The Works of Dionysius the Areopagite

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The Works of Dionysius the Areopagite

By John Parker

Books to Be Read

Vindiciae Areopagaticae, 1702.

Hilduinus Areopagatica, 9th Century, Galenus, 1563.

L’Abbé Barras, St. Denis, premier evêque de Paris, 1863. Vives. Paris.

J, Baltenweck, La question de l’authenticité des écrits Rixheim, J. Sutter.

Vidieu, St. Denis l’Areopagite, 1889. Firmin Didot.

Canon Bernard, St. Trophime d’Arles, 1888.

Schneider, "Areopagitica," Regensburg, 1884.

Manz. Jahn, "Dionysiaca," 1889.

Altona. Millet, "Responsio ad De duobus Dionysiis," 1642.

Pearson, "Ignatii vindiciae," with two letters of "Vossius." Cambridge.

Erasmus, "Ratio verae, religionis," and "Institutio."

Hippolytus, "Refutation of all heresies," 1859. Göttingen.

Dexter’s Chronicon, Migne, Tom. 31.

Myrothecum sacrorum Elaeochrismaton, 1625-7.

The Conversion of India, George Smith, C.I.E., John Murray, 1893.

Launoy, 1660.

Daillé, 1666.

Montet, 1848.

Hipler, 1861.

Nirschl, 1888, Histpolit Blatter, p. 172-184, and p. 257-270 1

In British Museum there are about 30 Editions, and 40 Treatises, and the Book of Hierotheus (Add. Rich. 7189), translation of which is promised by Professor A. L. Frothingham. Leyden, E. J. Brill.

In Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, 12 Editions. Avignon, 16 Editions, between 1498 and 1600. Leyden, superb MSS. with marginal scholia, 15th century.

In Rome there are many editions. Unfortunately the Codex produced at the Greek and Latin Council, in the Lateran, A.D. 660, is not in the Vatican, the whole Library in the tower of Santa Francisca having been destroyed in 1219. There is, in the Vatican, a letter in Latin from Dionysius to St. Paul, in which he speaks of the beauty of the blessed Virgin, no doubt as seen in death. There is another pathetic letter to Timothy describing the martyrdom of St. Paul, and his own desolation. In the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, there is an autobiography in Syriac, in which it is stated that when St. Paul described the Crucifixion in his speech at Athens, Dionysius sent to fetch his notes, made in Egypt, which were publicly read and found to agree with St. Paul, both as to day and hour. It says, St. Paul’s visit to Athens was fourteen years after the darkness in Egypt, which would place the conversion of Dionysius A.D. 44.

Page PRINCIPAL WORKS ON DIONYSIUS THE AREOPAGITE v BOOKS TO BE READ vi WORKS AGAINST GENUINENESS ib. Preface to the "Divine Names" ix DIVINE NAMES 1 Note -- Ignatius 128 Preface to Mystic Theology 129 MYSTIC THEOLOGY 130 Preface to the Letters of Dionysius the Areopagite 139 LETTERS OF DIONYSIUS THE AREOPAGITE 141 Preface to Liturgy 185 LITURGY OF ST DIONYSIUS, BISHOP OF THE ATHENIANS 187 OBJECTIONS TO GENUINENESS 202
vi:1 See Science de Dieu, Schneider II. vol. p. 229. Manz, 1886.



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