The Upanishads, Part 1

Masonic, Occult and Esoteric Online Library

The Upanishads, Part 1

By Max Müller

II, 4

1. Let a man meditate on the fivefold Sâman in all waters. When the clouds gather, that is the hi?kâra; when it rains, that is the prastâva that which flows in the east 2, that is the udgîtha that which flows in the west 3, that is the pratihâra the sea is the nidhana.

2. He does not die in water 4, nay, he is rich in water who knowing this meditates on the fivefold Sâman as all waters.

24:2 The Ganges, &c. Comm.

24:3 The Narmadâ, &c. Comm.

24:4 The commentator adds, 'unless he wishes to die in the Ganges.'



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