The Upanishads, Part II

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The Upanishads, Part II

By Max Müller

Taittirîyaka Upanishad II,1

Harih, Om! May it (the Brahman) protect us both (teacher and pupil)! May it enjoy us both! May we acquire strength together! May our knowledge become bright! May we never quarrel! Peace! peace! peace 1!

He who knows the Brahman attains the highest (Brahman). On this the following verse is recorded:

'He who knows Brahman, which is (i.e. cause, not effect), which is conscious, which is without end, as hidden in the depth (of the heart), in the highest ether, he enjoys all blessings, at one with the omniscient Brahman.'

From that Self 2 (Brahman) sprang ether (âkâsa, that through which we hear); from ether air (that through which we hear and feel); from air fire (that through which we hear, feel, and see); from fire water (that through which we hear, feel, see, and taste); from water earth (that through which we hear, feel, see, taste, and smell). From earth herbs, from herbs food, from food seed, from seed man. Man thus consists of the essence of food. This is his head, this his right arm, this his left arm, this his trunk (Âtman), this the seat (the support) 1.

On this there is also the following Sloka:

54:1 Not counted here as an Anuvâka. The other Anuvâkas are divided into a number of small sentences.

54:2 Compare with this srishtikrama, Khând. Up. VI, 2; Ait. Âr. II, 4, 1.



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