Theosophy An Introductory Study Course

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Theosophy An Introductory Study Course

By John Algeo

The International And National Societies

Today the Theosophical Society still has its international headquarters at Adyar and is now represented in about seventy countries of the world. The Adyar estate is a large one, originally on the outskirts of the city of Madras, but now surrounded by the city. It includes the main administrative building, which goes back to HPB and Olcott’s day, and many other structures: Leadbeater Chambers, a residence hall especially for Western visitors; a variety of other residences and administrative buildings; the Adyar Library, which houses one of the most important collections of early palm-leaf manuscripts in the world; the Theosophical Publishing House; the Olcott School for deprived children; a social services center for young mothers and a nursery for their children; an animal dispensary; temples of various world religions; a Masonic Temple; gardens such as the Garden of Remembrance, where the ashes of some distinguished Theosophists are deposited; and much else. The School of the Wisdom at Adyar has two terms a year, conducted by guest directors from all over the world.

The first national organization, or “Section,” of the Society was that in the United States, followed by many others around the world. The national center of the Theosophical Society in America, called “Olcott” after the president-founder, has been located in Wheaton, Illinois, a western suburb of Chicago, since 1926.

The Olcott estate consists of more than forty acres with a main building whose cornerstone was laid in 1926 by Annie Besant with full Masonic ceremony. That building, now called the L. W. Rogers Building after the National President who oversaw its construction, houses the administrative offices of the national organization, the national library, an auditorium, a classroom, a meditation room, and some residential rooms for the staff and visitors. The estate also includes the Theosophical Publishing House and Quest Bookshop in what is now called the Joy Mills Building after the National President who built it, as well as a variety of service buildings and staff housing. There are also a pond, gardens, groves, lawns, recreation and meditation areas, a labyrinth, and a Garden of Remembrance. 



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