The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

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The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925

By John Garrigues and others

The New York Sun Libel Case

Professor Coues' case taken up by Judge - the Executive Committee of the American Section expels Coues from the T.S. - the Convention in April, 1890, approves the expulsion - the Gnostic Branch dischartered - Coues plans revenge - the New York Sun joins in the fray - calls H.P.B. an "impostor," lauds Coues for exposing her "humbug religion" - followed by full page interview with Coues - he rehashes all the old slanders on H.P.B. - charges Judge with duplicating in America H.P.B.'s frauds in England - the "mahatmas" a hoax and their "messages" invented by H.P.B. and Judge - charges H.P.B. with immorality - Judge brings suit for libel against Sun - H.P.B. follows - her letter in The Path - no evasion of the issues - the Sun fights the case for two years - no evidence obtainable to support the charges made - the Sun publishes in 1892 a full retraction and repudiates Coues - retraction accompanied by publication in Sun of a long article by Judge in defense of H.P.B. - Sun says editorially "Mr. Judge's article disposes of all questions regarding Madame Blavatsky as resented by Dr. Coues" - the Sun libel case a complete vindication of H.P.B. - infamy of subsequent reiteration of exploded slanders by Count Witte and Margot Tennant - Coues disgraced by outcome of suits - retires to obscurity - importance of the Coues-Collins-Sun battle - should be familiar to all students.



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