Theosophy An Introductory Study Course

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Theosophy An Introductory Study Course

By John Algeo

Parallel Organizations

Several bodies are organizationally independent of the Theosophical Society, but share a Theosophical view of life and have historical connections with the Society through an overlap of both leading figures and membership. Among them are the following:
ESOTERIC SCHOOL OF THEOSOPHY. This school for personal development and service to humanity was founded by HPB near the end of her life. Application for membership in the ES, as it is familiarly called, may be made after a person has been a member of the Theosophical Society for several years. Members must follow a vegetarian diet and certain other practices of health and discipline. The American center of the ES is at Krotona in Ojai, California.

THEOSOPHICAL ORDER OF SERVICE. This organization to coordinate the practical expression of Theosophical ideals was founded by Annie Besant. It has among its departments Animal Welfare, Arts and Music, Ecology, Family, Healing, Peace, and Social Service.
Membership is not restricted to members of the Theosophical Society. 
THEOSOPHICAL BOOK GIFT INSTITUTE. This American organization has no membership, but makes an annual appeal for support. It distributes free books to libraries.

EASTERN ORDER OF INTERNATIONAL CO-FREEMASONRY. This form of Masonry, which admits both men and women, was reformed by Annie Besant. It conducts traditional Masonic ceremonies with an awareness of their spiritual significance. 

Caldwell, The Esoteric World of Madame Blavatsky.
Cranston, HPB: The Extraordinary Life and Influence of Helena Blavatsky.
Ellwood, Theosophy, appendix A “A Brief History of Modern Theosophy.”
Mills, 100 Years of Theosophy.
Ransom, A Short History of the Theosophical Society.
Schweizer, The Theosophical Society in America (DVD).

Theosophical Society (international):
Theosophical Society in America:
Olcott School of Theosophy:
Theosophical Order of Service:
Eastern Order of International Co-Freemasonry:

 1. Why is there need for a Theosophical Society in addition to Theosophy?

2. Who were some of the chief figures in the history of the Theosophical Society, and what were their roles?

3. How is Theosophy especially harmonious with modern thought and culture, as indicated by its influence on important figures and by activities of the Society’s members?
4. In what ways is the Ancient Wisdom relevant to modern life?  



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