The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

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The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

By John Garrigues and others

The Judicial Enquiry In London

Olcott's position in spring of 1894 - determined to "fight it out to the hilt" this time - feels master of the situation due to alliance with Mrs. Besant - his other aids - Walter Old's help - Old determines to return to England with Mrs. Besant - Old an astrologer and "psychic" with many English friends - Olcott's panegyrics on Mrs. Besant - his signed article in The Theosophist on Mrs. Besant - his attitude toward Judge contrasted with his deification of Mrs. Besant - makes Mrs. Besant his viceregal agent - grants her carte blanche in Australasia - the significance of this - Olcott and Mrs. Besant natural autocrats - no idea of democracy - the bombshell of Keightley and Mead's rebellion - this situation reversed - Olcott now fearful of defeat - consults his advisers - sends out a new Official Notice - tries to explain situation - announces his decision to go to England - his "explanation" examined - the battlefield transferred to England - The "Judicial Committee" meets at London in July, 1894 - Mrs. Besant, Olcott and others confer - the case thrashed out in Committee - Judge attends the session of the Committee - remains silent - Committee in hard case - points raised by Judge inescapable - Judge announces his readiness to be "tried" - the Committee controlled by Besant and Olcott - they fear Judge can "prove his innocence" if tried - they reverse themselves - Olcott makes a speech - declares case cannot constitutionally be tried - the Committee decides it has "no jurisdiction" - the action taken a complete exposure of the animus of the persecution - the "Enquiry" a farce.



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