Olcott, Sinnett, Chatterji and others examined - H.P.B. interviewed - many other witnesses to the phenomena of H.P.B. give testimony - Preliminary Report of the S.P.R. issued in the fall of 1884 - admits the prima facie genuineness of the phenomena - reservations due to the charges just made in India by the Coulombs against the good faith of H.P.B. - declares a further investigation necessary in India - appoints Mr. Richard Hodgson for that purpose - the story of the Coulomb charges of fraud against H.P.B. - H.P.B. ship-wrecked in 1871 - goes to Cairo - meets Madame Coulomb - is succored by her - starts a society to investigate Western Spiritualism - the attempt a failure - H.P.B. returns to Russia in 1872 - goes to Paris and then to New York in 1873 - Madame Coulomb marries in Egypt - meets with reverses - is living in poverty in Ceylon when H.P.B. and Col. Olcott come to India - the Coulombs appeal for aid - go to India - join the Theosophical Society in 1880 - are given employment at headquarters - Madame Coulomb a bigoted Christian and Spiritualist medium - becomes jealous of H.P.B.'s successful mission - tries to extort money from members - circulates slanders about H.P.B. - is brought to "trial" by the members of the Council during absence of H.P.B. and Olcott in Europe in the summer of 1884 - the Coulombs communicate with Madras missionaries - are expelled from the Theosophical Society - are supported by the missionaries - the Coulomb charges published in the Christian College Magazine and in a pamphlet - the outburst occasioned.



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