The Upanishads, Part II

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The Upanishads, Part II

By Max Müller

Taittirîyaka Upanishad II,9

He who knows the bliss of that Brahman, from whence all speech, with the mind, turns away unable to reach it, he fears nothing 2.'

He does not distress himself with the thought, Why did I not do what is good? Why did I do what is bad? He who thus knows these two (good and bad), frees himself. He who knows both, frees himself 3. This is the Upanishad 4.

63:1 Cf. II, 4.

63:2 Even if there is no fear from anything else, after the knowledge of Self and Brahman has been obtained, it might be thought that fear might still arise from the commission of evil deeds, and the omission of good works. Therefore the next paragraphs have been added.

63:3 The construction of these two sentences is not clear to me.

63:4 Here follows the Anukramanî, and in some MSS. the same invocation with which the next Vallî begins.



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