The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

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The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

By John Garrigues and others

The American Section Declares Its Autonomy And Elects Judge Its Life-President

Proceedings in America - Judge writes the Westminster Gazette and New York Sun - deals with situation fully and frankly - publishes "The Prayag Letter" in The Path for March, 1895 - declares it a genuine "message from the Masters" - the history of the "Prayag Message" - originally sent in 1881 - from Masters to Brahmins - sent through H.P.B. - Judge throws down the gauntlet to his adversaries - says whole "case" against him due to his defense of H.P.B. - makes public that Olcott, Mrs. Besant, Sinnett and others have been making privately same charges against H.P.B - invites Col. Olcott and Mrs. Besant to make public statement regarding "The Prayag Letter" - The "Message" is full - Mrs. Besant replies in Lucifer - "I do not regard the message as genuine" - Olcott comes out in the open - his "Postscript" in the Supplement to The Theosophist for April, 1895 - "the message a false one" - "the simple theory of mediumship" accounts for H.P.B. - Sinnett says "I never in my life called Mme. Blavatsky a fraud" - the proof positive out of Sinnett's own mouth that be did just that - the original of the "Prayag message" in the handwriting of H.P.B. - the original was in Sinnett's hands all the time - published since his death in The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - both Judge and H.P.B. vindicated completely the text of the Mahatma Letters - the American Convention of April, 1895 - The Convention adopts Resolutions to withdraw officially from the T.S. and become The Theosophical Society in America - adopts a Constitution - elects Judge President for life - draws up a Letter to the forthcoming British Convention - text of the Letter - the British Convention meets July 4, 1895 - tables the Letter from the American Theosophists - split in the British Convention - Olcott issues another Executive Notice - admits legality of the action of the American Convention - cancels all diplomas and charter of Americans - refuses all official intercourse - expresses good-will - Judge's "Reply" to Mrs. Besant's "Case against W.Q. Judge" - the "Cases" analysed - never any evidence against Judge - the whole "Case" rests on suspicions and "psychic revelations."



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