The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

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The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

By John Garrigues and others

The Coues-Collins Charges And Their Aftermath

Coues sends a letter to the Religio-Philosophical Journal of May 11, 1889 - Bundy, Coleman, Michael Angelo Lane and Mabel Collins enlisted in Coues' campaign to ruin Judge and H.P.B. - Coues' letter jeers at the "Theosophical mahatmas" - quotes a letter from Mabel Collins - says he never met Miss Collins personally - wrote her first in 1885 asking real source of "Light on the Path" - she replied that it was "dictated to her by one of the adepts" of H.P.B. - no intervening communication - now "unexpectedly" he receives letter which he gives - Miss Collins declares her original statement false - knows nothing of existence of any Master - made her false statement because H.P.B. "begged and implored" her to - the Coues-Collins' charges critically examined - show Coues a conscienceless schemer and Mabel Collins a mediumistic dupe of Coues - their combined testimony proved false from their own evidence - collateral and chronological facts show baselessness and impossibility of allegations in regard to H.P.B. - aftermath of events - Mabel Collins sues H.P.B. for libel - her own attorneys dismiss the suit on being shown a letter of Mabel Collins in H.P.B.'s possession - the real mysteries involved in the origin of Collins' "inspired" books - Mabel Collins a "failure in occultism" - dismissed, with M.A. Lane, from the Esoteric Section - Coues never a member of the Section - admission refused him.



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