The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

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The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

By John Garrigues and others

The Eastern Division And Western Division

The calm after the storm of the "Judicial Committee" in July, 1894 - the lesson of the "Enquiry" - "occult phenomena cannot be proved" - no part of the business of the Theosophical Society - phenomena no evidence of morality or ethics - can be performed by mediums and "black magicians" as well as Chelas and Adepts - H.P.B. 's mission philosophical and ethical - not to supply a demonstration of the Occult Science - her phenomena incidental and unavoidable to her Mission - phenomena never made public by either H.P.B. or Judge in first instance - the "Judge case" a testing out of the "Esoteric Section" - further extracts from the Preliminary Memorandum - rules and purpose of the E.S.T. - conduct of Olcott, Besant, et. al., gross violation of their own Pledges in Occultism - clear evidence of their total failure as "probationary Chelas" - the warnings given to Mrs. Besant in the school - aftermath of the "Judicial Enquiry" - how the matter was settled for the time in the E.S.T. - the joint circular of Mrs. Besant and Mr. Judge to the Members, August, 1894 - its history and re-organization recited - the agreement reached - Mrs. Besant to conduct the "Eastern Division" and Mr. Judge the "Western Division" - "time must be allowed" for the restoration of tranquillity - Mr. Judge the real Agent of H.P.B. in the School - Mrs. Besant "Recorder of the teachings" - her failure as "Recorder" - her corruption of the "Secret Doctrine" - her spurious Third Volume - her boldness in publishing misrepresentations of fact and philosophy - she puts an utter falsehood in the mouth of H.P.B. - declares H.P.B. "Professed faith in the gods" - Mrs. Besant's loss of ethical balance whenever her statements questioned or her actions impugned.



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