The Upanishads, Part II

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The Upanishads, Part II

By Max Müller

Taittirîyaka Upanishad I,10

1. 'I am he who shakes the tree (i.e. the tree of the world, which has to be cut down by knowledge). 2. My glory is like the top of a mountain. 3. I, whose pure light (of knowledge) has risen high, am that which is truly immortal, as it resides in the sun.

4. I am the brightest treasure. 5. I am wise, immortal, imperishable 1.' 6. This is the teaching of the Veda, by the poet Trisa?ku.

52:1 This verse has been translated as the commentator wishes it to be understood, in praise of that knowledge of Self which is only to be obtained after all other duties, and, more particularly, the study of the Veda, have been performed. The text is probably corrupt, and the interpretation fanciful.



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