The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

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The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

By John Garrigues and others

The American Section Supports Judge

The real issue Theosophy or the Society - Chelas or mediums - Brotherhood or sectarianism - how Judge acted on receipt of Olcott's "ultimatum" - addresses a circular March 15, 1894, to all members of the T.S. - lays bare, the facts - refuses to resign - announces his readiness to meet any charges - denies any wrong-doing - admits receiving and delivering messages from Masters - declares them genuine - never courted publicity - says no one but a genuine chela can determine what is or is not a "message" - the charges a distinct violation of Constitution of Society - make a dogma out of Masters and Messages - an assault on liberty of conscience - will meet his accusers - Judge's circular widely distributed - its frankness and fairness in meeting all issues - Bertram Keightley and George Mead receive copies of charges and Judge's reply - their sense of honor and fair play outraged - they address an open letter to Col. Olcott as General Secretaries of Indian and British Sections - charge Olcott with violation of Constitution and the principles of Brotherhood - declare the matter at issue one of personal opinion and barred from constitutional attack - Olcott follows up his first letter to Judge with another - invites Judge to "prove himself innocent" and suspends him from Vice-Presidency - sets the "trial" to be held at London in July, 1894 - Mrs. Besant leaves India to return to England and carry the fight against Judge before the British Section Convention - the American Section Convention meets in April, 1894 - unanimously votes confidence in Judge - re-elects him General Secretary - charges Olcott with violation of the Constitution - demands that if Judge's "messages" are investigated those of Sinnett, Mrs. Besant, Col. Olcott and others be also investigated at the same time - declares for freedom of opinion and belief in the Society - votes to reimburse Judge for the expenses he has been put to because of the charges against him.



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