The Works of Dionysius the Areopagite

Masonic, Occult and Esoteric Online Library

The Works of Dionysius the Areopagite

By John Parker

Mystic Theology Caput IV

That the pre-eminent Cause of every object of sensible perception is none of the objects of sensible perception.


WE say then- that the Cause of all, which is above all, is neither without being, nor without life--nor with- out reason, nor without mind, nor is a body--nor has shape--nor form--nor quality, or quantity, or bulk--nor is in a place--nor is seen--nor has sensible contact--nor perceives, nor is perceived, by the senses--nor has disorder and confusion, as being vexed by earthly passions,--nor is powerless, as being subject to casualties of sense,--nor is in need of light;--neither is It, nor has It, change, or decay, or division, or deprivation, or flux,--or any other of the objects of sense.



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