The Upanishads, Part II

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The Upanishads, Part II

By Max Müller

Brihadâranyaka Upanishad V-10

1. When the person goes away from this world, he comes to the wind. Then the wind makes room for him, like the hole of a carriage wheel, and through it he mounts higher. He comes to the sun. Then the sun makes room for him, like the hole of a Lambara 2, and through it he mounts higher. He comes to the moon. Then the moon makes room for him, like the hole of a drum, and through it he mounts higher, and arrives at the world where there is no sorrow, no snow 3. There he dwells eternal years.

193:2 A musical instrument.

193:3 The commentator explains hima by bodily pain, but snow is much more characteristic.



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