Thrice-Greatest Hermes, Vol. 3

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Thrice-Greatest Hermes, Vol. 3

By G.R.S. Mead


Aah-Tehuti, i. 66.

Aahlu, Territory of Illumination, i. 70.

Aall, i. 33.

Aan, i. 55.

Ab, i. 89.

Abammon, the Teacher, iii. 285.

Abbot Olympius, Story of, i. 384.

Abercius, ii. 55.

Abortion, i. 335, ii. 366.

Abraham, i. 253.

Abraxas, i. 82, 402.

Abraxoid, i. 82.

Abydos, i. 292.

Abyss, i. 408, ii. 27, 80, 81, 269.

Accuser, blind, iii. 281.

Achaab, the Husbandman, ii. 265.

Achæa, i. 350.

Acharantus, the Husbandman, ii. 265.

Achemides, i. 400.

Active Principle, the, i. 225.

Acts of John, i. 236, ii. 55, 238, iii. 157; mystery ritual in, i. 182, 183, ii. 243, iii. 156.

Acts of Philip, i. 147.

Adam, i. 115, 149, iii. 277, 281; body of, i. 281; celestial, i. 146.

Adam (J.), i. 336.

Adam Kadmon, i. 146.

Adamant, i. 392.

Adamas, i. 146, 159, 161.

Adams (see Marsham).

Adomenon, iii. 305.

Adonis, i. 151, 156, 294.

Adoration of images, ii. 286.

Adrasteia, i. 430, iii. 116.

Advent, ii. 171.

Adversary, Agree with thine, iii. 281.

Æacus, i. 303.

Ælian, i. 103.

Æon, i. 66, 92, ii. 128, 175, 232, 370, iii. 117, 161; become, ii. 190; birth of the, iii. 160; circle of infinitude, i. 399; communities of the, in Phœnicia, i. 403; demiurgic, i. 410; eternity or, iii. 91; feast of the, i. 403; in Theurgic literature, i. 410; Logos, i. 406; Mithriac, i. 399; in Plato, i. 404; song of praise to the, i. 408; is not time, i. 405; boundary of all universes, i. 392; wealth-giving, i. 402.

Æon or Æons, i. 182, ii. 240.

Æon-doctrine, the, i. 387, ii. 190.

Æonian Essence Above, i. 152.

Æonic Consciousness, ii. 244; Immensities of Egypt, i. 407.

Æonology, ii. 32, 192, 248; Hellenistic origin of, i. 401, 405.

Æons, ii. 373; father of the, i. 411; hymn of the, ii. 43; Great Silence, Mother of, ii. 241; of Pleroma, i. 408, ii. 245; “rootage” of, ii. 317; type of the, ii. 282.

Aerolites, iii. 53.

Æsculapius, cult of, i. 468.

Æther, i. 84, 101, iii. 50, 98, 101, 125; the height of the, i. 233; quintessence or, ii. 92; Mighty Whirlpool, i. 451.

Æthiopia (see Ethiopia), i. 188, 281.

Æthiopian queen, i. 316.

Again-becoming, ii. 76, 83.

Agamemnon, i. 446.

Agathodaimon, i. 85, 98, 105, 109, 479, ii. 213, iii. 156, 157, 163;

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[paragraph continues]Osiris disciple of, i. 478, iii. 261; literature, iii. 257, 316; sayings of, iii. 310, 316; type, iii. 261.

Age, Golden, iii. 135; of seven years, iii. 37.

Agree with thine adversary, iii. 281.

Agrippa (Cornelius), i. 13.

Ahriman, i. 325, 326, 400.

Ahura Mazda (see Ormuzd), i, 326.

Aion, Reitzenstein's monograph on, i. 387.

Aipolos, i. 175, 177.

Air, ii. 342, iii. 66, 129, 210.

Air very air, iii. 17.

Air-spaces, iii. 205.

Akasha-Ganga, i. 110.

Akhmim, i. 282.

Akron, i. 364.

Ajax, i. 446.

Alalkomeneus, i. 148, 286.

Alaric, ii. 401.

Albinus, iii. 227.

Alchemist, the true, ii. 139.

Alethophilus, i. 13.

Alexander, brother of Philo, i. 204; Cornelius (Polyhistor), i. 164.

Alexandria, i. 99, 301; Jewish colony of, i. 204; Library of, i. 197.

Alexandrian religio-philosophy, i. 200.

Alexandrine Gnostics and fourth gospel, i. 38.

Alexarchus, i. 314.

Alkyoneus, i. 149.

All, ii. 310; in all, ii. 221; calumniators of the, ii. 228; genesis of the, i. 406; and Good, ii. 175; master of the, i. 409; and one, ii. 118; is one, ii. 213, 268, 308, 309; one and, i. 136, ii. 230, 344; threefold divided, i. 165; perfected, ii. 255.

All-Father Mind, ii. 8.

All-form, ii. 185, 194.

All-god, Hymn to, ii. 108.

All-goodness, ii. 344.

All-perfection, iii. 255.

All-receiving, i. 333.

All-seed Potency, ii. 30.

All-seeing Light, ii. 253.

All-sense, ii. 364, 396.

All-soul, ii. 145.

Allegory, i, 200.

Almond-tree, i. 182.

Alone Good Father, ii. 283.

Alone-begotten, i. 403, iii. 278.

Alter-egos, ii. 43.

Amasis, i. 465.

Ambrosia, i. 161.

Amélineau, i. 50.

Amen, i. 74, 274, 337.

Amen-Ra, Hymn to, i. 131.

Amenhotep, i. 467.

Amenhotep-Asclepius, i, 473.

Amentet, i. 304.

Amenthe, i. 304.

Amenti, i. 379; Place of Union with Unseen Father, i. 70.

American Encyclopædia, i. 24.

Amme-ha-Aretz, iii. 321.

Ammianus Marcellinus, i. 113.

Ammon, i. 100, 101, 149, 273, 471, ii. 308; King, iii. 293; Kronos that is, ii. 279; sayings of, iii. 307, 313; words of, iii. 152, 215, 216; temples of, ii. 279; (Zeus), i. 318.

Ammon-Kneph, iii. 158.

Ammonius, iii. 285.

Amoun, i. 274, iii. 61; meaning of, i. 273.

Amphithemis, i. 149.

Amphitrite, i. 359.

Amsu, i. 327.

Amulet, i. 346, 349.

Amygdalos, i. 182.

Amyxai, i. 183.

Anacreon, cup of, i. 167, 193, 455.

Anaktoreion, i. 180, ii. 171.

Anaximander, iii. 178, 179.

Anebo, iii. 286.

Augel, recording, i. 64; sovereign, i. 371.

Angel-chief, i. 234.

Angels, the, i. 240; of Darkness, i. 424; eldest of all, i. 198; evil, ii. 355, iii. 239; of Light, i. 424; paternal, i. 159; tongue of, ii. 32; “words,” i. 243.

Anger, ii. 224.

Animal, hylic, ii. 63; soul, ii. 246; spirits, i. 363.

Animal-soul of cosmos, i. 353.

Animals, burials of, i. 295; celestial, ii. 282; circle of, iii. 46, 51; earthy, iii. 301; sacred, ii. 52, 383, iii. 102, 288; worship of, i. 353.

Ankh-tie, i. 61.

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Ankhnes-Ra-Neferab, i. 73.

Announcement, Great, ii. 170, 317.

Annu, i. 74.

Annuals (winds), i. 316.

Anpu, i. 342.

Anthropos, Myth of, i. 143; Prototype of humanity, i. 139.

Anthropos-doctrine, i. 193, iii. 273, 282; Zosimus on, i. 196.

Anticleides, i. 314.

Antigonus the Elder, i. 298.

Antilegomena, i. 370.

Antoninus Pius, i. 464.

Ants, iii. 35, 36.

Anubis, i. 88, 100, 283, 284, 315, 322, 342.

Ape, i. 87, 95, 446, 449.

Ape-form, i. 95.

Ape-Thoth, i. 462.

Apelles, i. 298.

Aphrodite, i. 61, 151, 181, 280, 305, 327, 350, 352, 359, ii. 345, iii. 89, 316.

Aphrodite-Helen, iii. 182.

Apion, i. 307, 387, ii. 5.

Apis, i. 267, 268, 277, 292, 303, 304, 307, 309, 311, 322, 337, 355; = Epaphos, i. 314; animated image of Osiris, i. 321.

Apocalypse of Jesus, iii. 279; of Thespesius, iii. 192; Untitled, ii. 107, 282.

Apocalypsis, Vision and, ii. 20 ff.

Apocrypha, i. 365.

Apocryphal, ii. 234, 236.

Apogeneses of souls, ii. 260.

Apokatastasis, ii. 128.

Apollo, i. 279, 298, 334, 342, 352, 359; golden curls of, i. 352; monad, i. 275.

Apollonius of Tyana, i. 374, ii. 197, 252.

Apology of a Pœmandrist, ii. 298.

Apophis, i. 313.

Apophthegm of Hermes, iii. 88.

Apostles, Memoirs of, i. 195.

Apotheosis, ii. 163; of Hermes, iii. 222.

Appendages, iii. 145, 181.

Appetite, iii. 75; and heart, iii. 78.

Apple, of the eye, iii. 165; of the World-Eye, iii. 167.

Appuleius, ii. 307.

Apu, i. 282.

Arabs, i. 272.

Aratus, i. 314.

Arbiter (Thoth), i. 58.

Arcadia, i. 376; Mount of, ii. 238.

Archangelic Book of Moses, i. 197.

Archemachus, i. 301.

Archetypal, Form, ii. 6, 8, 9, 29; Model, i. 236, 241; Pattern, i. 235; Seal, i. 235.

Archetype, ii. 66; of every other light, i. 241; of Soul, ii. 71; Time's, i. 229, ii. 193.

Archi-charila, i. 310.

Architect, iii. 122, 125, 235.

Archontics, i. 424.

Arcturus, i. 288.

Ares, i. 305, 327.

Argives, i. 299, 311.

Argo, i. 296.

Argus, iii. 232.

Aridæus, Vision of, i. 438, 452.

Ariouth, i. 88.

Aristagoras, i. 267.

Aristarchus, i. 100.

Ariston, i. 314.

Aristotle, i. 62, 327, 340, 362; on perfumes, i. 364.

Ark, tables of the laws in the, i. 238.

Arms of the Sun, i. 331.

Arnebeschenis, iii. 198, 209.

Aroueris, i. 279, 280.

Arrival of Isis from Phœnicia, i. 330.

Arsaphes, i. 314.

Art-prose, ii. 300.

Artaud, i. 27.

Artemidorus, i. 158.

Artemis, i. 352; dyad, i. 275.

Artificer of Time, ii. 192; of this new World, iii. 118.

Artist, ii. 290; Supreme, iii. 266.

Arts, iii. 40, 198; and sciences, iii. 199, 325.

Asar (Osiris), i. 276; and Ast, i. 367.

?s?r-Hapi, i. 302.

Ascension of Isaiah, ii. 232.

Ascent of the Soul, ii. 41 ff.; Straight, i. 428.

Asclepieion, i. 460.

Asclepius, i. 127, 469, ii. 391, iii. 184, 198; the Healer, i. 467; the pupil of Taautos, ii. 279.

Asclepius-Imuth, i. 461. iii. 96, 198.

Asclepiuses, many, iii. 221.

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Asenas, iii. 277.

Ashes, i. 355.

Ashvaghosha, ii. 44.

Ashvattha, ii. 317.

Aso, i. 281.

Asp, i. 356, 357.

Aspalathus, i. 365.

Asphodel, iii. 134.

Ass, i. 290, 307, 329, 422; bound, i. 305, 330.

Ass-like, i. 305.

Assyrians, initiations of the, i. 151; mysteries of the, i. 155, 426.

Astarte, i. 285.

Astral body, the true, ii. 172; crater, i. 453.

Astronomers, iii. 112.

Asuras, iii. 180.

At-one-ment, ii. 50, 190, 371.

Atalanta, i. 446.

Atem-cult, i. 88.

Atf-crown, i. 71, 77.

Athanasius, ii. 72.

Atheism, i. 278.

Atheists, i. 296.

Athena, i. 62, 273, 286, 308, 343, 352, 359; hebdomad, i. 275; house of, iii. 183.

Athenæum, The, i. 68.

Athenagoras, i. 59, 61, iii. 220.

Athenaïs, i. 285, 286.

Athenians, Colonies of the, i. 314.

Athens, i. 350.

Athlete, i. 446; Therapeut, i. 206.

Athur (Athyr), i. 282, 316, 337, 350.

Atlantic Island, i. 106; names, i. 285.

Atlanticum, i. 108.

Atlantis, Plato's, i. 176; Story of, i. 285.

Atom, ii. 269.

Atomicity, i. 395.

Atoms, permanent, i. 289.

Atonement, Great Day of, i. 306.

Atropos, i. 442.

Attis, i. 152; the, i. 179; will I sing, i. 186.

Atum, i. 130, 132, 134, 135.

Atum-Ptah-Thoth, i. 136.

Augoeides, i. 361.

Augurs, ii. 273, iii. 112.

Augustine, i. 110, ii. 352; quotations from the old Latin version of, iii. 249.

Aurelian Sun-God, ii. 281.

Authentia, iii. 318, 319.

Authentic Name, the, ii. 252.

Autozoon, i. 154, 400.

Avarice, ii. 224.

Avatara, iii. 143.

Avengers, iii. 50.

Avenging Daimon, i. 91, ii. 15, 40.

Awake thou that sleepest, i. 160.

Azazel, Ritual of, i. 306.

Azoth, 1, 281.

Ba, i. 89.

Baba, i. 329.

Babe, ii. 216.

Babel und Bibel, iii. 179.

Babes, ii. 295; new-born, ii. 296.

Babylonian cultus, i. 379; Talmud, i. 115.

Bacchic caves, i. 453; mysteries, i. 212; initiates, i. 191; orgies, i. 311.

Bacchus, ii. 56; starry cup of, i. 414; infant, i. 303.

Bad, i. 341.

Balaam (Bileam), iii. 279; Jeschu, ii. 80; the Lame Man, i. 335; = Nicolaos, ii. 80, iii. 279.

Balaamites, i. 165, ii. 80.

Balance, i. 55, 64, 72, ii. 95, 118.

Balancer, i. 58, 64; Judge of the two Combatant Gods, i. 56.

Baptism, in the Cup, ii. 191; of light, ii. 255; spiritual, ii. 92.

Baptist, John the, i. 470.

Baptize, ii. 87.

Bardic lore, i. 392.

Barga, Da (P. Angelo), i. 10.

Baris, i. 289.

Barley-water, i. 347.

Basilides, i. 436, ii. 32, 98, 107, 160, 400, iii. 135, 140, 145; Exegetica of, ii. 215; Hermes and, ii. 215.

Bastardy, i. 334; charge of, ii. 51.

Bath-kol, i. 101, 279, 285.

Bats (simile), i. 161.

Battle, inner, iii. 6.

Baudissin (Count), i. 123.

Baumgarten-Crusius, i. 13, 24.

Bear, i. 176, 295, 422, ii. 101, iii. 51, 130, 131; Little, iii. 51.

Bears, ii. 62.

Beast, i. 398.

Beasts, Great, i. 424, 425.

Beautiful, the, ii. 113, 114, 118; Vision of the, iii. 15, 53.

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Beauty, ii. 8, 28, iii. 54; of the Gnosis, ii. 123; of the Good, ii. 144, 145, 163; of the Truth, ii. 121.

Bebi, i. 329.

Bebon, i. 329, 343.

Becanus Goropius, i. 20.

Become Æon, ii. 190; all things, ii. 194.

Becoming, i. 333.

Beetle, i. 356.

Beginning, i. 234; of philosophy, i. 274.

Begrudgeth, ii. 108.

Behemoth, i. 423, 424; monster of the south land, i. 427.

Behnesa logoi (see Oxyrhynchus), ii. 17, 239.

Belly-lust, ii. 112.

Beloved, the, ii. 35.

Belus, iii. 303.

Benci, i. 9.

Benefactor, i. 320; of men, ii. 213.

Beqesu, i. 60.

Bergk, i. 149.

Bernays, ii. 392.

Bestiaries, iii. 112.

Bestower of the Spirit, ii. 231.

Better, i. 333; the, ii. 89.

Better One, i. 328, 340, ii. 291, 294, 297.

Beyond-same, ii. 62.

Bhakti-Marga, ii. 119.

Bible of Hellas, the, i. 193; of logia, ii. 236; of the Veii, ii. 235.

Bileam (Nico-laus), i. 165.

Biographic Générale, i. 27.

Birds, iii. 103.

Birth, iii. 22; from Above, ii. 239; of the Æon, iii. 160; blind from, i. 189, iii. 281; Chamber of, i. 75; of a Christ, the, ii. 243; conception and, iii. 68; demiurge of, ii. 244; engine of, ii. 39; essential, ii. 228, 250; in God, ii. 226; of Horus, i. 75, 76, 95, ii. 242, iii. 122, 157, 160, 162; of Man, ii. 241; mysteries of a divine, i. 75; new, ii. 239, 240, 250; of Osiris, iii. 122; parent of my bringing-in to, ii. 232; second, i. 79; in understanding, ii. 226; virgin, ii. 240; way of this, ii. 244.

Birthday of the Eye of Horus, i. 331; of the Sun's Staff, i. 331.

Birthdays of the Gods, i. 279; of Horus, i. 332.

Bithus of Dyrrachium, iii. 296.

Bitos (see Bitys), i. 197, iii. 276, 295; Pinax of, iii. 277.

Bitter Chaos, i. 92, 192; matter, i. 92; path, ii. 362; awesome and, i. 397; water, i. 92.

Bitterness, i. 92, 153: cup of, ii. 139; of God, i. 92; of Jacob Böhme, i. 92, 397.

Bitys (see Bitos), i. 197, iii. 294; the prophet, ii, 280, iii. 293.

Bitys-books, iii. 297.

Bitys-school, iii. 298.

Black dog-ape, i. 88; rite, iii. 107, 141, 149, 155.

Black-robed, i. 332.

Blackden, iii. 186.

Blasphemers, ii. 140, 244.

Blessed Land, iii. 282; Man Above, i. 159, 164; Nature, i. 155; Nature Above, i. 152; Ones, ii. 206; Region, iii. 276, 295; Space, ii. 98.

Blind, Accuser, i. 189; from birth, i. 189, iii. 281.

Bliss, ii. 226.

Boat, i. 52, 89; Solar, i. 270.

Bocchoris, i. 272.

Böckh, i. 107.

Bodhisattvas, ii. 45.

Bodies, how composed, ii. 133; everlasting, iii. 30; glory of celestial, ii. 165; migration into, ii. 329.

Bodiless, ii. 88, 128; the, ii. 65, iii. 14.

Body, iii. 63; of Adam, i. 281; aery, iii. 145; of bliss, ii. 45; divine, ii. 93; elements of, iii. 200; encompasses all things, iii. 46; fiery, ii. 151, 154, 171; of God, ii. 85; of the Great Man, i. 425; house of, ii. 321; of Jesus, i. 286; the last, ii. 187, 195; of the Law, ii. 44; mixture of, iii. 199; noëtic, ii. 242; soul and, ii. 124, 130; spirituous, iii. 145, 210; subtle, iii. 145, 209; that can never die, ii. 221; times of, iii. 9; of transformation, ii. 44; type of, iii. 49; universal, ii. 125.

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Bodying, iii. 31, 36, 38.

Böhme, Jacob, i. 92.

Boissonade, ii. 38.

Bone of Horus, i. 189, 343; of the sea-hawk, i. 189, 343; of Typho, i. 189, 343.

Bonnet, ii. 108.

Book of Breathings, i. 65.

Book of the Dead, i. 52, 54, 55, 69, 83, 290; flood in the, i. 109; mysteries and the, iii. 186.

Book of Elxai, i. 369.

Book of Enoch, i. 126, 424.

Book of God, i. 467.

Book of the Great Logos according to the Mystery, i. 166, ii. 96.

“Book of the Living,” i. 367.

Book concerning the Logos, ii. 265.

Book of the Master, i. 68, 77, 78.

Book of Ostanes, iii. 277.

Book, The Sacred, i. 75.

Books, canonical, ii. 235; of the Chaldæans, i. 392, ii. 81 ff., iii. 280, 321; preserved from flood, i. 113; on the Gnosis, iii. 231; Hermaic, iii. 293; of Hermes, i. 100, 115, 196, 342, 380, iii. 282, 289; of Hermes described by Clem. of A., iii. 222; hieratic, iii. 225; of Isis, iii. 316; of Isis and Horus, i. 481, iii. 208; of Isis to Horus, iii. 316; Lord of, i. 53; of Manetho, i. 104; of Moses, i. 456, ii. 158; of the Saviour, i. 418; of Taautos, ii. 279; of Thoth, i. 122, 124; Victim-Sealing, iii. 223, 224.

Bootes, i. 288.

Boreas, iii. 132.

Boundary, ii. 9; Great, ii. 35; Horos or, ii. 366; of the Spheres, ii. 195.

Boundless Light, i. 93; Point, the, i. 184.

Boutos, i. 288.

Brain, the, i. 162, 169.

Branch, The, i. 227.

Brass, sounding, i. 303.

Bread, distribution of, iii. 224; which the Lord hath given you to eat, i. 246; super-substantial, i. 86.

Breadth-depth-length-height-ray, i. 94.

Breasted, i. 130, 138.

Breath, iii. 199; gift of, iii. Ill; of God, i. 232, ii. 76.

Brethren, ii. 50; the two Horus, i. 66; of the Lord, i. 147.

Brick-bat, i. 115.

Brimo, i. 180.

Brimos, i. 180, 314.

Bringer-of-good, i. 158.

Brockhaus, i. 35.

Broiled fish, i. 270.

Brother, of the Lord, James, i. 143; of Man, ii. 35.

Brucker, i. 21.

Brugsch, i. 49, 55, 57.

Bubble, i. 390.

Buddha, Gantama the, iii. 320; Three Bodies of, ii. 44. ff.

Buddhism, Great Vehicle of, ii. 44.

Buddhist seer, i. 379.

Budge, i. 52, 89, 103, 367.

Builder, mind as, ii. 153.

Builder-Souls, iii. 140.

Builders, iii. 139, 140.

Bull-born, i. 311.

Burials of Animals, i. 293, 295; of Osiris, i. 295.

Burn living men, i. 355.

Burns his food publicly, i. 270.

Busiris, i. 293, 305.

Buto, i. 315, 347.

Buys Plato, i. 351.

Byblos, i. 284-286.

Cabiri (Kabiri), i. 127.

Caduceus, i. 61, iii. 232.

Caïntes, i. 142.

Call thou me not Good, ii. 72.

Called, i. 147.

Calumniators, ii. 233, 250, iii. 317.

Cambyses, i. 277, 322.

Cana of Galilee, i. 167.

Cancer, i. 415.

Candalle (Flussas), i. 10.

Canopus (Canobus), i. 296, 301.

Capitoline Zeus, i. 352.

Carapace, cosmic, ii. 321; of darkness, ii. 121; of selfhood, ii. 42.

Caravanserai, ii. 283.

Cardamum, i. 365.

Carpenter, Estlin, i. 468.

Carriers of holy symbols, i. 264.

Casaubon, i. 21.

Cask, drop from a, i. 190.

Cat, i. 344.

Catalogue of kings, i. 277.

Catharms, iii. 210.

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Cave, ii. 126, 128.

Cedrenus, iii. 269.

Celsus, i. 147, 423; True Word of, ii. 50.

Celts, i. 350.

Ceremonies, Overseer of the, iii. 223.

Chalcidius, i. 19, 435, ii. 159.

Chaldæans, i. 196, 327, ii. 53; Books of the, i. 392, 465, ii. 81 ff., iii. 280, 324; mystery-tradition, i. 138.

Chamber of Birth, i. 75; of Flames, i. 75; of Gold, i. 75.

Chambers, i. 34, iii. 218, 266; opinion of, i. 34 f.

Champollion, i. 27.

Chaos, i. 150, 338, 388, 389, ii. 27, 102; the bitter, i. 192; liquid, i. 191.

Character, ii. 244, iii. 179.

Charila, i. 310, 311.

Chariot, celestial, i. 154, iii. 173; of the Powers, i. 238.

Charioteer, i. 429, 430, ii. 270.

Charity, ii. 346.

Charops, i. 303.

Cheiron, iii. 304.

Chemia, i. 263, 309, iii. 158.

Chemmis, i. 282.

Cherubim, i. 238.

Cheyne, i. 468.

Child of the Egg, i. 139; of God, ii. 255.

Child-making, ii. 68.

Children, likeness of, iii. 89; recognition of, iii. 20.

Chnouphis (Chnuphis), i. 92, 477, ii. 265.

Chnubis, i. 477.

Chnum, i. 477, 480, iii. 155, 159.

Chœroboscus, iii. 112.

Choir (choirs) of daimons, ii. 89, 145, 272, 273, iii. 102; of Gods, ii. 206.

Chonouphis, i. 274.

Chrism, the Ineffable, i. 154, 190.

Christ, i. 301; a, ii. 174; the, i. 160, iii. 324; the birth of a, ii. 241, 243; disciples of, i. 290; garment of, ii. 249; of God, ii. 3; “scourge” of, ii. 173; triumphant, ii. 117.

Christ-baptism, ii. 93.

Christ-mystery, i. 198.

Christ-stage of manhood, i. 367, 368.

Christ-state, ii. 93, 243.

Christos, descent of the, i. 90.

Chronicum (Eusebius), i. 20.

Chrysippus, i. 298.

Church, ii. 117; virgin, i. 377.

Churning the Ocean, iii. 180.

Chwolsohn, ii. 57.

Cicala, song of, ii. 292.

Cicero, ii. 235.

Circle of the All, iii. 47; of animals, iii. 46, 51; Life-producing, iii. 51; of Necessity, i. 428; of Sun, iii. 52; of types-of-life, ii. 194, 227.

Circles, seven, ii. 76, iii. 47.

Circuit (Eudoxus), i. 269.

Circumambient, i. 300.

Circumterrene, ii. 276.

Cities of Refuge, i. 237.

Citizens, true, i. 221.

City, ii. 109; of the Eight, i. 57; of God, i. 235, 245, 246, ii. 256; the grandest, i. 235; the Intelligible, i 235; the Little, i. 293.

Civil Wars, i. 352.

Claudius, i. 119.

Cleanthes, i. 347.

Clement, Second Epistle of, i. 153.

Clement of Alexandria, i. 153, ii. 215, 235, 300; on the mysteries, iii. 150; on the tradition of the Gnosis, i. 148.

Clementine Homilies, i. 388, ii. 72.

Cleombrotus, iii. 170, 175.

Cloak, hateful, ii. 121.

Closed lips, ye of the, i. 210.

Closet, i. 209.

Clotho, i. 442.

Cnossus, iii. 179.

Cock, iii. 162; crowing of, iii. 161, 162.

Cocks, i. 325.

Codex Brucianus, i. 50, 93, ii. 282; Untitled Apocalypse of, ii. 303.

Coffin, i. 287.

Colberg, i. 22.

Colonies of the Athenians, i. 314.

Colony, ii. 354.

Colour, one, i. 391; ray-like, i. 224.

Columns, i. 104; of Hermes, i. 112.

Combatant Gods, Judge of, i. 53.

Combatants, Two, i. 66. 22

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Come unto us, ii. 43.

Comets, iii. 52.

Common hearth, iii. 171; reason, i. 346; teachers, iii. 287.

Companions of Horus, i. 270, 290; of Odysseus, i. 270.

Completion-Beginning, i. 74.

Comprehensible, Incomprehensibles, i. 184.

Conception, ii. 390; and birth, iii. 68; Typhon, i. 304.

Concupiscence, ii. 224.

Conductor of Souls, i. 159.

Cone-bearing, i. 266.

Configuration of the Element, iii. 276.

Congress, ii. 240.

Consciousness, Æonic, ii. 244; Nirvanic, i. 51, ii. 45, 46.

Constancy, ii. 390.

Constantine, ii. 55.

Consummation, Supreme, ii. 161.

Contemplation, iii. 94.

Contemplative or Theoretic Life, i. 208.

Contemplator, ii. 93.

Continence, ii. 225.

Continuum, ii. 397.

Conybeare, i. 219, ii. 71; critical text of the D. V. C. , i. 200.

Coptic Gnostic Codex Brucianus, ii. 282; works, the, ii. 51.

Coptos, i. 335.

Coriander seed, i. 246, 247.

Corporality, ii. 212, 218.

Corpse, sensation's, ii. 121.

Corpus (Hermeticum), original MS. of, i. 6; quires lost from, ii. 69.

Corruption's chain, ii. 121.

Cory, i. 104, 106, 123.

Cosmogony, Chart of Orphic, ii. 162; of Taaut, i. 126.

Cosmoi, Seven, i. 407.

Cosmos, ii. 325, 337, 377, iii. 39; Animal-Soul of, i. 353; beautiful, ii. 147; most wise Breath, ii. 118; of Cosmos, i. 91; course of, ii. 133; divine mysteries of, iii. 325; egg or womb of, i. 451; imitator of eternity, ii. 368; second God, ii. 125; good, ii. 358; great body of, ii. 128; higher, ii. 378; Horus, i. 338; intellect of, ii. 373; intelligible, i. 146, ii. 167, 194, 275; principles of, ii. 207; matter or, ii. 336; gaze through Me upon the, ii. 179; meaning of, ii. 85; order, ii. 134; paradigm of, ii. 196; passions of, ii. 185; re-birth of, ii. 357; sense-and-thought of, ii. 133, 139; sensible or hylic, ii. 167; sensible image of, i. 334; a sphere, ii. 148; this, i. 224.

Cotta, iii. 231.

Counterfeit, iii. 282; of Spirit, iii 68.

Covent Garden theory, i. 258.

Cow, i. 316, 332.

Cow-horns, i. 291.

Cowherd, i. 272.

Cradle, Hall of the Child in his, i. 74, 75.

Crater, ii. 92; astral, i. 453; in Orpheus, Macrobius, and Proclus, i. 151; in Plato, i. 450; sidereal of Father Liber, i. 451; vulcanic, i. 452.

Crates, Visions of, i. 380.

Creation, new, ii. 243; of the world, iii. 117.

Creation-myths, i. 51.

Creator, God the, iii. 293; Word of the, iii. 256.

Creator-Word, iii. 254.

Creatures of Light, i. 51.

Cretan civilisation, i. 149.

Crete, i. 359.

Critias, i. 106.

Criticism, iii. 315.

Crocodile, i. 77, 267, 288, 329, 330, ii. 382; sixty eggs, i. 356, 358; tongue-less, i. 357.

Crocodilopolis, ii. 382.

Cronus (see Kronos), i. 390, ii. 144, 162, iii. 234; Ammon, i. 127; Mithriac, i. 400; mystery deity, i. 400.

Cross, i. 286, ii. 367; seal of a, iii. 161.

Crosswise, iii. 24, 47.

Crown of lives, i. 71.

Crux ansata, i. 61.

Cry (of Nature), ii. 34.

Cudworth, i. 32.

Cult of Æsculapius, i. 468; of Jesus, ii. 138.

Cultores et Cultrices pietatis, i. 208.

Cumont, i. 324, 399, 400, 401.

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Cup, ii. 86, iii. 273; of Anacreon, i. 167, 193, 455; baptism in the, ii. 191; of bitterness, ii. 139; of Dionysus, i. 452; of the divine draught, i. 245; His, iii. 284; which I drink, i. 168; of immortality, iii. 205; of initiation, ii. 94; in which the King drinketh, i. 167; of Living Water bubbling-forth, i. 399; of prudence, i. 454; of Tantalus, ii. 198.

Cupido, ii. 309.

Cure of intellect, ii. 347.

Cutting of wood, i. 293.

Cybele, priests of, i. 169.

Cyclic Gods, ii. 77, 89.

Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature, i. 27.

Cyllene, i. 158, 168.

Cylinder, i. 176, 439, iii. 101, 175, 177, 178.

Cymbal, tinkling, i. 303.

Cynocephalus, i. 55, 56, 120.

Cyperus, i. 364.

Cypress, i. 364.

Cyril's Corpus of XV. Books, iii. 251.

Cytherea, iii. 92.

Daimon, i. 324, 443; avenging, i. 91, ii. 15, 40; Chnum the Good, i. 477; counterfeit, iii. 281; essence of, is activity, ii. 273; evil, i. 355; Good, i. 84, 97, 402, ii. 156, 199, 203, 204, 206, iii. 150, 155, 255; Good Holy, i. 94; mind a, ii. 154, 171; self-born, iii. 120.

Daimon-Chief, iii. 237.

Daimones, ii. 313, 375, iii. 49; choirs of, ii. 89, 272, 273, 277, iii. 102; Concerning the, ii. 282; hierarchy of, ii. 314; Homer on, i. 299; incursions of, ii. 277; in service, ii. 274; Theory of the, i. 298.

Daimonial Energy, ii. 137.

Daimonials, ii. 130.

Daimonic Soul, ii. 229.

Damascius, i. 91, 152, 156, ii. 19, 25, 260.

Damatrios, i. 350.

Dark mist, i. 125; mystery, iii. 149; space, ii. 26; wisdom, i. 87, 91.

Darkness, i. 91, 325, 451, ii. 4, 13, 79, 80, 81; carapace of, ii. 121; comprehended it not, i. 125; genesis of fire and, i. 197; serpent of, ii. 31; thrice-unknown, ii. 25; torment of, ii. 226, 245.

Dawn, Land of Eternal, i. 80; New, iii. 96.

Day of Light, i. 326.

De Faye, i. 196.

De Horrack, i. 49.

De Mysteriis, iii. 252.

De Sphæra Barbarica, i. 407.

Dead, Book of the, i. 52, 54, 69, 83, 290; judge of the, i. 64; prayers for the, i. 78; things, if ye have eaten, i. 175; raise, i. 373; resurrection of, ii. 165; rising from, i. 173, iii. 163; shall leap forth from graves, the, i. 172; sheeted, i. 161; the, i. 172.

Death, i. 417, ii. 39, 126, 209; living, ii. 121; of the serpent, ii. 300; there is no, ii. 124; twelve fates of, ii. 249; Way of, ii. 18.

Death-genius, i. 88.

Deathless Water, ii. 18.

Deathlessness, ii. 128; Way of, ii. 39.

Decans, i. 100, iii. 45; Egyptian names of, iii. 54; Six-and-thirty, iii. 45, 46.

Deep, Infinite, i. 390.

Deer, form of a, i. 191.

Deinon, i. 307.

Delphi, i. 256, 310; Oracle at, i. 349.

Demagogue (in Plato), i. 431.

Demeter, i. 305, 318, 345, 350, iii. 232; limbs of, i. 347; wanderings of, i. 298.

Demi-Gods, i. 106.

Demiurge, i. 130, 457, ii. 33, iii. 22, 30; of birth, ii. 244; of God, iii. 240; the Sun, ii. 269.

Demiurgic Æon., i. 410; Mind, i. 137, ii. 35; Thought, iii. 56.

Democritus, i. 323, iii. 297.

Denderah, i. 73, 74, 75.

Deo nubere, i. 216.

Depth, i. 409.

Dêr-el-Bahari, i. 120.

Descent of the Christos, the, i. 90; from the Head Above, i. 169; of Kore, i. 350; of Man, ii. 34.

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Desert, i. 163.

Desirable, ii. 161; One, ii. 254.

Destiny, iii. 69; bonds of, iii. 299.

Destruction, Way that leadeth to, i. 182.

Detailed, ii. 237; Discourses, ii. 264.

Determination, ii. 357, 358.

Dens Lunus, i. 166.

Devas, iii. 180.

Dévéria, i. 28.

Devil taking form of fisherman, iii. 164.

Devotee of God, ii. 139.

Devotees, race of, ii. 241.

Devotion, iii. 238; God-gnosis, ii. 131, 136; and Gnosis, ii. 114; Way of, ii. 119.

Devourer, i. 289.

Devourers of the Unrighteous, i. 425.

Dharmakaya, ii. 44, 45.

Diabolus, iii. 238.

Diaconic, i. 300.

Diadochi, i. 102.

Dialogues with Tat, ii. 237.

Diaspora, i. 255.

Diaulos, i. 149.

Didymus, ii. 72.

Dieterich, i. 82, 84, 90, 92, 94, 197.

Diktys, i. 271, 286.

Dinarchus, ii. 236.

Diochite, i. 292.

Diocletian, ii. 300.

Dionysiac rites, i. 256.

Dionysian night-rites, i. 311.

Dionysius (the sculptor), i. 352.

Dionysius Ægeensis, i. 62.

Dionysus, i. 281, 298, 301, 302, 305, 310, 313, 345, 347, 416, 453; bull-formed, i. 311; cup of, i. 452; gladsome, i. 312; ivy of, i. 314; mysteries of, i. 311; Osiris and, i. 310; relics of, i. 312; and Semele, i. 161; Spirit is, i. 318.

Disciples of Thrice-Greatest Hermes, i. 481.

Disciples of the Christ, i. 290; of God, i. 254; of the Logos, i. 243; Triad of, i. 476; the Twelve, i. 169; of Wisdom, iii. 303.

Discipline of the Priests, iii. 224; of Souls, ii. 347.

Discourse on Sense, ii. 131, 132.

Discourses, Detailed, ii. 264.

Disobedient Ones, iii. 143.

Dispensation of all things, ii. 158; of the Universe, ii. 173.

Divider of all, the, i. 236.

Divining, art of, i. 262.

Divinity, Feminine, ii. 32; Great-ness of. ii. 309; Reason of, ii. 311, 318.

Dodecagon, i. 305.

Dodecaschœnus, iii. 155.

Dog, i. 87, 90, 277, 284, 288, 295, 296, 322, 325, 342, 352, 353, 358, 422.

Dog-days, i. 355.

Dog-headed, i. 355; ape, i. 55.

Dog-town, i. 354.

Dolphin, iii. 113, 180.

Door, About the Inner, iii. 275; Inner, iii. 274, 280.

Doser, i. 465, iii. 155.

Double, image or, i. 189.

Dove, i. 352.

Dowsing in the Mind, ii. 255.

Dragon, i. 94, 352, 422, iii. 112, 180; lower, i. 426.

Dragon-slayer, i. 94.

Drainer of Water, ii. 39.

Draughts, i. 278.

Dream, ii. 222; of Scipio, i. 413.

Dream-sight, ii. 130.

Dreams and ecstasies, iii. 203; the people of, i. 162.

Drexler, i. 115, 166.

Druidical Gnosis, iii. 296.

Drummond, i. 200.

Dry, iii. 66; space, ii. 75, 76.

Du Preau, i. 10.

Dual Soul, ii. 169.

Dualism, ii. 31, 115 ff.

Dualistic, ii. 140.

Dualists, Theory of the, i. 323.

Diimichen, i. 49.

Duncker and Schneidewin, i. 143.

Duration, ii. 211.

Dwarf, iii. 165.

Dwelling of the Golden One, i. 75.

Dyad, i. 275, 414.

Eagle, i. 56, 284, 330, 422, 446, 449, iii. 133, 180.

Earth, ii. 209, iii. 66, 130, 261; the black, i. 156; blood-red, iii. 277; fiery, iii. 277; fleshly, iii. 277; depths of, i. 413; Let there

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be, iii. 262; primal, i. 310; red, i. 150; Sons of God on, i. 233; very earth, iii. 17; virgin, iii. 277.

Earth-and-Water, ii. 5, 8, 37.

Earth-born, ii. 49; folk, ii. 122.

Ebers Papyrus, i. 50.

Ebionites, i. 369.

Ebony, i. 87.

Eclipses, i. 321.

Ecliptic, iii. 177.

Economy, ii. 28, iii. 61.

Ecstasis, i. 251, ii. 157, 161, 303.

Eden, i. 159; brain, i. 187; river of, i. 187.

Edersheim, i. 200.

Efflorescence, iii. 100.

Efflux, God's, iii. 121, 122.

Egg, i. 125, 126, 131, 326, 389, 462, ii 282; Child of, i. 139; first, i. 391; God from, i. 392; skull-like, i. 391; sphere or, i. 427; throbbing, i. 182.

Egregores, iii. 137; Watchers, i. 126.

Egypt, is body, i. 164; image of heaven, ii. 351; holy land, i. 70; sacred language of, ii. 280; once sea, i. 317; geographical symbols of, iii. 186; theosophy of, iii. 323; wisdom of, ii. 98.

Egyptian alphabet, i. 337; names of Decans, iii. 54; emanation doctrine, iii. 95; teachers of Greeks, iii. 286; mysteries, grades of, i. 50; philosophy, i. 28; rhetor, ii. 299; syncretism 1000 B.C., i. 135; translation from, iii. 294.

Egyptians, Gospel according to the, i. 38, 142, 150, 153, 242, ii. 54, 164.

Egyptians, Greek disciples of, i. 274.

Eight, i. 71; at the, ii. 228; ogdoad or, i. 275; spheres, ii. 275; wardens, i. 85, 121.

Eight-and-twenty, i. 320.

Eighteen, i. 319.

Eighth, ii. 16; sphere, ii. 42 ff.

El-Khargeh Oasis, iii. 216.

El Shaddai, i. 159.

Elder Horus, i. 279, 280, 334, 343, 367.

Eldest of all Angels, i. 198.

Elect, i. 147, ii. 317.

Eleians, i. 311.

Element, Configuration of the, iii. 276; the One, ii. 195, 244.

Elements of body, iii. 200; complaint of, iii. 118; four, ii. 311; friendship and enmity with, iii. 133.

Elephantine, i. 320, 477.

Eleusinian logos, i. 175; mysteries, i. 59, 160.

Eleusis, i. 178, 179, 180, ii. 171.

Elis, i. 359.

Elohim, Sons of, i. 159.

Elxai, i. 71; Book of, i. 369.

Elysian state, i. 152.

Emanation, holy, iii. 121.

Emanations, i. 84.

Embalmment, Ritual of, i. 460.

Embarking, i. 321.

Embryology, ii. 102.

Embryonic stages of Incarnation (Pistis Sophia), iii. 68.

Empedocles, i. 159, 300, 435, ii. 362, iii. 237.

Emptiness, ii. 174.

Enclistra, iii. 93.

Encydopädie, (Pauly), i. 26, 33.

Encyclopædia Britannica, i. 34.

Encyclopædism, i. 107, 108.

End, i. 315.

Endymion, i. 151.

Energies, ii. 211, 212, iii. 37.

Energy, ii. 259; and feeling, iii. 34, 40; of God, ii. 160, 178, 180, 203.

Enformation according to Gnosis, ii. 246.

Engine of birth, ii. 39; cosmic, ii. 34; of Justice, ii. 41; of the universe, iii. 50.

Enoch, Book of, i. 126, 424.

Entrance, i. 321; of the Golden Heavens, i. 75; on Light, i. 79.

Envy, ii. 224.

Epachthe, i. 350.

Epaphos, i. 314.

Epeius, i. 446.

Epicurus, i. 323.

Epimetheus, iii. 274, 280, 282.

Epiphanius, ii. 79.

Epiphany, Feast of, iii. 160.

Epiphi, i. 331.

Epopt, ii. 93, iii. 188.

Epopteia, i. 263, ii. 21, iii. 159.

Epoptic, i. 362; mystery, i. 362.

Equator, iii. 177.

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Equilateral triangle, i. 305, 359.

Equilibrium, i. 56.

Er, Vision of, i. 413, 426, 428, 437, ii. 15, 40, 187.

Erataoth, i. 422.

Erdmann, i. 32.

Erebus, i. 125.

Eros, i. 125, ii. 309, 345.

Error, ii. 224.

Esaldaios, i. 159, 166.

Eschenbach, i. 62.

Essence, ii. 269, iii. 84; first, iii. 55; of God, ii. 113, 199; intelligible, ii. 276, iii. 57; moist, i. 187, 388, 390, 454, ii. 4, 75; one, i. 391; primal, iii. 56; of seed, i. 156.

Essence-chief, ii. 341.

Essenes, i. 30, 208, 369, 373, ii. 395.

Essential, iii. 236; birth, the, ii. 250; man, ii. 116, 251, 321.

Eternity, ii. 325, 366; Æon, i. 229, iii. 91; become, ii. 188; cosmos imitator of, 368; of eternity, i. 91; moving image of, i. 405; illumined by Logos, i. 399; maker of, i. 66; prince of, i. 132.

Etesian Winds, i. 316.

Ether, i. 125.

Etheric double, iii. 206; link, iii. 206.

Ethiopia (see Æthiopia), i. 98.

Ethiopian, i. 88; enchanters, i. 119.

Ethiopian History, i. 106.

Eucharist, ii. 94.

Eudoxus, i. 269, 274, 293, 305, 332, 343, 345.

Euhemerus (see Evemerus), ii. 162.

Eunomus the Locrian, ii. 300.

Eunuch, business of, i. 186.

Euphrates, i. 188; waters of the, i. 426.

Euripides, i. 323, 352, 357.

Eusebius, i. 20, 123, 370.

Eustathius, i. 172.

Eve, iii. 280.

Eve, Gospel of, i. 142, ii. 24, 25, 238.

Evemerus (see Euhemerus), i. 257, 296, 297; theory of, i. 295.

Everard, i. 12.

Evil angels, ii. 355, iii. 239; create, i. 91; Daimon, i. 355; pleroma of, ii. 113.

Evoï, i. 186.

Excerpts from Theodotus, ii. 251.

Executioner, mind the, ii. 201.

Exegetica of Basilides, ii. 215.

Exhalation, iii. 206.

Existing Non-existences, i. 184.

Experience and memory, iii. 195.

Expository Sermons, ii. 250, 264, iii. 54; to Tat, iii. 216, 256, 257, 259, 262, 263, 264, 266.

Eye, altogether all, i. 214; apple of, iii. 165; heart's, ii. 121; of Horus, i. 336; House of, i. 288; incorporeal, iii. 253; of intellect, ii. 308; of mind, ii. 253; pupil of, i. 84, 394; Pupil of the World's, iii. 159; of the soul, iii. 129; spiritual, i. 214.

Ezekiel, Hebrew poet, i. 164.

Ezekiel, i. 154, 227, 379; Mercabah, or Chariot of, i. 238; Wheels of, iii. 173.

Fabricius, i. 5, ii. 263.

Face, i. 433; of God, i. 218.

Fairbanks, i. 159.

Famine Years, Inscription of the Seven, i. 466.

Famines, plagues and, iii. 49.

Farrar, ii. 55.

Fast to the world, ii. 239.

Fate (see Heimarmene), ii. 7, 201, 202, 273, iii. 61, 85, 265; hebdomad of, ii. 251; and necessity, ii. 385; procession of, ii. 49, iii. 273, 282, 326; providence and, iii. 36, 55, 60; Sermons on, ii. 217.

Fate-Sphere, ii. 41, 282, 283.

Fates, i. 439.

Father of the æons, i. 411; Alone Good, ii. 283; who is in the Hidden, i. 209; House of the, i. 224; own, iii. 242.

Father-God, ii. 6.

Fatherhood, i. 150; of God, i. 73.

Fatherless, iii. 242.

Fawn-skin, i. 191, 311.

Fecund, iii. 254, 269.

Feeling, energy and, iii. 34.

Fellow-rulers of height, ii. 302.

Fence of fire, i. 427; of iniquity, i. 427; of the teeth, i. 162.

Ferment, i. 125, 396.

Fever, iii. 115.

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Few, the, i. 207, ii. 346, iii. 11.

Ficinio, Marsiglio, i. 8, 9, 19.

Fiery body, ii. 154, 171; ruler, i. 166; whirlwinds, i. 409.

Fifth part, a, ii. 318.

Fifty-six-angled, i. 305.

Fig-leaf, i. 312.

Figs, i. 349.

Finger on lips, i. 349.

Fire, ii. 310; fence of, i. 427; very fire, iii. 17; flower of, iii. 138; knowing, iii. 98; and mind, God of, i. 130; ordeal of, i. 79; robe of, ii. 1 52; and snow, i. 95; sons of, iii. 136; sphere of, i. 428; voice of, ii. 5, 26; and water, iii. 66.

Fire-tenders, iii. 199.

Fire-tree, ii. 317.

Fire-workers, iii. 199.

Firmament, iii. 262, 263, 264; water above, i. 188.

Firmaments, iii. 194; or layers, iii. 211.

Firmicus Maternus, i. 477.

First, egg, i. 391; essence, iii. 55; God, i. 339, iii. 85; Hermes, ii. 83; man, i. 115, 139, ii. 27; cube (Poseidon), i. 275; woman, i. 139, ii. 27.

First-born God, ii. 203; His, i. 227; of water, i. 398.

Fish, broiled, i. 270; cosmic, ii. 56; great, i. 425; taboos, i. 269.

Fish-eater (Oannes), i. 149.

Fisher-soul, i. 271.

Fishers, i. 59, 61; of men, i. 59, 372.

Fishes, i. 373.

Five, i. 336; branched, i. 266, 285; Fifths, the, i. 203; Mercurii, i. 109.

Five-branched, nor from, i. 265.

Flame, i. 457; rite of the, i. 93.

Flame-coloured robe, i. 331.

Flames, Chamber of, i. 75; Region of, i. 51.

Flask of clay, i. 190.

Flautists, ii. 289.

Fleas, iii. 51.

Flesh, refraining from, i. 267; tongue of, ii. 31.

Fleshless meal, ii. 390.

Flies, iii. 51, 133, 190.

Flock, sacred, i. 226, 238.

Flood, i. 106, ii. 83, iii. 154, 276; in Book of the Dead, i. 109; books preserved from the, i. 113; in Egypt, i. 317; He who inhabiteth the, i. 169, 170; of Nile, ii. 83; those of the, i. 154.

Flower of Fire, iii. 138.

Food, twofold form of, ii. 317; forms of, ii. 317; of Gods, i. 86.

Forebears, ii. 329, 381, 382, iii. 5.

Forefather, iii. 21, 98, 292.

Foreknowledge, iii. 12, 58, 96.

Foresight, iii. 262.

Forethought, ii. 12, 39, iii. 22, 280.

Forgiveness of sins, i. 251.

Form, ii. 9; archetypal, ii. 6, 8, 9, 29; distinctive, ii. 244; of divine similitude, ii. 319; one, ii. 35; root of, ii. 193; servant's, i. 398,

Formless state, ii. 31, 45.

Formlessness, iii. 27.

Fornication, iii. 166.

Fornicator, ii. 202.

Fortune, ii. 341.

Fount of Light, i. 74.

Four, i. 337, ii. 65; elements, ii. 311; quarters, i. 93; sets of, ii. 328; winds, i. 60, 61, 84.

Fourteen pieces, i. 288, 320.

Fourth Gospel from Alexandrine Gnostics, i. 38; quotations from, i. 194.

Fourth state, i. 152.

Foxes have holes, iii. 35.

Fragrance, force of, i. 394.

Frazer, i. 158.

From Thee to Thee, ii. 231, 254.

Fruit, Perfect, i. 182.

Fruitful, i. 177.

Fulgentius, iii. 305.

Fullness, iii. 325; of Godhead, ii. 117.

Furies, i. 327.

Gabriel, i. 422, iii. 211.

Galaxy, i. 416.

Galen, i. 100.

Galilee, Mount of, ii. 238.

Ganges, Heavenly, i. 110.

Garamas, i. 149.

Gardener of Life, ii. 140.

Gardthausen, i. 113.

Garment, celestial, i. 399; of the Christ, ii. 249; of shame, i. 153, 242, ii, 42.

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Garments, twelve sacramental stoles or, iii. 182.

Garrucci, ii. 56.

Gate, guardian of the, i. 428; of heaven, i. 181, ii. 240; which Jacob saw, i. 171; mystery at third, i. 190; True, i. 190.

Gate-keeper, i. 311.

Gates of Celestial Nile, i. 71; of Gnosis, ii. 123; of Oblivion and Wailing, i. 303; of the Sun, i. 162.

Gautama the Buddha, iii. 317.

Gaze into the Light, i. 93; through Me upon the Cosmos, ii. 179.

Genera, ii. 313 ff.; restorer of all, ii. 310; and species, ii. 378.

General, i. 296; instruction, ii. 236; Sermons, the, ii. 141, 145, 158, 219, 236, 264, iii. 45, 77, 308.

Generated Ingenerables, i. 184.

Generation, i. 333.

Generative Law, the, i. 191.

Geneses of Souls, ii. 260.

Genesis, ii. 148, 177, iii. 26; of the all, i. 406; of fire and darkness, i. 197; ground of, i. 337; matter's becoming or, ii. 177; moist essence of, i. 170; and seed of all the gods, iii. 273; soul is cause of all in, i. 151; vase of, iii. 26; wheel of, i. 426, ii. 274, 283.

Geography, mystic, iii. 130; of sacred lands, iii. 184.

Gephyræans, i. 350.

Geryones, i. 147, 166.

Gibbon, i. 23.

Gift, God's greatest, ii. 95.

Gigantic Passions, i. 298.

Globe, winged, i. 390.

Glories, i. 80, 96.

Glory, ii. 75, 261; of celestial bodies, ii. 165; house of, i. 79; king of, i. 171; robe of, i. 361, ii. 43.

Glossalaly, i. 303.

Glosses, i. 342.

Glow-worms, i. 391.

Gnosis, i. 192, ii. 14, 17, 20, 90, 97, 131, 146, 246, iii. 76; of the all, ii. 296; archaic, iii. 322; beauty of, ii. 123; books on, iii. 231; Christianised, iii. 320; devotion joined with, ii. 114; of things divine, iii. 233; of divinity, ii. 330; Druidical, iii. 296; enformation according to, ii. 246; gate of, iii. 318; gates of, ii. 120, 123; goal of, ii. 139; of God, i. 147, ii. 150, 225, iii. 243, 326; of the Good, ii. 113, 144, 163; of Thrice-greatest Hermes, iii. 316; Introduction to the, ii. 68; of joy, ii. 225; Judæo-Egyptian, i. 31; to Klea concerning the, i. 261; light of, ii. 155; love of, iii. 260; Magian, iii. 296; of Man, i. 147, 178, iii. 323; masters of, ii. 162; mathesis or, ii. 264; of Mind, ii. 88, 96; apotheosis of Mind, ii. 167; Ophite systems of, i. 98; path of, ii. 98, 195; beginning of the Path, ii. 248; prayer for, ii. 49; pupil of, ii. 135; Sabæan, ii. 140; end of science, ii. 147; seers of, ii. 94; Sethian, i. 393; Simonian, ii. 107; of teachings, ii. 257; they who are in, ii. 131, 137, 138; of truth, i. 207; of Trismegistic documents, iii. 323; Unchristianised, iii. 323; virtue of soul, ii. 167; way of, ii. 98.

Gnostic, i. 377; elements in Hermas, i. 376; Few, the, i. 382; Horos, i. 250, ii. 348; Jottings, things seen in the mysteries, iii. 150, 156.

Gnosticism, Hermeticism another name for, ii. 192.

Goal of Gnosis, ii. 139; of piety, iii. 5.

Goat-herd, i. 175.

God, ii. 358; is all, ii. 212; iii. 258; all-pure, ii. 295; apostles of, i. 239; artificer of time, i. 229; beyond all names, ii. 99; birth in, ii. 226; body of, ii. 85; Book of, i. 467; born in, ii. 244; born from rock, i. 95; breath of, i. 232, ii. 76; with bull's foot, i. 311; as cause, ii. 66; celestial Messiah of, i. 226; child of, ii. 255; city of, i. 235, 245, 246, ii. 256; contemplator of works of, iii. 245; cosmos, second, ii. 125; creator, iii. 293; cup-bearer of, i. 245; demiurge of, iii. 240; devotee of, ii. 131, 139; disciples of, i. 254; efflux of, iii. 122, 162; from egg, i. 392; energy

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of, ii. 160, 178, 180, 203; essence of, ii. 113, 199; essentiality of, ii. 199; eye of, i. 247, ii. 312; face of, i. 218; father, ii. 67; fatherhood of, i. 73; of fire and mind, i. 130; first, i. 339, iii. 85; first-born, ii. 203; gift of, ii. 87, 95; gnosis of, i. 147, ii. 150, 225, iii. 243, 329; and Gods, ii. 67; Good, ii. 240; is good, ii. 66; Good is, ii. 110, 112; the Good of, ii. 189; greatness of, ii. 244; herald of, ii. 95; house of, i. 171, 181, ii. 240; ignorance of, ii. 120; image of, i. 232, 236, ii. 91, 92, 100, iii. 236, 244; two images of, ii. 326; ineffability of, iii. 14, 216; inner, ii. 294; knower of true, ii. 97, 196; Laughter, Son of, i. 220; law of, iii. 195; light of, i. 232; likeness with, ii. 132; love of, ii. 323; lyre of, ii. 292; Man of, i. 411; Mind is, iii. 305; imperishable Mind, iii. 113; musician, ii. 288; mysteries of, i. 213; mystery of, Son of, i. 226; name of, i. 198, 234, ii. 344, iii. 293; one, i. 53; one and sole, iii. 266; organ of will of, ii. 133; Osiris, a dark, iii. 156; oracle of, i. 250; place of, i. 233, ii. 71; primal, i. 135; race of, i. 253; race, friend of, i. 233; ray of, ii. 275; rays of, ii. 155; river of, i. 244; from rock, i. 392, 399; sacrifice to, iii. 243; second, i. 230, ii. 127, 170, 320, 365; seeds of, ii. 131, 137; seer of, iii. 298; sense-and-thought of, ii. 135; sensible, ii. 311; servant, i. 251; servants of, i. 212, 220; shadow of, i. 236; shepherd, i. 226; son of, i. 138, 157, 198, 226, ii. 28, 116, 118, 133, 140, 221, 222, 241, iii. 239, 275, 280, 282; song of, ii. 332; sons of, i. 198, 229, iii. 217, 316; sons of, in Hellenistic theology, iii. 218; sons of the one, i. 234; sower, ii. 220; sphere of, ii. 230; spirit of, ii. 81; is spirit, ii. 71; two temples of, i. 228; beyond understanding, iii. 229; unwearied spirit, ii. 290; way of birth in, ii. 223, 244; way up to, ii. 280; way to worship, ii. 212, iii. 243; who lookest behind thee, i. 59; will of, ii. 160, 220, 395, iii. 195; wisdom of, ii. 176.

God-circle, i. 132, 133, 135.

God-gnosis, ii. 88, 93, 138, iii. 238; devotion is, ii. 131, 136.

God-the-Mind, male and female, ii. 7.

God-words, i. 134.

Goddess-of-child-bed-town, i. 355.

Godhead, fullness of, ii. 117.

Godlessness, ii. 200.

Gods, ii. 145; birthdays of, i. 279; choir of, ii. 206; creation of, iii. 105; cyclic, ii. 77, 89; duty of, ii. 272; Egyptians don't mourn if they believe in, i. 351; food of, i. 86; genesis and seed of all, iii. 273; great, i. 127, 347; hymn of, iii. 91; inerrant, ii. 145; intelligible, iii. 25; language of, ii. 279, iii. 323; immortal men, ii. 213; mother of, i. 152, 176; mountain of, i. 244; On the, iii. 289; path up to, ii. 169, 299; proscription of worship of, i. 399; scribe of, i. 53; scribe of the nine, i. 50; six-and-thirty, iii. 49; star-flocks of, i. 373; supercosmic, ii. 373; way-of-birth of, ii. 242; ye are, i. 163.

Going-forth, the, ii. 246.

Going-home, ii. 98.

Gold, Chamber of, i. 75; heavenly flame of Burning, i. 75.

Golden age, iii. 135; calf, i. 316; hawk, i. 76; heaven of Isis, i. 75; Horus, i. 76; One, Dwelling of, i. 75.

Good, ii. 88, 211; All and, ii. 175; Beauty of, ii. 144, 145, 163; Daimon, i. 84, 92, 94, 97, 402, ii. 156, 199, 203, 204, 206, 213 f, iii. 151, 155, 255; Daimon, Son of, i. 104; efflux of, i. 361; gnosis of, ii. 113, 144, 163; God, ii. 240; is God, ii. 110, 112; of God, ii. 189; good-will of, iii. 241; husbandman, ii. 213, 265; imperfect, i. 320; Itself, iii. 293; law, iii. 8; Logos, i. 333; mind, ii. 127, 155, 156; news, i. 141; path of the, ii. 190; own path of, ii. 189, 196, iii. 330; perfect, i. 205; physician, i. 461, ii. 213;

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pleroma of, ii. 117; shepherd, i. 37, 373, ii. 52 ff., 213; spirit, iii. 261; threshold of, ii. 97; vision of, ii. 119, 143.

Good-Doer, i. 320.

Goodness, i. 215.

Gordian, ii. 198.

Goropius Becamis, i. 20.

Gospel, iii. 135; According to the Egyptians, i. 38, 142, 150, 153, 242, ii. 54, 164; of Eve, i. 85, 142, ii. 24, 25, 238; fragment of a lost, i. 153; According to the Hebrews, ii. 238; of Osiris, i. 367; of Perfection, i. 1 42; of Philip, i. 142; proem to the fourth, ii. 371; quotations from the fourth, i. 194; According to Thomas, i. 142, 155, iii. 37.

Gourd-tree, ii. 56.

Grace, ii. 20.

Grand Master, ii. 23.

Granger, i. 36 ff., 260, ii. 50; theory of, ii. 51.

Grasshopper, story of Pythic, ii. 300.

Grasshoppers, ii. 292.

Grave, three days in the, i. 71.

Graves, dead shall leap forth from, i. 172.

Great Announcement, i. 184, ii. 70, 170, 317.

Great, art divine, ii. 169, iii. 299; beast, i. 425; beasts, i. 424; body of Cosmos, ii. 128; bound-ary, ii. 29, 35; creator, Light, i. 71, 79; fish, i. 425; Gods, i. 127, 347; Green, i. 84, 92, 94, 131, 132, 176, 424, iii. 154; heart, i. 131; ignorance, iii. 140; initiator, ii. 21; Jordan, i. 163; King's viceroy, i. 226; likeness, ii. 164; and little man, ii. 23; lives, ii. 128; Man, i. 60, ii. 40, 56; Man from Above, i. 150; Man, Body of, i. 425; Mind, ii. 213; Mother, mysteries of the, i. 186; Mysteries, the, i. 185, 217, 362, ii. 240; Name, i. 93; Ocean, i. 171, ii. 92; Power, i. 184; Ptah, the, i. 130, 135; Pyramid, i. 69; saying, ii. 234; sea, iii. 163; serpent, ii. 27, 35; snake, ii. 26; Vehicle of Buddhism, ii. 44; work, iii. 317, 329; year, iii. 290.

Greater deaths, greater lots, i. 180.

Greatness, ii. 187, 222, 244, 344; a, i. 185; of divinity, ii. 309; of God, ii. 244.

Greatnesses, i. 165, ii. 28.

Greek, disciples of Egyptians, i. 274, 286; names in foreign languages, i. 342; philosophizing, ii. 267, 281; wisdom, i. 193.

Greeks, Protrepticus, or Exhortation to the, ii. 300.

Green, Great, i. 92, 94, 132, 176, 424, iii. 154; tree, i. 266.

Grenfell and Hunt, i. 93.

Grief, ii. 224, iii. 42.

Griffith, i. 53, 88, 118 ff.

Grihastha Ashrama, ii. 73.

Ground of Genesis, i. 337.

Grudging, ii. 86, 108.

Guardian of the Gate, i. 428.

Guards of the whole, iii. 48.

Guile, ii. 224.

Gymnosophists, i. 208.

Habit, ii. 41.

Habitat of excarnate souls, iii. 210.

Hades, i. 302, 305, 325, 327, 342, 350, 362, 453, ii. 337, 338; vision of, i. 223; visit to, i. 380; way of salvation from, i. 152.

Hadrian, i. 195.

Haf, i. 462.

Haggadist, ii. 239.

Haimos, i. 169.

Hall of the Altar, i. 74; of the Child in his Cradle, i. 74, 75; of the Golden Rays, i. 75.

Halm, i. 56.

Hands, iii. 101, 117.

Haoma or soma-plant, i. 325.

Harbour of good things, i. 293; of salvation, ii. 123.

Hardadaf, i. 467.

Harles, i. 5; Fabricius, i. 23.

Harlot, i. 174, iii. 166.

Harmonic canon, iii. 176.

Harmony, i. 323, ii. 9, 10, 15, 16, 39, 41, 89, iii. 63, 64, 66, 67, 74, 80, 86; heavenly, ii. 253; true, ii. 251; of wisdom, i. 237.

Harnack, i. 469, ii. 55.

Harnebeschenis (see Arnebeschenis), i. 76, iii. 209.

Harper, story of, ii. 291.

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Harpocrates, i. 291, 346, 349, ii. 265.

Harpocratians, i. 147.

Harris Papyrus, i. 131.

Harrison (Jane E.), i. 310.

Hatch, i. 179.

Hate fish, i. 308.

Hateful cloak, ii. 121.

Hathor, i. 74, 316.

Hating, ii. 115; of body, ii. 95.

Hawk, i. 56, 329, 330, 353, 355, iii. 133, 181; golden, i. 76.

Head, i. 429; Above, descent from, i. 169.

Head-born, i. 359.

Healer, Asclepius the, i. 467.

Health, iii. 203; of soul, ii. 257.

Hearer, i. 185, 292, ii. 255.

Heart, iii. 75; appetite and, iii. 78; eyes of, ii. 121; great, i. 131; of Ra, i. 53; of silence, i. 73; and tongue, i. 136.

Hearth, common, iii. 171; of universe, iii. 172.

Heather-bush, i. 284.

Heather-tree, i. 284.

Heaven, beauty of, iii. 94; and earth contrasted, iii. 9, 10; Egypt image of, ii. 351; gate of, i. 181, ii. 240, iii. 157; Isis, queen of, iii. 160; law of, iii. 62; ocean, i. 411, iii. 154; pole-lords of, i. 176; power to travel through, ii. 197; seven fortunes of, i. 176; song of, ii. 384; sphere-like, i. 390; Thee I adjure, iii. 269; third, i. 166, 173; tongues of, ii. 32; voices from, i. 323; war in, iii. 118. Heaven-born, ii. 162.

Heaven-walkers, i. 101.

Heavenly bodies, iii. 301; chariot, iii. 173; flame of burning gold, i. 75; Ganges, i. 110; harmony, ii. 253; horn, i. 167, 193, 453; Jerusalem, i. 74; Man, ii. 102, iii. 277; Nile, iii. 158; Word proceeding forth, iii. 254.

Heavens, Entrance of the Golden, i. 75; kingdom of, i. 185; kingship of, i. 167, ii. 43; overseers of, i. 126: sound of, i. 161.

Hebdomad, Athena, i. 275; celestial, i. 422; of Fate, ii. 251; Ophite, i. 421.

Hebrew influence, ii. 38, 81.

Hebrews, Gospel according to the, ii. 238.

Hecatæus, i. 268, 274, 472.

Hecate, i. 322, 352.

Hedgehogs, i. 325.

?e?, i. 407.

Height of Cosmos to Depths of Earth, i. 413.

Heimarmene (Fate), ii. 275, 341, 384, iii. 273.

Hekekyan Bey, i. 111.

Helen, i. 147.

Heliopolis, i. 103.

Heliopolitan theology, i. 135.

Helios, i. 278.

Hellanicus, i. 310.

Hellas, Bible of, i. 193; wisdom of, 186.

Hellenistic, myth of Anthropos, i. 143; theology, i. 200, 202, 218, 255.

Hemisphere, upper, ii. 271.

Hemlock juice, i. 179.

Hep-Tep, i. 74.

Hephæstus, i. 61, 130, 307, 347, iii. 148; men of, iii. 183; Ptah who is, iii. 96.

Hera, i. 305, 307.

Heracleian stone, i. 189.

Heracleides, i. 301.

Heracleitus, i. 302, 323, 327, 361; sayings of, ii. 213.

Heracles, i. 303, 318, 319.

Heracleon, i. 39.

Herald, ii. 86; of God, ii. 95.

Herb-knowers, iii. 111.

Herba medica, i. 293.

Hercules, myth of, i. 147; noose of, i. 61.

Hermgeus, i. 314, 320.

Hermaïca, iii. 252.

Hermaïc, books, iii. 293; doctrines, iii. 292; writings, ii. 169, iii. 297.

Hermanubis, i. 342.

Hermaphrodites, ii. 37.

Hermas, Apocalyptic, i. 378; Gnostic elements in, i. 376; higher criticism of, i. 370: name of, i. 374; Old Latin version of, i. 378; Pastoral, i. 370; Shepherd of, i 369, ii. 238, 248, iii. 319; shepherd of, ii. 229, 232.

Hermeneutic, i. 300.

Hermes, i. 278, 295, 319, 334, ii. 88, iii. 234; (I.), ii. 83, iii. 147,

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[paragraph continues]152; (II.), i. 104, iii. 152; (III.), iii. 303; Alchemical literature, i. 5; all-knowing, iii. 95; apoph-thegm of, iii. 88; Arab tradition, i. 5; and Asclepius, apotheosis of, iii. 222; and Asclepius, sons of God, iii. 217; and Basilides, ii. 215; beloved son of Zeus, i. 122; books of, 115, 196, 342, 380, iii. 282, 289; books of described by Clem, of A., iii. 222; city of, i. 87; columns or pillars of, i. 112; first natural philosopher, iii. 237; gnosis of, iii. 316; the Gnostic, iii. 320; grade of, ii. 250; great-and-great, i. 117; inspirer, iii. 286; inventions of, i. 5; Kriophoros, ii. 52; Logius, ii. 54; Logos, i. 158; master of all physics, iii. 226; mind of, iii. 260; monuments of, i. 113; prior to Moses, i. 19; Paut of, i. 263; prayer of, i. 402; prayers, i. 82; a race or being, iii. 135; religion of, i. 82; rod of, i. 61, 160, 161; scriptures of, iii. 227; spell of, iii. 97; suppliant of, ii. 236; teacher of reincarnation, iii. 227; ten-thousand-times-great, iii. 276; Thoth the first, i. 104; writer of scripture, iii. 227; Word who brings tidings from God, iii. 217.

Hermes-city, i. 329.

Hermeses and Asclepiuses, many, iii. 221.

Hermetic tradition, origins of the, iii. 233.

Hermippus de Astrologia Dialogus, iii. 270.

Hermodotus, i. 298.

Hermopolis, i. 56, ii. 382.

Heru-Behutet, i. 57.

Heru-em-Anpu, i. 342.

Heru-p-Khart, i. 346.

Heru-ur, i. 279.

Hesiod, i. 265, 300, 338, 389.

Hestia, i. 305.

Hesychius, i. 100, 269.

Het-Abtit, House of the Net, i. 58.

Hexads, ii. 117.

Hexæmeron, iii. 117.

Hezekiah, ii. 232.

Hibbert Journal, ii. 71.

Hidden mystery in silence, the, i. 167; Places, House of the, i. 68.

Hierarchies, ii. 276, 314, 340, 342.

Hieratic, iii. 276; books, iii. 225.

Hieroglyphics, i. 134, 276, 277, 312, 330.

Hierophants, i. 210, 211; of mysteries, i. 212.

Hierosolymus, i. 307.

Higher Criticism of Pœmandres, i. 128; of Shepherd of Hermas, i. 370.

Hilaria, i. 152.

Hildebrand, ii. 307, 392.

Hilgenfeld, i. 370.

Hilgers, i. 25; theory of, i. 369.

Hippocrates, i. 155.

Hippolytus, i. 94; Conclusion of, i. 186; and the divulging of the Mysteries, i. 140; Philosophumena of, i. 140.

Hippopotamus, i. 329, 330, 427.

Hoeffer, i. 27.

Hoffmann (G.), i. 33; (S. F. W.), i. 9.

Holiness, Song of, ii. 50.

Holy, Holy, Holy, ii. 19.

Homer, i. 309, 318, 327, 330, 388; on daimones, i. 299; nodding, the good, i. 196.

Homilies, Clementine, i. 388, ii. 72.

Honey, i. 349, 364.

Honey-brew, i. 347.

Honey-clover, i. 284, 315.

Hor, Son of the Negress, i. 88; Son of Pa-neshe, i. 119.

Horapollo, i. 48, 55, 56, 408.

Horizon, i. 74, 332; of Light, i. 75.

Horizoned, i. 335.

Horn, the, i. 190; of Men, i. 166; of one-horned bull, i. 187.

Horœus, i. 427.

Horos or Boundary, ii. 366; Great Boundary, ii. 29; Gnostic, i. 250, ii. 348; Mighty Power, ii. 33.

Horoscopes, ii. 193, 341.

Horse, i. 290.

Horses, i. 430; yoke of, i. 430.

Horus, i. 53, 63, 77, 88, 92, 94, 132, 133, 136, 334, ii. 51; bastardy suit against, i. 291; birth of, i. 75, 76, 95, iii. 122, 157, 160, 162, 242; birthday of Eye of, i. 331; Birthdays of, i. 332; bone of, i. 189, 343; how born, i. 315; Books of Isis and, iii. 208; Books of Isis to, iii. 313;

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brethren, i. 66; companions of, i. 270, 290; is cosmos surrounding earth, i. 321; cosmos that is, i. 338; cutting up into pieces of, i. 291; elder, i. 279, 280, 334, 343, 346, 367; eye of, i. 336; gold-miner, iii. 209; golden, i. 76; Isis to, iii. 87; questions of Osiris to, i. 290; and Set, i. 56, 57; white, i. 296; worshippers of, i. 147; the younger, i. 291.

Hour, i. 72, 266.

House, ii. 117; of body, ii. 321; of the eye, i. 288; of virginity, i. 218; of Father, i. 224; of glory, i. 79; of God, i. 171, 181, ii. 240; of Hidden Places, i. 68; of Net, i. 58; of Osiris, i. 79; robber in thy, ii. 121.

Hu-siris, i. 310.

Humanists, i. 17, 18; MSS., i. 8.

Husbandman, ii. 263; Achaab, ii. 265; good, ii. 213, 265.

Hyades, i. 161.

Hye Kye, i. 160.

Hyes (Hues), i. 161, 310.

Hyle, i. 151, 389.

Hylic animal, ii. 63; cosmic, ii. 319; Mind, i. 452; Nous, i. 416.

Hymn of the Æons, ii. 43; to All-God, ii. 108; to Amen-Ra, i. 131; to Attis, ii. 56; of the Four, ii. 389; of the Gods, iii. 91; to Jupiter Ammon, i. 149; Naassene, ii. 109; Orphic, iii. 269; of Osiris and Isis, iii. 124, 146; of Praise, ii. 49; of Praise “Holy art Thou,” ii. 19; for morning and for evening prayer, ii. 252; of Rebirth, ii. 229; to the Sun, ii. 253; of Valentinus, ii. 284. Hymnody, secret, ii. 230 f.

Hymns, Orphic, ii. 235.

Hyparxis, ii. 269.

Hysterema, ii. 239.

I am thou, i. 85, 87, 89, ii. 24.

I-em-?etep, i. 457.

Ialdabaoth, i. 139, 159, 422.

Iao, i. 411.

Iao Zeesar, i. 191.

Iamblichus (see Jamblichus).

Iatromathematici, i. 471.

Ibis, i. 48, 54 ff., 87, 353, 355; symbolism of, i. 358.

Ibis-headed moon-god, i. 47.

Icheneumon, i. 356, 436.

Idea, i. 336, ii. 185.

Ieou, First Book of, i. 172.

Iexai, ii. 242.

Ignorance, ii. 146, 246; of God, ii. 120; great, iii. 140; mystery of, ii. 25; sea of, ii. 123; way out of, ii. 237; web of, ii. 121; wine of, ii. 120.

Illumination, i. 241, ii. 255; degrees of, iii. 208.

Image, ii. 35, 368; divine, i. 235; or double, i. 89; of God, i. 232, ii. 91, 92, 100, iii. 236, 244; His, i. 233; after His, ii. 125; image of, i. 23 5; of the One, ii. 118.

Images, adoration of, ii. 286; sacred, ii. 381.

Imhotep, i. 459.

Immisch, i. 169.

Immortality, ii. 210; cup of, iii. 205; draught of, iii. 163; philtre of, iii. 163.

Impression of a seal, i. 215, 395.

Impulses, ii. 204.

Imuth-brotherhood, iii. 148.

Imuth-Asclepius, i. 466.

Inaction, ii. 178.

Inbreathing, iii. 194; of universe, ii. 254.

Incantations, i. 88.

Incarnation, iii. 145; embryonic stages of (Pistis Sophia), iii. 68.

Incarnations of Thoth, i. 463.

Incense, i. 363.

Increase and multiply, i. 37, ii. 12, 38, 82.

India, i. 208, 303, ii. 197; British Raj in, i. 354.

Indian, ii. 353; wisdom, ii. 198.

Indians, ii. 401.

Induced Days, i. 279, 280.

Inexpressible man, i. 170.

Inferi, ii. 338.

Initiates, the Bacchic, i. 191; of Isis, i. 263; Orphic, i. 95, 191.

Initiation, iii. 323; “in the black,” i. 91; Cup of, ii. 94; into Divine Mysteries, i. 208; doctrines of, i. 73; final, ii. 43; hall, i. 179; Isis a grade of, iii. 208; mount of, ii. 238: in the sacred rites, iii. 257; of Tat, iii. 313; temples of, i. 74; theurgic rite of, ii. 255.

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Initiations, iii. 171; of the Assyrians, i. 151; Therapeut, i. 251.

Initiator, iii. 251; Great, ii. 21; Thoth the, i. 71.

Ink, iii. 149.

Inn or caravanserai, ii. 283.

Inner, doctrine of the mystery-institutions, i. 141; Door, i. 157, 270, iii. 274, 280; Door, About the, iii. 275, 295; man, iii. 277; way, i. 101.

Iniquity, Fence of, i. 427.

Insufficiency, ii. 174, 241, 245.

Intef, Stele of, i. 138.

Intellect of Cosmos, ii. 373; eye of, ii. 308.

Intellectual Light, iii. 257, 268.

Intelligible cosmos, i. 146, ii. 167, 194, 273, 275, 286; essence, ii. 276, iii. 57; model, i. 241.

Intemperance, ii. 224.

Interception, i. 319.

Intercourse of souls, ii. 314.

Interpreter, i. 158.

Intf, i. 467.

Intoxication, i. 414.

Invention, iii. 98.

Inventor of philosophy, i. 138.

Invert himself, ii. 243.

Invocation, of the powers, ii. 249; theurgic rite of, ii. 245.

Io, i. 314.

Ireuæus, i. 139, ii. 27.

Iris, i. 292.

Isaac, i. 217, 220, 221.

Isaiah, ii. 232; The Ascension of, ii. 232.

Iseion, i. 263.

Ishon, iii. 165.

Isia, i. 341.

Isis, i. 63, 279, 332, 346, 349, 373, ii. 30; beheading of, i. 291; books of, iii. 316; books of Horus and, i. 481; feminine principle of Nature, i. 333; Golden Heaven of, i. 75; hastening, i. 340; to Horus, iii. 87; house of, iii. 163; true initiate of, i. 256, 263; grade of initiation, iii. 208; Intercession of, iii. 87; from “knowledge,” i. 341; Lady, iii. 155; mysteries of, i. 155, iii. 182; and Osiris, texts and translations of Plutarch on, i. 259; Queen of Heaven, iii. 160; robe of, i. 62, 264.

Isis-Righteousness, i. 85.

Isis-Sophia, iii. 134.

Israel, ingathering of, ii. 303; the myths of, i. 202; seeing, i. 198.

Israëlitismus, i. 124.

Italy, iii. 131.

Ithakesian Island men, i. 270.

Ithyphallus, i. 158.

Jackal, i. 87.

Jacob, i. 217; dream of, i. 223.

Jamblichus, i. 112, ii. 169, 280, iii. 285.

James, Brother of the Lord, i. 143, 147; the Just, i. 148; John, and Peter, i. 475.

Janus, i. 59.

Japanese, the, ii. 302.

Jennings, Hargrave, i. 12.

Jeremiah, i. 178, 217.

Jerusalem, i. 246; Above, i. 163, 183, 245, ii. 42, 251, iii. 100; Below, i. 178.

Jeschu, i. 335, ii. 239.

Jeschu (Jesus), i. 165.

Jeschu ha-Notzri, i. 270.

Jesus, i. 147; body of, i. 286; cult of, ii. 138; the living one, i. 93; logoi of, iii. 246; Sisters of, i. 147.

Jesus Christ, spiritual oblations through, ii. 254; through, ii. 255.

Jesus (Joshua), i. 164.

Jivanmukta, ii. 167.

Jñana-Marga, ii. 119.

Johannine document, sources of, i. 195.

John, Acts of, ii. 55, 238.

John, the Baptist, i. 470.

Jonah, ii. 56.

Jordan, Great, i. 163.

Joseph, i. 220.

Josephus, i. 103, 113, 114.

Jothor, i. 164.

Joy, i. 220, ii. 346; grief and, iii. 42; lord of, i. 74; religion of, i. 73.

Judæo-Egyptian gnosis, i. 31.

Judæus and Hierosolymus, i. 307.

Judge, of two combatant Gods, i. 53; of the dead, i. 64.

Judges, statues of, i. 276.

Judgment, i. 79; scene, i. 55.

Judgments of value, iii. 317.

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Julian, the Emperor, i. 113, iii. 303.

Juniper, i. 364, 365.

Jupiter, i. 416, 418, 419.

Jupiter Ammon, Hymn to, i. 149.

Just, the, i. 70, 79, 156.

Justice, i. 359, iii. 58, 243; engine of, ii. 41.

Justice (Maat), i. 263.

Justification, i. 79.

Justified, i. 71, iii. 320.

Ka, i. 89, 97, 132, 133, 134, 280, 463, ii. 287.

Kabalah, i. 281.

Kabeiros, i. 149.

Kabiri (Cabiri), Seven, i. 127, ii. 279.

Kakodaimon, i. 448.

Kamephis, iii. 107, 149, 159, 167.

Karma, instrument of, iii. 116.

Karmic, agents, ii. 282; scales, Teller of the, i. 72; wheel, ii. 83.

Kastor, i. 306.

Ka?hopani?had, ii. 168, 317.

Kaulakau, i. 165, ii. 80.

Kenyon, i. 82, 86, 117.

Khaibit, i. 76, 89.

Khamuas, Tales of, i. 118, 281, 380.

Khat, i. 89.

Khemennu, i. 53, 56, 58, 65; "the eighth city," i. 120.

Kheper?, i. 357.

Khmûn, i. 119, 120.

Khu, i. 89.

Kid, thou hast fallen into the milk, i. 191.

King, Ambassador of the, i. 250; Ammon, i. 77, ii. 280; Correspondence of Asclepius with the, ii. 278; of glory, i. 171; God as shepherd and, i. 226; the highest, ii. 293; The Perfect Sermon to the, ii. 266, 281; Praising of the, ii. 294; the very statues of the, ii. 298; the true, ii. 302.

King (L. W.). i. 61, 328, 344, 348.

King-soul, iii. 144.

Kingdom of the Heavens, the, i. 185; within man, i. 155.

Kingdoms, downfalls of, iii. 48.

Kings, iii. Ill, 126; Catalogue of, i. 277; divine, i. 106; encomium of, ii. 299; eulogy of, ii. 298; glorious fame of, ii. 292; guard and escort of souls of, iii. 127; presidents of common weal and peace, ii. 293; successions of, i. 315.

Kingsford and Maitland, i. 15.

Kingship of Heavens, i. 167, ii. 43.

Klea, i. 260, 264, 310; to, i. 276.

Kneph, i. 295.

Kneph-Kamephis, iii. 151.

Knife, i. 277.

Knowledge, vehicle of, i. 49.

Kopto, i. 283.

Koptos, i. 305.

Kore, i. 59, 151, 318, iii. 161; Descent of, i. 350.

Koreion, i. 403, iii. 161.

Korybantes (see Corybantes), i. 149.

Korybas, i. 169.

Koshas, ii. 168.

Kriophoros, ii. 54.

Kroll, i. 100, 101.

Kronos (see Cronus), i. 151, 278, 298, 307, 322, 350; that is, Ammon, ii. 279; whether blest child of, i. 185; sacred dirge on, i. 30; tears of, i. 308.

Kuphi, i. 332, 364, 366.

Kuretes, i. 149.

Labyrinth of ills, i. 191.

Lachares, i. 352.

Lachesis, i. 442.

Ladder, of Being, ii. 165; of the Words, i. 239.

Lady, of heart and tongue, iii. 208; of all wisdom, iii. 208.

Lagides, i. 99.

Lake Mareotis, ii. 403.

Lame, i. 334.

Lamp-magic, i. 92.

Land, Black, iii. 158; Blessed, iii. 282; of Eternal Dawn, i. 80; flowing with milk and honey, ii. 251; of the Living, i. 50, 51; of the Lord, ii. 251; Seriadic, i. 110 ff.; 114.

Lang, Andrew, i. 258.

Language, of Gods, ii. 279; of the Word, i. 54.

Larks, i. 356.

Lauchert, i. 56.

Laughter, i. 221; seven peals of, iii. 137.

Law, body of, ii. 44; generative, i. 191; of God, iii. 195; good, iii. 8.

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Laws, of Lycurgus, ii. 235; sacred, ii. 235.

Laya, ii. 260.

Layers, iii. 194.

Laying-on of hands, ii. 242.

Lazarel, Loys, i. 10.

Lazarus, i. 71.

Lead, i. 282.

Leading Forth, i. 164.

Leah, i. 217.

Leaven hid in three measures of flour, i. 167.

Leemans, i. 82, 84, 90.

Lentils, i. 346.

Leo, i. 415.

Léontocéphale, la divinité, i. 399.

Lepsius, i. 49, 69.

Lethe, Plain of, i. 447; River of, i. 416, 452.

Leto, i. 315.

Letronne, i. 107, 117.

Leviathan, i. 267, 423, 424.

Liberation, ii. 167.

Library, i. 102; Alexandrian, i. 197; catalogue of Egyptian priestly, iii. 225; of Osymandias, i. 50; of priesthood of Ra, i. 103; at Thebes, i. 465.

Libya, Mount of, ii. 382.

Libyan Hill, ii. 360, 402.

Life, ii. 184; circle of types of, ii. 194; gardener of, ii. 133, 140; and Light, ii. 13, 14, 20, 226, 231, iii. 325; lord of, i. 132; place of, ii. 133; plastic, iii. 210; plenitude of, ii. 208; shame of, i. 242; theoretic, ii. 163; tree of, i. 428; types of, ii. 245; way of, i. 182, ii. 15, 40, 41; well of, i. 79.

Life-giving one, iii. 46; power, iii. 292.

Life-producing circle, iii. 51.

Lift up the gates, i. 170.

Light, all-seeing, ii. 253; baptism of, ii. 255; boundless, i. 93; creatures of, i. 51; day of, i. 326; entrance on, i. 79; exhaling his, iii. 279; fount of, i. 74; gnosis of, ii. 155; of God, i. 232; the great creator, i. 71, 79; horizon of, i. 75; hymn, i. 94; intellectual, iii. 257, 268; and life (see life); lily of, i. 77; Logos is, i. 231; manifestation to, iii. 160; moist, i. 391; mountain of, ii. 238; chamber of, i. 75; religion of, i. 73; revealer of, i. 375; treasure of, i. 246; veil, ii. 28, 29, 31.

Light-Darkness, iii. 278.

Light-giver, i. 179.

Light-God, i. 473.

Light-man, iii. 279.

Light-spark, i. 395, ii. 29.

Light-word, ii. 5.

Like, ii. 90; and unlike, iii. 11.

Likeness (see Image).

Lily, i. 77.

Limbs, ii. 387, iii. 277.

Linen, i. 71, 265; cloth, i. 71.

Linus, i. 293; song of, i. 293.

Lion, i. 56, 90, 290, 314, 422, 446, 449, iii. 180.

Lionardo of Pistoja, i. 8.

Lionesses, iii. 181.

Lions, iii. 112; mouths, i. 314.

Lipsius, ii. 108.

Liquid Chaos, i. 191.

Littré, i. 155.

Living, Book of the, i. 367; death, ii. 121; land of the, i. 50, 51; mother of the, i. 163; one, i. 93; stones, ii. 254, 256; water, i. 188, 190.

Locust, iii. 133, 356.

Logia, bible of, ii. 236; logoi or, ii. 234; Oxyrhynchus (see Behnesa), i. 209, ii. 24, 116, 239, 255.

Logoi, Behnesa, ii. 17, 239; and ideas, iii. 171; of Jesus, iii. 246; or logia, ii. 234.

Logoklopia, iii. 323.

Logos, i. 68, 362; Æon the, i. 239, 406; Book concerning, ii. 265; “cause of activity,” ii. 254; disciples of, i. 243; Eternity illumined by, i. 399; Good, i. 333; Hermes, i. 158; Image of God, i. 232; Life and Light, i. 231; race of, ii. 18, 241; sophia-aspect of, i. 49; spermatic essence of, i. 390; spiritual sun, i. 241; Thoth as, i. 63, 90.

Logos-Demiurge, i. 135.

Logos-doctrine, i. 51.

Logos-Mediator, i. 249.

Longing, ii. 346.

Lord, of books, i. 53; Brethren of, i. 147; of divine words, i. 53; of joy, i. 74; of all knowledge, i.

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[paragraph continues]55; land of the, ii. 251; of life, i. 132; of moist nature, i. 161; of palingenesis, i. 50; of rebirth, i. 50; of time, i. 76; of two lands, i. 134; of unseen world, i. 73; word of, ii. 6.

Loreto, i. 469.

Lost sheep, the, i. 191.

Lotus, i. 347, 458.

Lourdes, i. 469.

Love, i. 77, 125, 338, ii. 12, 39, iii. 259; birth of, i. 338; of gnosis, iii. 260; divine, ii. 94, 309, 346, iii. 260; Himself, ii. 297; and necessity, iii. 110, 264; pure, ii. 332; single, ii. 330.

Loves, the, iii. 95.

Lowrie, ii. 55.

Lucian, i. 158.

Lychnomancy, i. 92.

Lycopolitans, i. 305.

Lycurgus, i. 274; laws of, ii. 235.

Lydus, i. 403, 404, ii. 342, 361, 385.

Lyre, Pythagoreans used, i. 366; strings, i. 335.

Lysippus, i. 298.

Maasse, i. 418.

Maat, i. 52, 64, 89, 99, 458.

M‘Clintock, i. 27.

M‘Lennan, i. 353.

Macrobius on “Descent of the Soul,” i. 413.

Macroprosopus, ii. 282.

Madiam, i. 164.

Magi, i. 207, 326, ii. 170, iii. 182, 277.

Magian gnosis, iii. 296.

Magic, iii. 275; formulæ, i. 50; papyri, ii. 252.

Magica, iii. 296.

Magna Mater Mysteries, i. 179.

Magnet, i. 189, ii. 91.

Maha-vakyam, ii. 234.

Mahabharata, ii. 235, 242.

Mahayana, ii. 44.

Mahayana-shraddhotpada-shastra, ii. 44.

Maia, iii. 251.

Maitland, Kingsford and, i. 15.

Making-manifest, ii. 99.

Making-new-again, ii. 75, 83, 128.

Malalas, iii. 269.

Male-female, i. 146, 152, ii. 10, 12, 38.

Malice, ii. 224.

Malkander, i. 285.

Mambres, iii. 283.

Mammon, iii. 184.

Man, ii. 9, 127, 157, 321, 325, 326; Above, i. 149, 197; Adamas, i. 148; an appearance, iii. 21; birth of, ii. 241; brother of, ii. 35; celestial, ii. 37; cosmic, ii. 12, 116, 382; daring of, iii. 114; descent of, ii. 34; dual nature of, iii. 245; named East, i. 227; essential, ii. 116, 251, 319, 321; first, i. 115, 139, ii. 27, iii. 295; gnosis of, i. 147, 178, iii. 323; great, ii. 23, 40, 56; heavenly, ii. 102, iii. 277; inexpressible, i. 170; inner, iii. 277; of light, iii. 281; after likeness, ii. 277; material, ii. 132; of mighty names, i. 146, ii. 109, 254; a mighty wonder, ii. 315; the mind, iii. 280; mind-led, ii. 203; mystery of, i. 141; new, ii. 43; one, ii. 222, 244; original, i. 168; Phos, iii. 279; Plato's definition of, i. 433; principles of, ii. 149; second, i. 139, ii. 27; shall not live by bread alone, i. 248; son of, i. 160, ii. 43, 138; sons of one, i. 197, 234; substantial, ii. 132; size of thumb, iii. 165; Thy, ii. 232; true, i. 228; of truth, figure of, iii. 277; twofold, ii. 319; typal, i. 168.

Man-after-His-Likeness, i. 198, 234.

Man-doctrine, i. 138, 193, 197.

Man-mystery, the, i. 198.

Man-Shepherd, ii. 3, 5, 6, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 52.

Manava Dharma Shastra, ii. 73.

Maneros, i. 287, 288, 293, 294.

Manes, i. 297.

Manetho, i. 99 ff., 103, 273, iii. 289, 302, 329, 355; Beloved of Thoth, i. 102 ff.; books of, i. 104; Sethis of, i. 117, 121; translation activity of, ii. 280.

Mangey, i. 200.

Manhood, christ-stage of, i. 367, 368.

Manic, i. 297.

Manna, i. 246.

Mansoul, Siege of, iii. 187.

Mantra-vidya, i. 64, iii. 274.

Mantra?, i. 64, 365.

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Maim, i. 112.

Manvantara, iii. 137.

Many, ii. 131, 308; Avoid converse with, iii. 11; unknowing, ii. 250.

Many-named, i. 184.

Maps of the world, iii. 185, 187.

Marcella, Porphyry's Letter to, i. 260.

Marcellus, i. 106.

Marcion, ii. 72.

Marcus, Gnostic, iii. 276.

Marduk, i. 60.

Mareotis, Lake, ii. 403.

Mariam, the sought-for, i. 164.

Mariamne, i. 143, 147, 301.

Marriage, with right reason, i. 223; sacred, i. 182, 216, 224, ii. 96, 137, 173, 240, 241, iii. 156, 157, 319.

Mars, i. 416, 418, 419.

Marsham Adams, i. 68, 81.

Marsiglio Ficino, i. 8, 9; opinion of, i. 19.

Martha, i. 71, 147.

Martial, i. 116.

Martyrdom of Peter, ii. 108.

Mary, i. 71; Magdalene, i. 147; Concerning the Offspring of, i. 142; Questions of, i. 142.

Masdesin, i. 297.

Mason, Master, i. 466.

Maspero, i. 130.

Mass, ii. 269.

Master, of the All, i. 409; Book of the, i. 68, 77, 78; of feast, i. 245; grand, ii. 23; Mason, i. 466; of masters, iii. 317; of the wheels, iii. 120.

Master-architect, i. 48.

Masterhood, ii. 47, iii. 324.

Mastery, i. 80.

Mastich, i. 365.

Materiality, ii. 212, 218.

Mathematici, i. 292, 336; theory of, i. 318.

Mathesis, i. 262, ii. 264, 372, iii. 5.

Matter, i. 225, 276, 334, 336, 338, 339, 389, 390, 415, 451, ii. 125, 176, 210, 211, 241, 269, 332, 333, 335, 343, iii. 26, 66, 226, 278; becoming of, ii. 177; blend of, iii. 103; cosmos, ii. 336; fourfold, i. 389; by itself, ii. 181; is one, ii. 118; pure, ii. 7; root of, ii. 26.

Maya, ii. 106 ff.

Mayin, ii. 107.

Mazdæans, i. 400.

Mazdes, i. 297.

Means, i. 338.

Measure, six-and-fiftieth even, i. 305.

Measurer, the great, i. 53; Thoth, the, i. 66.

Medes, i. 196.

Median, i. 197.

Mediator, i. 58, 325.

Medici, Cosimo, i. 8.

Medinet Habu, i. 463.

Megaloi Theoi (see Cabiri), i. 127.

Meinian, i. 273.

Meinis, i. 272.

Melchizedec, i. 127, iii. 211.

Melilote, i. 284.

Members, i. 135.

Memnon, i. 96.

Memnonium, i. 50.

Memoirs of the Apostles, i. 195.

Memory, i. 433, ii. 397; experience and, iii. 195; restored, ii. 221.

Memphis, i. 105, 292, 293, 347, 460; brazen gates at, i. 303; Ptah-priests of, i. 135.

Men, benefactor of, ii. 213; first, ii. 37; fishers of, i. 59, 372; of Hephæstus, iii. 183; burn living, i. 355; gods, iii. 136; nourishment of, i. 133; perfect, ii. 87, 97; sacred or typical, iii. 138; seven, ii. 11; Shepherd of, i. 372, 375, ii. 231.

Men, i. 166; heavenly horn of, i. 167, 455.

Menander acts Menander, i. 351.

Ménard, views of, i. 27 ff.

Mendes, i. 320; goat at, i. 356.

Mene, iii. 91.

Menelaos, i. 296.

Mercabah, iii. 173; or Chariot of Ezekiel, i. 238; vision of, i. 154.

Merciful (Potency), i. 237.

Mercury, i. 417, 418, 419.

Mercy-seat, i. 238.

Merriment, ii. 346.

Mesopotamia, i. 171.

Mesore, i. 349.

Mesotes, ii. 251.

Messala, i. 403, 407.

Messiah-ites, i. 190.

Metamorphoses, i. 150; of soul, ii. 163.

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Metempsychosis, ii. 164, 166, iii. 26, 110, 142, 228; concerning, i. 429; Plotinus on, i. 434.

Methyer, i. 337.

Meyer, ii. 300.

Michael, i. 422, iii. 211.

Middle Way, ii. 96.

Midst, ii. 316.

Mighty Power, ii. 29, 33.

Migration into other bodies, ii. 329.

Milky Way, i. 414.

Miller, i. 140.

Million, i. 407.

Min, i. 337.

Mind, ii. 6, 86; All-father, ii. 8; born in, ii. 221; as builder, ii. 153; counterpart of, ii. 40; cup of, ii. 242; a daimon, ii. 154, 171; demiurgic, i. 137, ii. 35; door-keeper, ii. 14; dowsing in, ii. 255; eye of, ii. 228, 230, 253; gnosis of, ii. 88, 95; gnosis apotheosis of, ii. 167; good, ii. 127, 155, 156; imperishable, iii. 113; great, ii. 213; hylic, i. 452; joy of, ii. 230; judge, ii. 201; man, iii. 280; of all masterhood, ii. 3, 4, 229; of mind, iii. 257; of my own mind, iii. 104; pilot, ii. 201; pure, ii. 324, iii. 292; religion of, i. 91, ii. 401, iii. 316; of universals, i. 225. Mind-consciousness, ii. 239.

Mind-led man, ii. 203.

Minerva Mundi, iii. 93.

Ministers, iii. 50.

Minoïdes Mynas, i. 140.

Minos, i. 149.

Mint, i. 293.

Minutoli, i. 465.

Mirrors, ii. 285.

Mist, dark, i. 125.

Mithras, i. 325, iii. 181.

Mithriac, Æon, i. 399; Cronus, i. 400; mysteries, i. 290, iii. 180; mystery-tradition, i. 95.

Mithriaca, i. 178, 179, 182, ii. 276, iii. 181.

Mixture, iii. 102.

Mnaseas, i. 314.

Mnevis, i. 272, 309.

Möhler, i. 25.

Moirogenesis, i. 465.

Moist, i. 309, iii. 66; essence, i. 170, 187, 388, 390, 454, ii. 4, 75; light, i. 391; nature, i. 151, 310, 312, 313, ii. 4, 5, 13, 26.

Moistened, i. 161.

Moistener, i. 161, 279.

Moisture, i. 313.

Moly, i. 325.

Momos, iii. 115, 116, 142, 182; speech of, iii. 113.

Monad, i. 359, 395, 404, 414, 456, ii. 90; Apollo, i. 275; from the One, iii. 291; pleroma, i. 405; quintessence, i. 403.

Monastery, i. 209, iii. 93.

Montanus, ii. 292.

Montet, i. 387,

Moon, i. 319, 321, 332, 417, 419, ii. 180, 312.

Moon-God Thoth, i. 72.

Morning, Infinite, i. 80.

Moses, ii. 38; Archangelic Book of, i. 197; Books of, i. 456, ii. 158; companions of, i. 244; Eighth Book of, i. 197, 411; hierophant and prophet, i. 247.

Mot (see Mut), i. 125, 126.

Mother, of Gods, i. 152, 176; Holy Spirit, ii. 238; of living, i. 163; own, iii. 242; wisdom, i. 224; womb of great, iii. 324.

Mother-Æon, ii. 163.

Mother-city, best, i. 237.

Motion, ii. 61.

Mount, of Arcadia, ii. 238; Athos, i. 140; of Galilee, ii. 238; holy, i. 375; of initiation, ii. 238; of Olives, ii. 54; Passing o’er the, ii. 171; of perfection, ii. 24; Tabor, ii. 238; way up to, ii. 150, 171; wending up, ii. 219, 237; mountain, i. 377; of light, ii, 238; Secret Sermon on, i. 56, ii. 234; top of, ii. 237. Mozley, i. 34; on poles, i. 176.

Mukti, ii. 167.

Mulberry-tree, i. 284.

Mulberry-wood, tables of, iii. 216.

Müller, i. 104, 117.

Müller (C.), i. 107, 123.

Mummification, iii. 123.

Mummy, i. 71.

Muratorian Fragment, i. 378.

Murderer, ii. 202.

Muses, i. 280, 287, ii. 323; the nine or ennead, i. 85; prophets of the, ii. 292.

Museum, i. 102.

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Music, ii. 324, 331.

Music-maker, ii. 290, 291.

Musician, God, ii. 288; the, ii. 291.

Mustard seed, i. 247.

Mut (see Mot), i. 337.

Myer, Qabbalah of, i. 281.

Myriad-eyed, i. 184.

Myrrh, i. 332, 364, 366.

Mysteries, iii. 251; Anthropos-theory of, i. 193; of Assyrians, i. 155; Bacchic or Corybantic, i. 212; below, the, iii. 94; and Book of the Dead, iii. 186; of Dionysus, i. 311; Eleusinian, i. 59; the Great, i. 217, 362, ii. 240; of Great Mother, i. 186; hierophants of, i. 212; Hippolytus and divulging of, i. 140; most holy, i. 221; ineffable, i. 210; of Isis, iii. 182; Lesser, i. 180, ii. 159, 214, 240; of light and divine birth, i. 75; Magna Mater, i. 179; Mithriac, i. 290, iii. 1 80; On the, iii. 285; punishment for revealing, i. 213; of purity, i. 154; of regeneration, ii. 240; scribe of, iii. 223; of solemn life, i. 209; of godlike virtues, i. 207.

Mysterious black, iii. 158.

Mystery, of birth from virgin womb, ii. 240; of blessed bliss, i. 154; Book of the Great Logos according to, i. 166; dark, iii. 149; of deity, i. 225; deity, Cronus, i. 400; epoptic, i. 178; at third gate, i. 190; of Heavenly Man, i. 226; of ignorance, ii. 25; of man, i. 141; of repentance, ii. 245; ritual in Acts of John, i. 182, 183; of sameness, ii. 241; of Samothracians, i. 168; of virgin-birth, i. 211.

Mystery-institutions, iii. 327; inner doctrine of, i. 141.

Mystery-myth, the, i. 278 ff.

Mystery-play of all time, i. 377.

Mystes, i. 210, ii. 93, iii. 188.

Mystic, ii. 240, iii. 184; enclosure, i. 179; eucharist, ii. 94; images, i. 207; spectacle, iii. 107.

Mystical god-blending, i. 156.

Mysticism, practical, iii. 325, 326.

Myths, of Plato, i. 109; treatment of, i. 200; under-meaning of, i. 201.

Naas, i. 187, 192.

Naassene Document, i. 92, 390, ii. 54, 91, iii. 280, 282; analysis of, i. 142.

Naassene Hymn, ii. 109.

Naasseries, i. 141.

Naasseni, i. 146.

Nai, i. 294.

Nakdimon, Rabbi, ii. 239.

Naked, i. 211, 213, 373, 374.

Name, i. 85, ii. 343; authentic, ii. 252; of God, i. 198, 234, ii. 344, iii. 293; ogdoad, ii. 252.

Name-maker, iii. 276.

Names, i. 352; of power, ii. 279; energetic speech of, ii. 267.

Naos, i. 187.

Nature, iii. 25; Arise! blessed, i 155; by-products of, iii. 52; contemplators of, i. 206; fairest part of, ii. 348, 350; moist, i. 151, 161, 310, 312, 313, ii. 4, 5, 13, 26; original, i. 155; productive, iii. 66; seven-robed, i. 156; vaporous, iii. 209.

Naughtiness, superfluity of, i. 451.

Naumann, History of Music of, i. 294.

Nazorenes, i. 369.

Nebris, fawn-skin, i. 191.

Necessity, i. 101, ii. 211, iii. 61, 264; circle of, i. 428; daughters of, i. 442; fate and, ii. 385; foreknowledge and, iii. 12, 58; love and, iii. 110, 264; spindle of, i. 440; throne of, i. 447; utterance of, ii. 362.

Nechepso, i. 100 ff., 464, 472, 477.

Necheus, i. 464.

Nectar, i. 415.

Nefer-Tem, i. 458.

Negress, Hor, son of, i. 88.

Nehe-maut, i. 49.

Neilos, i. 307.

Neilotis, i. 115.

Neith, i. 108, 273.

Nemanous, i. 285.

Nemesis, iii. 116.

Neophytes, i. 214.

Nephthys, i. 280, 284, 315, 322 337, 340, 344.

Nesert, i. 457.

Net, i. 58 ff., 62; house of, i. 58; temple of, i. 62; of Vulcan, i. 62.

Netting, i. 62.

p. 357

Nicolaïtans, i. 165, ii. 79.

Night, i. 91, iii. 94, 114.

Night-stool boy, i. 298.

Nightingale, i. 445, 449.

Nigidius, i. 407.

Nikolaos, iii. 279.

Nikotheos, iii. 278.

Nile, i. 267, 269, 308, 314, 316, 345, 347, 384, ii. 265, iii. 148, 154; celestial, i. 70, 92, 156, iii. 163; father, i. 109; flood of, iii. 224; heavenly, iii. 158; Osiris, i. 308; Osiris' efflux, i. 312.

Nine, ii. 16.

Nineteenth Century, ii. 192.

Nirmanakaya, ii. 44.

Nirva?a, ii. 98.

Nirva?ic consciousness, i. 51, ii. 45, 46, 98.

Nitriote nome, i. 384.

Noah, ii. 56.

Nochaïtæ, i. 142.

Noëtic, body, ii. 242; world, iii. 80.

Non-Being, ii. 161.

Noose, of Hercules, i. 61.

Nourishment of gods, i. 133.

Numbers, i. 404; which pre-exist in Soul, iii. 173.

Numinis majestas, iii. 260.

Nuptial number, iii. 174, 336.

Nurse, i. 276, 285, 336; of all, i. 310, ii. 209.

Nut, i. 65.

Oannes, i. 149, 425, iii. 303.

Oblivion (Lethe), Place of, i. 454.

Oblong, i. 319.

Obscuration, ii. 260.

Obscure Philosopher, ii. 215.

Ocean, i. 162; churning the, iii. 180; of divine love, ii. 94; of generation, iii. 163; great, ii. 92; heaven, i. 131, iii. 154; stream of, i. 162, 282.

Oceanus, i. 310, iii. 273.

Ochus, i. 277, 307.

Octateuch, iii. 297.

Odysseus, i. 446; companions of, i. 270.

Œnuphis, i. 274.

Ogdoad, i. 57, 120, 130, 132, 246, 263, 275, ii. 42, 228, 251; name, ii. 252.

Old man of sea, i. 176.

Old old path, ii. 98.

Olympian path, the, ii. 171.

Olympic stole, iii. 182.

Olympus, i. 61, 299.

Omar Khayyam, i. 167.

Omega, iii. 273.

Omniform, ii. 194, 245, 341.

Omphis, i. 320.

One, ii. 100; and all, i. 136, 197, ii. 118, 230, 310, 344; is all, ii. 268, 308, 309; colour, i. 391; element, ii. 195, 244; essence, i. 391; form, ii. 35; image of, ii. 118; man, ii. 222, 244; and only, ii. 258, iii. 22; pleroma, ii. 133; second, ii. 118, 268; sense, ii. 139, 244; sight, ii. 161; source, ii 150.

One-and-Only One, ii. 100.

Oneness, ii. 90, 91, 92, iii. 258.

Onion, i. 271.

Only Son, ii. 196.

Onnofris, i. 294.

Onoel, i. 422.

Onomacritus, i. 392, ii. 235.

Ophianæ, ii. 27.

Ophitæ, ii. 27.

Ophite, hebdomad, i. 421; systems of gnosis, i. 98.

Ophites, i. 142; diagram of, i. 422, 423, 449, iii. 277.

Opinion, i. 430; and sensation, iii. 84.

Oracle, at Delphi, i. 349, ii. 42, 228.

Ordeal of fire, i. 79.

Order, ii. 385; and its opposite, iii 266.

Orderer of the world, iii. 208.

Orelli, i. 24, 123.

Orgies, i. 149, 155, 211, 350.

Origen, i. 140, 423, ii. 72, iii. 99; Celsus and, i. 423.

Original, man, i. 168; nature, i. 155; seed, i. 155.

Orion, i. 295, 296.

Ormuzd, i. 325, 400; servant of, i. 297.

Orpheus, i. 391, 392, 445, iii. 320.

Orphic, eschatology, i. 439; fragments, i. 265; hymn, iii. 269; hymns, ii. 235; initiates, i. 191; Phanes, ii. 282; or Pythagorean initiate, i. 95; world-egg, i. 387, 388.

Orphicism, i. 392.

Osiriaca, the, i. 256, 311.

Osirian Passion, i. 288.

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Osiric and Typhonic Passions, i. 298.

Osirified, i. 65, 71, 120; Thoth and the, i. 65.

Osiris, i. 63, 74, 80, 193, 279, 367, iii. 198; Apis animated image of, i. 321; birth of, iii. 122; black, i. 296, 309; burials of, i. 293, 320; great campaign of, i. 353; dark God, iii. 156; and Dionysus, i. 310; disciple of Agathodaimon, i. 478, iii. 261; efflux of, i. 328; eye of, iii. 158; fourteen parts of, i. 289; garment of, i. 71; gospel of, i. 367; house of, i. 79; and Isis, blessings of, iii. 122; members of, i. 156; mystery-god, iii. 257; Nile, i. 308; secrets of, iii. 96; seeking for, i. 332; the sun, i. 332; tombs of, i. 289, 292, 293, 312; is water, i. 156.

Osiris-myth, i. 130.

Osiris-plant, i. 314.

Ostanes, iii. 295; Book of, iii. 277, 296.

Osymandias, library of, i. 50.

Outbreathing of universe, ii. 254.

Outline of His Face, ii. 282.

Overseer of ceremonies, iii. 223.

Overseers of heavens, i. 126.

Own-form, ii. 46.

Own-nature of masterhood, ii. 47.

Ox, i. 356, 422.

Oxyrhynchus, i. 269, 354, iii. 246; logia, i. 172, 173, 209, ii. 24, 116, 239, 255; logion, probable completion of, ii. 122.

Oxyrhynchus-town, i. 354.

Pa-neshe, i. 119.

Pæan, i. 293.

Pain, sharp tooth of, iii. 115.

Paitoni, i. 9.

Palaestmos, i. 287.

Palestine, i. 208.

Palingeneses, i. 311.

Palingenesis, i. 283, ii. 83; lord of, i. 50.

Palisade, i. 163.

Palladius, ii. 50.

Pallas, iii. 181.

Pamphilus, i. 100.

Pamphus of Athens, i. 181.

Pamyle, i. 279.

Pamylia, i. 279, 312.

Pan, i. 186, ii. 56.

Panacea, i. 241.

Panathenæa, i. 62.

Panchæa, i. 297.

Pandora, iii. 274, 280.

Panics, i. 283.

Panopolis, i. 282.

Pans, i. 282.

Panthers, i. 436.

Pantomorph, ii. 194, 245, 341.

Panu, i. 294.

Paophi, i. 331.

Papa, i. 172.

Paphie, iii. 91.

Papyrus, i. 284, 289; Ebers, i. 50; Harris, i. 131; Insinger, ii. 244.

Paradigm, of cosmos, ii. 196; of time, ii. 196.

Paradigms, iii. 56.

Paradise, i. 173, 187, iii. 279; a, i. 244; celestial, i. 425; planted with trees, i. 189.

Parallelogram, iii. 177.

Paraplex, i. 269.

Parents we are to abandon, ii. 96.

Parmenides, i. 181.

Parthey, i. 14, 26; criticism of text of, ii. 64.

Parthians, i. 196, 197.

Passage of Sun, i. 71, 77.

Passing o’er Mount, ii. 171.

Passion, i. 283, ii. 204, 262, 288; and sensation, iii. 42.

Passions, i. 277, 351, ii. 249, 262; Osiric and Typhonic, i. 298; Titanic, i. 311.

Passive Principle, i. 225.

Pastophors, iii. 225.

Pastos, iii. 225.

Path, i. 70, 74, ii. 89, 91, 114, 118, iii. 293; bitter, ii. 362; of gnosis, ii. 98, 195, 248; up to Gods, ii. 169, iii. 299; Good's own, ii. 189, 190, 196, iii. 327; secrets of holy, i. 192; old old, ii. 90, 98; Olympian, ii. 171; of return, iii. 144; of salvation, ii. 171; of self-knowledge, ii. 40; moving on a soundless, i. 357; steps of, i. 79; to supreme, ii. 197; thither, iii. 6; to truth, iii. 5.

Patrizzi, i. 11.

Paul, propaganda of, i. 204.

Pauly, i. 26.

Paut, i. 57, 132; of Hermes, i. 263.

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Pawnbroking bye law, i. 242.

Paÿni, i. 305.

Peace, author of its, iii. 4; virtue of perfect, i. 218.

Peacock, i. 391.

Pearls, i. 175.

Peisistratidæ, i. 392.

Pelasgos, i. 149.

Pelousios, i. 287.

Penelope, i. 159.

Pentateuch, i. 203.

Perception, iii. 84.

Perfect, i. 434; blessedness, ii. 242; fruit, i. 182; men, ii. 87, 97; one, ii. 91; Sermon, ii. 136, 266; glory of soul, ii. 165; the, iii. 14, 256; vision, iii. 96.

Perfection, beginning of, i. 178; Gospel of, i. 142; mount of, ii. 24; perfect, i. 178.

Perfume-makers, i. 365.

Permanence, ii. 271.

Permanent atoms, i. 289.

Perret, ii. 56.

Persea, i. 349, iii. 208.

Persephassa (see Proserpina), i. 301.

Persephone, i. 151, 181, 347, 350, iii. 161.

Persia, ii. 206.

Persians, i. 207.

Person, i. 136, iii. 287, 288.

Persona, ii. 25.

Persons, of Ptah, i. 132.

Peter, James, John, and, i. 475.

Petosiris, i. 100 ff., 464, 472, 477.

Petra, iii. 161.

Petroma, iii. 232.

Petron, iii. 172.

Phæacians, i. 270.

Phædrus, river, i. 287; soul and her mysteries in the, i. 429.

Phallephoria, i. 279, 313.

Phallus, i. 289, 312.

Phamenoth, i. 321.

Phanes, i. 391, 394.

Phaophi, i. 305, 346.

Pharaoh, rat of, i. 356.

Pharisees, i. 209.

Pharos, i. 318.

Pheidias, i. 359, ii. 290.

Pheison, i. 188.

Pheneatians, iii. 232,

Phenëus, i. 376.

Pherecydes, ii. 260.

Philadelphus, i. 104.

Philæ, i. 460.

Philip, Acts of, i. 147; Gospel of, i. 142.

Philo, i. 211, ii. 128, 137; of Alexandria on the Man-Doctrine, i. 197; Byblius, i. 122 ff.; of Byblos, i. 402; De Legatione of, ii. 237; two Horoi in, i. 367; inspiration i. 203; his method, i. 199; monotheist, i. 231.

Philonean tractates, i. 199.

Philoponus, ii. 172, iii. 209.

Philosophers, iii. Ill; most ancient of, iii. 215; prince of, ii. 38.

Philosophumena, of Hippolytus, i. 140.

Philosophy, beginning of, i. 274, iii. 246; Egyptian, i. 28; inventor of, i. 138; piety and, iii. 3; pure, ii. 331; true, ii. 232; work of, i. 233.

Philostratus, ii. 197.

Philtre, immortal, i. 246.

Philtres, i. 88.

Phosilampes, ii. 107.

Photius, i. 62, 152.

Phrygian writings, i. 303.

Phrygians, i. 350.

Phylarchus, i. 303.

Physician, good, i. 461, ii. 213.

Physicists, theory of, i. 307, 312.

Physiologus, i. 56, 330, 345, 356, 357, iii. 112.

Physis, iii. 256.

Picture, iii. 18, 276, 295.

Pierret, i. 28.

Pietschmann, i. 47 ff., 72, 112, 116, 119.

Piety, iii. 3, 5, 243, 265.

Pig taboos, i. 271.

Pillars of Hermes, i. 112.

Pilot, i. 296, 347; mind as, ii. 201.

Pinax, of Bitos, i. 197, iii. 277.

Pindar, i. 312, 366.

Pine, i. 364.

Pine-resin, i. 364.

Piper, the, i. 183.

Pistis Sophia, i. 84, 92, 94, 326, 371, 418, 426, ii. 43, 96; general title of, i. 142; song of powers in, ii. 241.

Pitra, i. 6.

Pitys the Thessalian, iii. 295.

Pius, Bishop of Rome, i. 378.

Plague, i. 364; great, i. 364.

Plagues and famines, iii. 49.

p. 360

Plain, of Forgetfulness (Lethe), i. 447; of Truth, i. 430, ii. 19, 49, 50, 97, iii. 171, 172, 189, 205, 208.

Plane, iii. 174.

Planetary chains, iii. 301.

Planets, five, iii. 46.

Plasm, sealing of the members of the, iii. 70.

Plato, i. 62, 103, 113, 265, 274, 277, 297, 298, 299, 300, 333, 336, 337, 338, 340, 362, 392, 405, 406, 414, ii. 167; Atlantis of, i. 176; buys, i. 351; crater in, i. 450; definition of man by, i. 433; marriage scheme of, i. 336; myths of, i. 109; nuptial number of, i. 336; transformation of soul in, iii. 110; follows Trismegistus, iii. 248.

Pleiades, i. 350.

Plenum, space a, ii. 70.

Pleroma, i. 85, 246, 335, ii. 28, 32, 93, 241; of bad, ii. 115; of evil, ii. 113; common fruit of the, ii. 241; of Good, ii. 117; and hysterema, ii. 239; of ideas, ii. 128; intelligible superspatial, ii. 196; monad, i, 405; one, ii. 133; of virtues, ii. 117.

Pletho, i. 8.

Plew, i. 115.

Pleyte, i. 49.

Pliny, iii. 296.

Plotins Stellung zum Gnosticismus, iii. 278.

Plotinus, ii. 42, 198, 228, 302; Life of, iii. 278; on metempsychosis, i. 434; soul of, iii. 32; yoga of, i. 251.

Plucked green wheat-ear, i. 178.

Plumes, i. 337.

Plutarch, i. 84, 103, 223, 255, 453; Consolation of, i. 260; Yogin of, iii. 169.

Pluto, i. 301, 362.

Pœmandres, early form of the, i. 374; higher criticism of the, i. 128; variant spellings of, i. 3.

Pœmandrist, Apology of a, ii. 298.

Poimandres, the name, ii. 50.

Pole-lords of heaven, i. 176.

Poleis, i. 177.

Poleitai, i. 177.

Poles, i. 87; seven, i. 95, 402.

Polichne, i. 292.

Pontius (Pontus) Pilate, iii. 164.

Poor, i. 373.

Porphyry, i. 113, 123, 124, ii. 42, 229; Letter to Marcella, i. 260.

Portrait, iii. 18.

Poseidon, i. 176, 318; first cube, i. 275; trident of, i. 359.

Poseidonius, i. 102.

Possessions, ii. 327, 330.

Pothos, i. 125.

Poverty, i. 338.

Powers, chariot of the, i. 238; invocation of the, ii. 249; song of the, ii. 42, 43.

Pralaya, ii. 260, iii. 137.

Pra?a, i. 363, ii. 168, iii. 146, 206.

Prayer for gnosis, ii. 49.

Prayers, for dead, i. 78; of Essenes, ii. 49; Hermes’, i. 82.

Praying-room, i. 209.

Pre-existing, i. 150; Amygdalos the, i. 182.

Presence, the, ii. 24, 47.

Priam, i. 299.

Prima Materia, i. 151.

Prince, of eternity, i. 65, 132; of philosophers, ii. 38.

Principles of man, ii. 149; and cosmos, ii. 207.

Privation, i. 327; of sense, ii. 127.

Probation, three stages of, ii. 236.

Probationers, the, i. 185.

Procession, ii. 89; of fate, ii. 49.

Proclus, i. 101, 106, 435, ii. 169; on descent of souls, i. 435; on spheres, iii. 300.

Proem to fourth gospel, ii. 371.

Prometheus, i. 263, 314, iii. 274, 280, 282.

Promise of silence, the, ii. 219.

Pronoia, ii. 39.

Prophetenpredigt, ii. 122.

Proscription of worship of gods, ii. 399.

Proserpina (Kore), i. 59.

Protection, sole, iii. 265.

Proteus, i. 176.

Prototypes, iii. 56.

Protrepticus, or Exhortation to the Greeks, ii. 300.

Providence, ii. 39, 207, 211, 216, iii. 61, 195, 235, 258, 260; and fate, iii. 36, 55, 60; legislative, i. 237; ministers of, iii. 206, 211.

p. 361

Psammetichus, i. 268.

Pselcis, i. 117.

Psellus, i. 7, ii. 38, 58.

Pseudo-Appuleius, ii. 392.

Pseudo-Manetho, i. 110, 115.

Psychagogue and psychopomp, i. 159.

Psychosis, iii. 99, 102, 168.

Ptah, i. 457, iii. 148; the great, i. 130, 135; Hephæstus, i. 160, 382, iii. 96; noose of, i. 61; persons of, i. 132; hath spoken, i. 138, iii. 148; temple of, i. 130; workshop of, i. 457.

Ptah-doctrine, i. 130.

Ptah-Hotep, i. 74.

Ptah-priests of Memphis, i. 135.

Ptah-Thoth, i. 132.

Ptolemies, i. 102, 103; libraries of the, iii. 277.

Ptolemy, Gnostic, ii. 371; the saviour, i. 301; (II.), i. 103, 105; (IV.), i. 460; (IX.), i. 463; (X.), i. 466; (XI.), i. 466.

Ptolemy Philadelphia, i. 104; Letter of Manetho to, i. 103.

Pulse, i. 349.

Pupil of the eye, i. 394.

Pupilla Mundi, iii. 93.

Pupilline, l’Âme, iii. 167.

Pupils of the eyes, i. 84.

Pure, and holy love, ii. 332; not lawful for, i. 265; matter, ii. 7; mind, ii. 320, 324, iii. 292; philosophy, ii. 331; shepherd, ii. 55.

Purpose, iii. 258.

Purgations, catharms or, iii. 210.

Purity, mysteries of, i. 154; wedding garment of, ii. 249.

Purusha, ii. 168.

Pyanepsion, i. 350.

Pyramid, ii. 85; iii. 254, 255; great, i. 69.

Pyriphlegethon, ii. 361, 362.

Pythagoras, i. 113, 274, 298, 392, iii. 317; his symbols, i. 274.

Pythagorean, i. 305; triangle, iii. 175.

Pythagoreans, i. 359.

Pythagoric, messages, i. 275; opposites, i. 327.

Pythagorics, i. 308, 327.

Pythian oracle, ii. 42, 228.

Pytho, ii. 300.

Python, i. 298.

Qabbalah, Myer's, i. 281.

Questions, of Mary, i. 142; of Osiris to Horus, i. 290.

Quick, i. 186.

Quiet and Serene, iii. 253.

Quintessence, iii. 102, 206; æther, ii. 92; and monad, i. 403.

Ra, i. 131; and Apep, i. 57; heart of, i. 53, 68; herald of will of, i. 49; library of, i. 103; light-god, i. 473; tongue of, i. 49, 68.

Race, i. 205, 207, ii. 20, 50, 162, 221, 290; of Elxai, ii. 242; of God, i. 253; without a king, i. 164; ineffable, i. 166; of Logos, ii. 18, 241; self-taught, i. 174, 220, ii. 241; within, iii. 5.

Rachel, i. 178, 220.

Raise the dead, i. 273.

Raisins, i. 364.

Ram of perfectioning, the, i. 212.

Ramses III., i. 131.

Raphael, i. 422.

Rashness, ii. 224.

Raven, i. 286, 352, iii. 181.

Ray, iii. 288; of God, ii. 275.

Ray-like, i. 224.

Rays, hall of golden, i. 75.

Reason, iii. 84; articulation of, ii. 224; common, i. 346; continuing, i. 247; of divinity, ii. 311, 318; highest whole, ii. 320; marriage with right, i. 223; self-perfect, i. 222, iii. 60; true, ii. 319.

Rebecca, i. 217.

Rebirth, i. 58, 353, ii. 219; author of, ii. 222, 243; of cosmos, ii. 357; hymn of, ii. 229; lord of, i. 50; manner of, ii. 221, 224, 226, 233, 264; sermon on, ii. 219, 227, 236; tradition of, ii. 220; way of, ii. 248.

Reborn, ii. 239.

Recitation Ode, i. 192, 193.

Recognition of children, iii. 20.

Recollection, i. 433.

Recording Angel, i. 64.

Red, ass, a, i. 306; earth, i. 150; Sea, i. 163.

Red-skinned, i. 295, 305, 306.

Regeneration, ii. 239; mystery of, ii. 240.

Reincarnation, i. 137, ii. 76, 83; Hermes, teacher of, iii. 227.

p. 362

Reitzenstein, i. 15, 51, 121, 143; monograph on “Aion,” i. 387; general view of, i. 40 ff.

Religion, of Hermes, i. 82; of joy, i. 73; of light, i. 73; of mind, i. 91, ii. 401, iii. 316.

Reminiscence, ii. 241, 372.

Ren, i. 89.

Repentance, mystery of, ii. 245; true, ii. 98.

Resin, i. 332, 363, 366.

Restoration, ii. 126, 128, iii. 246.

Resurrection of dead, ii. 165.

Return, the, ii. 246.

Revealer, of hidden, i. 49; of light, i. 375.

Revelations, divine, i. 216; hierophant of, i. 211.

Revelling-place, i. 84, 97.

Rhea, i. 151, 153, 278, 305, 334, 390, ii. 26; womb of, i. 335.

Rib, i. 279.

Richter, i. 200.

Riddle, i. 273.

Riess, i. 100, 101.

Right hand, i. 348.

Righteousness, i. 53, 60, 85, 263, ii. 225, 231.

Ring Pass not, ii. 9.

Rishis, ii. 242.

Rising from dead, i. 173.

Rite, black, iii. 107, 141, 149, 155; of flame, i. 93.

Ritual, i. 58, 59, 65, 72, 74, 76, 77, 79, 84; of Azazel, i. 306; of Embalmment, i. 460; of Initiation in Acts of John, ii. 243.

River, of Divine Reason, i. 244; of God, i. 244; of Heedlessness, i. 447; of Lethe, i. 416, 452.

Road, Ancient, iii. 327.

Robber in house, ii. 121.

Robe, of fire, ii. 152; of glory, i. 361, ii. 43, 249; of Isis, i. 62; single, i. 373.

Robes, her, i. 340; of Isis, i. 264; sacred, i. 361.

Rock, God from, i. 95, 392, 399; the, i. 161.

Rod of Hermes, i. 61.

Root, of form, ii. 193; of matter, ii. 26; one, ii. 269; of universals, i. 184.

Rootage of æons, ii. 317.

Rosetta stone, i. 117.

Rossel, i. 11.

Round-the-same, ii. 62.

Rulers, seven, ii. 7, 9; workmen of, iii. 70.

Rush, i. 312.

Rusta, i. 70.

Sacrificers, iii. 112.

Saffron-coloured, i. 342.

Sages, the seven, i. 207.

S?h, i. 89.

Sai-an-Sinsin, i. 79.

Saïs, i. 108, 273, ii. 280, iii. 293.

Sakkara, i. 372; step-pyramid of, i. 465.

Salmon, i. 147, 195, 196, 421.

Salome, i. 147, 153; mother of St John, i. 38.

Salt, i. 267, 397.

Salvation, harbour of, ii. 120, 123; path of, ii. 171; port of, ii. 120.

Sambhogakaya, ii. 45.

Same, i. 327, ii. 268, 369.

Sameness, ii. 207, 244.

Samothracians, i. 168.

Sampsæans, i. 369.

Sa?sara, ii. 167, 283.

Sanchuniathon, i. 24, 112 ff., 113, 122, ii. 279.

Saosis, i. 285.

Sarah, i. 217, 220, 221.

Sarapis, i. 301, 302, 342.

Sassanean, i. 297.

Satan, sons of, iii. 319.

Satrap, iii. 133.

Saturn, i. 416, 418, 419.

Satyrs, i. 282.

Saulasau, i. 165.

Save my alone-begotten from lions, i. 170.

Saving One, i. 340.

Saviour, Books of the, i. 418; my, i. 241; Ptolemy the, i. 301; the, i. 224.

Sayings, of Good Daimon, ii. 213 f.; of Heracleitus, ii. 213.

Scaly-coat, i. 289.

Scape-goat, i. 306.

Scarab, i. 276, 356.

Scarabæus, i. 356.

Scetis, i. 384.

Scherer, i. 36.

Schmidt, Carl, i. 50, 93.

Schmitz, i. 34.

Schneidewin, i. 143.

Sciences, iii. 40, 85, 198; arts and, ii. 322, iii. 199.

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Scipio, Dream of, i. 418.

Scorpion, i. 282.

Scourge of Christ, ii. 173.

Scribe, of Gods, i. 53; of the nine Gods, i. 50; of the mysteries, iii. 223.

Scripture-making, ii. 22.

Scroll, secret, i. 77, 78.

Scyth, ii. 253, 401.

Sea, Great, iii. 163; of ignorance, ii. 123; infinite, i. 389; old man of, i. 176.

Sea-hawk, bone of, i. 189, 343.

Seal, i. 395, iii. 79; mighty type of, i. 395; which marked victims, iii. 223.

Sealers, i. 306.

Sealing members of plasm, iii. 70.

Sebennyte, i. 104.

Second, birth, i. 79; God, i. 230, ii. 127, 170, 365; man, i. 139, ii. 27; one, ii. 118, 268.

Seeds of God, ii. 137.

Seeing Israel, i. 198, 234.

Seer, ii. 255, iii. Ill; of Gnosis, ii. 94; of God, iii. 298.

Seething, i. 396.

Seirias, i. 115.

Seirios (see Sirius), i. 111.

Sekhem, i. 89, 131.

Sekhet, i. 457.

Selene, i. 151, 278.

Seleucus, iii. 289.

Self-begotten, i. 150.

Self-taught, ii. 242; race, i. 174, ii. 241.

Semele, i. 161, 454.

Semiramis, i. 297.

Semitismus, i. 124.

Semneion, i. 209.

Sempiternity, iii. 9.

Seneca, i. 102.

Sensation, iii. 41; corpse of, ii. 121; energy and, of, iii. 40; opinion and, iii. 84; passion and, iii. 42.

Sense, ii. 319 ff., 340, 345; cosmic, ii. 371, 372; discourse on, ii. 131, 132; higher, i. 227, ii. 338; one, ii. 139, 244; privation of, ii. 127; sermon about, ii. 129; single, ii. 389; whole, ii. 371.

Sense-and-thought, ii. 132, 134, 137; of cosmos, ii. 133, 139.

Sensible, ii, 286, 320, 340, 377; or hylic cosmos, ii. 167.

Separator or Divider, ii. 70.

Sepphora, i. 164, 217.

Sept, i. 111.

Sepulchres, ye are whited, i. 172.

Serapeum, ii. 399, iii. 277.

Seriadic, country, i. 104; land, i. 107, 110 ff.; monuments, i. 113.

Sermon, Perfect, ii. 136; Secret, ii. 250; about sense, ii. 129; on rebirth, ii. 219, 227, 236.

Sermons, classification of, iii. 306; Expository, i. 462, ii. 250, 264, iii. 33, 54, 309; of Fate, ii. 217; General, i. 462, ii. 141, 145, 236, 264, iii. 45, 77, 308.

Serpent, i. 86, 87, 97, 98, 146, 344, ii. 4, 26, 301; of Darkness, ii. 31; death of, ii. 300; great, ii. 27, 35; winged, i. 398; of wisdom, i. 194, 480.

Servant of God, i. 251.

Servant-form, i. 398, 399.

Servants of God, i. 212, 220.

Seseli, i. 365.

Sesostris, i. 297.

Sesquioctave, i. 320.

Set, i. 53, 57.

Seth, i. 111, 114, 319, 329, 343, ii. 27; sons of, i. 114.

Seth-Hermes, sons of, i. 113.

Sethian, i. 139, 393, ii. 4, 27; gnosis, i. 192, 393.

Seti, (I.), i. 50.

Setme, i. 380.

Seven, ii. 341; basis, i. 419; circles, ii. 76; cosmoi, i. 407; fortunes of heaven, i. 176; halls, i. 380; Kabiri, ii. 279; men, ii. 11; peals of laughter, iii. 137; poles, i. 95, 402; rulers, ii. 7, 9; sages, the, i. 207; sons of Sydyk, i. 127; spheres, iii. 60; times, i. 332; virgins, i. 176; wise ones, i. 458; worlds, the, ii. 179; youths, i. 176; zones, i. 413, ii. 42.

Seven-robed Nature, i. 156.

Sevenfold “Ha,” iii. 137.

Seventeen, i. 319.

Seventy-two, i. 281.

Sex, iii. 129, 145, 203.

Shadow, ii. 9; casting, i. 326.

Shakti, i. 52, ii. 107.

Shame, garment of, i. 153, ii. 42.

Sharing-with-all, ii. 225.

Sharp-snout, i. 289, 354.

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Shaven, i. 265.

She of ten-thousand names, i. 333.

Sheep, i. 356.

Sheeted dead, the, i. 161.

Shepherd, i. 371, ii. 43, 228, 229, 231; good, i. 373, ii. 213; of Hermas, i. 369, ii. 238, 248, iii. 229, 232, 319; of men, i. 375, ii. 231, 372; pure, ii. 55; of bright stars, i. 186, ii. 56; symbolic representation of, i. 372; true, i. 238; who hath his fold in the west, i. 373.

Shore, other, ii. 89.

Short-armed, i. 295.

Shrine-bearers, iii. 225.

Shu, i. 131, 133.

Si-Osiri, i. 380.

Sibylline, literature, ii. 330; oracles, iii. 235; writers, ii. 49.

Sickness, health and, iii. 203.

Siddhis, ii. 197.

Siege of Mansoul, iii. 186.

Sige (Silence), ii. 163.

Sight, mortal and immortal, iii. 235; one, ii. 161; of peace, i. 246.

Sigils, iii. 179.

Signs of zodiac, i. 54, ii. 52.

Silence, ii. 19, 20; heart of, i. 73; holy, ii. 163; promise of, ii. 219, 233; vow of, ii. 250.

Simon, Jules, i. 434.

Simon Magus, ii. 108.

Simonian, gnosis, ii. 107, 317; tradition, i. 184, 188.

Simonides, i. 296.

Sinai, i. 384.

Single, love, ii. 330; sense, ii. 389.

Sinope, i. 302.

Sins, forgiveness of, i. 251.

Siren, i. 442.

Siriad land, i. 114.

Siriadic, i. 111.

Sirius, i. 110, 314, 326.

Sister-wife, i. 147, 301.

Sistruni, i. 303, 344.

Sittl, ii. 54.

Six-and-fiftieth even measure, i. 305.

Sixteen, i. 319.

Sixty, iii. 168; spaces, iii. 192.

Skiff (baris), i. 288.

Skin, red, i. 305.

Slave, i. 91, ii. 10; enharmonised, i. 183.

Sleep, iii. 32.

Slime, i. 125.

Smu, i. 343.

Snake, i. 329, 356, ii. 4, iii. 133; great, ii. 26.

Snow, fire and, i. 95.

Socrates, i. 406; Books on Rites, i. 311.

Solar, boat, i. 270; table, i. 452.

Soldier, ii. 276, iii. 50.

Soli, i. 438.

Solid, iii. 174.

Solomon, iii. 283.

Solon, i. 103, 108, 274.

Son, of God, i. 138, 157, 198, 220, 226, ii. 28, 116, 118, 140, 222, 241, iii. 239, 275, 280, 282; only beloved, i. 224; eldest, i. 227; of man, i. 150, 160, ii. 43, 138; of the One, ii. 228, 251; only, ii. 196; of virgin, iii 160, 161; younger, ii. 192, 257.

Sonchis, i. 274.

Song, of holiness, ii. 50; of Linus, i. 293; of the powers, ii. 42, 43; of praise to Æon, i. 408.

Sons, of Elohim, i. 159; of Fire, iii. 136; of God, i. 198, 233, iii. 316; of His eternal Likeness, i. 234; of the one God, i. 234; of one man, i. 234; of Satan, iii. 319; of Seth, i. 113, 114.

Sonship, ii. 43, 50, iii. 140; wings of, i. 390.

Sophia, i. 335; Above, i. 74, ii. 76.

Sophia-aspect of Logos, i. 49.

Sophia-mythus, i. 334, 377, ii. 26, 30, 32, iii. 226.

Sophist, i. 431.

Sorrow, ii. 225.

Sosibius, i. 302.

Sothiac, i. Ill; cycles, iii. 290.

Sothis, i. 80, 104, 115, 117, 121, 295, 342, iii. 276; a forgery, i. 107 ff.

Sotoles, i. 302.

Soul, i. 150, 414, 417, ii. 145, 182, 309, iii. 63, 194; animal, ii. 246; ascent of, ii. 41 ff.; of becoming, i. 49; and body, ii. 124, 130; cosmic, ii. 151, 216; daimonic, ii. 229; dual, ii. 169; essence of, i. 225; eye of, iii. 129; eyes in, i. 214; cause of all in genesis, i. 151; perfect glory of, ii. 165; gnosis virtue of, ii.

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[paragraph continues]167; group, i. 425; health of, ii. 257, iii. 265; rational impress in, i. 230; infant’s, ii. 150, 216; Macrobius on descent of, i. 413; masculine power of, i. 152; metamorphoses of, ii. 163; mysteries of, in Phædrus, i. 429; numbers which pre-exist in, iii. 173; parts of, ii. 274, iii. 5; passions of, i. 177; transformation of, in Plato, iii. 110; progression of, iii. 174; sluggish, ii. 157; transfiguration of, ii. 164; vehicles of, ii. 167; vision of, iii. 188; (II.), of, iii. 65; (III.), of, iii. 72; (IV.), of, iii. 75; (V.), of, iii. 77; (VI.), of, iii. 80.

Soul-gnosis, iii. 137.

Soul-making, iii. 188.

Soul-regions, the sixty, iii. 168.

Souls, colours of, i. 223; conductor, i. 159; discipline of, ii. 347; fountain of, i. 452; habitat of excarnate, iii. 210; intercourse of, ii. 155, 314; kinds of, iii. 78; of kings, iii. 127; lamenting of, iii. 108; equal to stars, iii. 100; ordering of, iii. 191; power of sight of, i. 214; Proclus on descent of, i. 435; royal, iii. 125; simile of animals in a cage and, iii. 190; two, iii. 298; warder of, iii. 195.

Sound of heavens, i. 161.

Sounding brass, i. 303.

Source, i. 234, ii. 90, 176; one, ii. 150; of stars, i. 232.

Sovereign, angel, i. 371; potency, i. 237.

Sovereignties, iii. 198.

Sower, the, i. 174.

Space, ii. 60, 71, 212, 334, 376, iii. 63; dark, ii. 26; dry, ii. 75, 76; a plenum, ii. 70.

Spaces, sixty, iii. 192.

Species, ii. 313; genera and, ii. 378.

Speech, ii. 206.

Spermatic essence of Logos, i. 390.

Sphere, ii. 126, 337; cosmos a, ii. 148; egg, i. 427; eighth, ii. 42 ff.; of fire, i. 428; God's deathless, ii. 230; watery, iii. 209.

Spheres, boundary of the, ii. 195; cosmic, iii. 299; of destiny, iii. 293; eight, ii. 275; seven planetary, iii. 60, 300; Proclus on, iii. 300; six, ii. 276; Tartarean, i. 445; Servius on seven, i. 418.

Sphericity, law of revolution, ii. 387.

Sphinx, secret of, iii. 323.

Spiegelberg, i. 112, 130, ii. 244.

Spiral, fashion, ii. 271; orbits, iii. 177.

Spirit, ii. 33, 168, 318, 332, 336, 390, 396, iii. 66, 81, bestower of, ii. 231; part played by, in conception, iii. 66; counterfeit, iii. 68, 281; Dionysus, i. 318; divine, iii. 258; Do not soil, iii. 174; fragrance of, i. 396; of God, ii. 81; Good, iii. 261; in harmony, i. 183; sensible, iii. 82; story of the, i. 371; virginal, i. 181, 182, ii. 240, 241, iii. 157.

Spirit-air, ii. 34.

Spirit-matter, ii. 332, 334.

Spirit-word, ii. 5.

Spirits, iii. 25, 111; animal, i. 363; delegate, i. 184.

Spiritual, baptism, ii. 92; birth, i. 163; crucifixion, ii. 238; eyes, i. 214; prototype of humanity, i. 139; sun, ii. 253, 300; way, ii. 240.

Spirituous body, iii. 210.

Spit out and cleanse the mouth, i. 291.

Sponges, iii. 210.

Square, i. 319.

Staff, i. 96, i. 373.

Stähelin, i. 196.

Stands, He who, ii. 170.

Star, native, iii. 110; the one, i. 232.

Star-courses, ii. 89.

Star-flocks of gods, i. 327.

Star-groups, iii. 53.

Star-mixture, iii. 74.

Starry cup of Bacchus, i. 414.

Stars, iii. 45; fixed, ii. 341; groups of, ii. 273; long-haired, iii. 52; souls equal in number to, iii. 100; source of the, i. 322.

Statues, ii. 351; of judges, i. 276.

Stending, i. 310.

Steward, ii. 358.

Stewart, i. 429, 439.

Stigmata, iii. 162.

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Stock, Logos as, ii, 70.

Stoics, i. 83, 318, 319, 323.

Stone cut without hands, the, i. 162.

Stones, iii. 39; ensouled, i. 151.

Storks, i. 356.

Stretchers, iii. 50.

Strife, i. 359, ii. 362.

Strive to know yourselves, ii. 256.

Strivers, iii. 50.

Strong, i. 27, 314.

Subsistence, ii. 161.

Substance, ii. 269, 270.

Substantial, ii. 139.

Successions of Kings, i. 315.

Suchness, ii. 44.

Sudan, i. 55.

Suidas, i. 100, iii. 268.

Suitors, i. 159.

Sulphur, i. 262.

Sumerian, ii. 79.

Summa potestas, ii. 4.

Sun, i. 416, 419, ii. 142, 273, 294, 339, 365, 366, iii. 21, 25, 31, 126; arms of, i. 331; as charioteer with crown of rays, ii. 281; circle of, iii. 52; delineation of, ii. 282; demiurge, ii. 269, 281; gates of, i. 162; generation of, iii. 262; a “head,” ii. 270; hymn to, ii. 253; Osiris is, i. 332; passage of, i. 77; ray of spiritual, iii. 287; rays of the, iii. 288; spiritual, ii. 253; birth-day of staff of, i. 331.

Sun-god, ii. 391.

Sun-ship, i. 94.

Sunshine, the real, ii. 252.

Super-man, i. 301, ii. 93, iii. 323.

Super-substantial bread, i. 86.

Superfluity, i. 265, 267, 268.

Superior One, ii. 292.

Superstition, i. 278.

Supplanter, i. 220.

Suppliant, i. 376, ii. 219, 237, 238; of Hermes, ii. 236.

Suriel, i. 422.

Swallow, i. 286.

Swan, i. 445, 449.

Sweet-flag, i. 365.

Swine, i. 175.

Sydyk, i. 127.

Syene, i. 269, 477.

Syncellus, i. 104, iii. 152.

Syncrasia, i. 193.

Syncretism, i. 135, 136; theory of Neoplatonic, i. 26.

Syria, i. 208.

Syriktes, i. 183, 398.

Syrinx, iii. 232.

Ta-urt, i. 290.

Taaut, i. 124, 127; cosmogony of, i. 126.

Taautos, Asclepius pupil of, ii. 279; Books of, ii. 279.

Tables of mulberry-wood, iii. 216.

Taboos, fish, i. 269; pig, i. 271.

Tabor, Mount, ii. 238.

Talmud, i. 115, 425; Jeschu-stories, iii. 279.

Tamar, i. 224.

Tamarisk, i. 284.

Tanes, iii. 49.

Tanitic mouth, i. 282.

Tantalus, cup of, ii. 198.

Taphosiris, i. 293.

Targum, i. 194.

Tartarean spheres, i. 445.

Tartarus, i. 152, 338, 439, ii. 361, 362; of seven zones, i. 421.

Tat, and Asclepius, distinction between, ii. 264; dialogues with, ii. 237; Expository Sermons to, iii. 13, 16, 44, 216, 256, 257, 259, 262, 263, 264, 266; initiation of, iii. 310; priesthood, iii. 148.

Tatenen, i. 131, 134.

Tathagatas, ii. 44.

Tatian, ii. 72.

Tax-gatherers, i. 174.

Taxis, ii. 43, iii. 145.

Taylor on numbers, i. 432.

Tcheser, i. 465.

Teachers, common, iii. 287.

Technactis, i. 272.

Teephibis, i. 463.

Tefnut, i. 131, 133.

Teh, Tehu, Tehut, variants of Thoth, i. 48.

Tehuti, i. 124; derivative of, i. 54; variants of, i. 112.

Telescope of Zoroaster, i. 13.

Tern, i. 66, 337; Young, i. 458.

Templa, regiones coeli, ii. 273.

Templar Codex of Fourth Gospel, i. 475.

Temple-folk, iii. 255.

Temple-watchman, iii. 162.

Temu, i. 459.

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Ten, the, ii. 16, 226, 245.

Tent, ii. 211, iii. 20, 32; or tabernacle of soul, ii. 227.

Tent-fellows, iii. 203.

Teos, i. 463.

Terebinth, i. 87.

Termaximus, i. 53.

Territory of Illumination, i. 70; of Initiation, i. 70.

Tertullian, i. 71.

Testaments, ii. 235.

Tethys, i. 310.

Tetraktys, i. 360.

Thabion, ii. 279.

Thales, i. 103, 160, 187, 274, 309.

Thamus, i. 472, iii. 216.

Thamyras, i. 445.

That art thou, ii. 234.

Thath, i. 112, 461, 462.

Thautabaoth, i. 422.

Thebes, i. 50, 272; library at, i. 465.

Thekla, i. 147.

Themistius, ii. 236.

Thenen, i. 460.

Theocritus, i. 373.

Theodoret, i. 139, ii. 27.

Theodoras, i. 348.

Theodotus, Excerpts from, ii. 251.

Theognis, ii. 156.

Theophanies, i. 232.

Theopompus, i. 326, 350.

Theoretic Life, ii. 163.

Theoretics, iii. 148, 245.

Theoria, iii. 172.

Theosebeia, iii. 273; advice to, iii. 283.

Theosophical Review, i. 15, 95, 118, ii. 42.

Therapeut, i. 26, 241, ii. 172; allegorical exercises, i. 177; community, i. 208; initiations, i. 251.

Therapeutrides, i. 208, 219.

Therapeuts, i. 30, 31 f., 200, 208, 212, 243, ii. 252, 311, 330, 402, iii. 59; prayers of the Essenes and, ii. 49.

Thersites, i. 436, 446.

Thesmophoria, i. 350.

Thespesius (Aridæus), i. 223, 453; vision of, ii. 363, iii. 192.

Thessalians, i. 356.

Theurgic rite of initiation, ii. 255; invocation, ii. 245.

Theurgy, i. 83, ii. 163.

Theuth, iii. 276.

Theuth-Hermes, iii. 216.

Thiasos, i. 206, 256.

Third heaven, the, i. 166, 173.

Third-born, i. 359.

Thirty-six, ii. 341, iii. 50.

Thomas, Gospel according to, i. 142, 155, iii. 37.

Those-that-are, i. 80, 137, ii. 42.

Thoth, i. 68, 124, 136, ii. 244; books of, i. 122, 124; eight-times-great, i. 119; his company of eight, i. 57 ff.; The Great Gnoses of, i. 50; first Hermes, i. 104; ibis symbol of, i. 48; incarnations of, i. 463; the initiator, i. 71; as Logos, i. 48, 63, 90, 135; first man, iii. 295; the measurer, i. 66; moon-god, i. 72; and the Osirified, i. 65; pre-eminence of, i. 67, 467; shrine of, i. 56; variants of name, iii. 234; the wise, i. 68, 134; the eternal wisdom, i. 71, 72; words of, i. 63.

Thoth (Tehuti), i. 47 ff.

Thoth (Tekh), i. 458.

Thought, iii. 84.

Thought-and-sense, ii. 136.

Thouth, i. 124.

Thoyth, i. 110, 112, ii. 279, iii. 234, 277, 278.

Thoyth-Hermes, iii. 231.

Thoythos, iii. 276, 295.

Thracians, i. 169.

Thraemer, i. 461.

Threshold of the Good, ii. 97.

Thrice-great, i. 53.

Thrice-greatest, Egyptian equivalent of, i. 119; Hermes, iii. 198; the title, i. 66.

Thrice-unknown Darkness, ii. 25.

Throne, of Necessity, i. 447; of Truth, iii. 109, 173.

Thrones, iii. 101.

Through the Word, ii. 255.

Thueris, i. 290.

Thyestian banquets, i. 444.

Thyiades, i. 310, 311, 312.

Thyrsus, i. 311.

Tiamat, i. 60.

Tiedemann, i. 13, 16, 23.

Tigris, i. 188.

Time, ii. 192, 367, iii. 28, 63; archetype of, i. 229, ii. 193; artificer of, ii. 192; grandson of

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[paragraph continues]God, i. 229; instruments of, iii. 100; lord of, i. 76; paradigm of, ii. 196.

Time-watcher, iii. 222.

Timæus, i. 106, ii. 70, 167.

Tinkling cymbal, i. 303.

Titanic Passions, i. 311.

Titans, i. 268, 303, iii. 50, 163; or stretchers, i. 282.

Toil, iii. 98.

Tombs of Osiris, i. 292, 293, 312, ii. 121.

Tongue, of angels, ii. 32; of flesh, ii. 31; is fortune, i. 349; heart and, i. 136, iii. 208.

Tongues of heaven, ii. 32.

Tormentors, ii. 223.

Torments of darkness, ii. 245.

Tortoise, i. 359.

Tosothrus-Asclepius, i. 465.

Totemism, i. 353.

Trajan, i. 145.

Transfiguration, ii. 238; of soul, ii. 164.

Transformation, body of, ii. 44.

Transformations, ii. 145, iii. 111.

Transmigration, ii. 166, iii. 194.

Treasure, i. 167; of light, i. 246.

Treasure-house, i. 211.

Treasury, ii. 269.

Tree of Gnosis, i. 428.

Triad of disciples, i. 476.

Triangle, iii. 172; equilateral, i. 305, 359; most perfect, i. 358; Pythagorean, iii. 175.

Triangles, fairest of the, i. 336.

Tribes, the twelve, i. 169.

Trikayam, ii. 44.

Trinity, i. 214, ii. 79, iii. 258, 268, 275.

Triphyllians, i. 297.

Tritons, i. 359.

Triumphant Christ, ii. 117.

Trojan War, i. 324, iii. 183.

Trumpeters, ii. 289.

Truth, ii. 225, 231, iii. 17; beauty of, ii. 121; gnosis of, i. 207; hall of, iii. 317; figure of man of, iii. 277; path to, iii. 5; plain of, i. 430, ii. 19, 49, 50, 97, iii. 171, 172, 189, 205, 208; is sweet, i. 349; throne of, iii. 109, 173.

Turiya, i. 152.

Turmoil, ii. 167.

Turnebos, Adr., i. 10.

Turning-back, ii. 98.

Twelve, disciples, the, i. 169; fates of death, ii. 249; maidens, ii. 249; stoles, iii. 182; the, ii. 226, 245; tribes, i. 169; women in dark robes, ii. 249.

Twice-great, i. 53.

Twin-gods, i. 131.

Two, combatants, i. 66; ways, i. 56.

Tybi, i. 329.

Typal Man, i. 168.

Type, of æons, ii. 282; of body, iii. 49.

Types, of life, ii. 227, 245; of lives, iii. 102; of wisdom and intelligence, iii. 106.

Typhon, bone of, i. 189.

Typhon, i. 279, 295, iii. 191; bone of, i. 343; concerning, i. 304; conspiracy of, i. 315; foam of, i. 308; pursuing pig, i. 272; red-dish-yellow body, i. 309; virilia of, i. 335.

Tyrant, i. 431.

Under-girdings, i. 440.

Under-meaning of myths, i. 201.

Underworkers, iii. 50.

Unfruitful, i. 175.

Unguent, scent of, i. 393.

Uniter of the earth, i. 59.

Unlike, ii. 90, iii. 11.

Unnu, i. 56.

Unorder, ii. 126.

Unseemliness, i. 154.

Unseen World, i. 86, 223; Lord of the, i. 73.

Untitled Apocalypse of the Codex Brucianus, ii. 107, 282, 303.

Upani?hads, ii. 163, 168, 234.

Uranus, i. 151, ii. 144, 162, iii. 234.

Urim and Thummin, i. 250.

Ursin, i. 21, 110.

Urtuhet, i. 294.

Usertsen (I.), i. 458.

Vâhan, ii. 96.

Valentinian, i. 94, ii. 32.

Valentinus, i. 38; hymn of, ii. 284; letters of, ii. 283; psalm of, ii. 217, 312.

Vanapras?ha ashrama, ii. 73.

Vaporous nature, iii. 209.

Vapour, iii. 66, 200, 202, 203, 206.

Vapours, iii. 206, 210.

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Varro, i. 110, 407.

Vase of genesis, iii. 26.

Vedanta, ii. 107.

Vedantavadins, ii. 107.

Vegetative, iii. 210.

Vehicles of the soul, ii. 167.

Veii, bible of the, ii. 235.

Venus (Isis), i. 382.

Vergecius, Angelus, i. 10.

Vestments, keeper of the, iii. 223.

Vestures, ii. 152.

Vettius Valens, i. 101, 102.

Vices, horde of, ii. 245; and virtues, i. 377.

Victim-sealing books, iii. 223, 224.

Virgin, i. 179, 218, 403; birth, ii. 220, 240; church, i. 377; big with child, i. 182, ii. 240; precinct of the, iii. 161; sister, i. 147; son of, iii. 160, 161; womb of, i. 399, ii. 240; of the world, iii. 93, 125.

Virgin-birth, mystery of the, i. 211.

Virgin-mother, i. 74.

Virgin-mothers, i. 220.

Virgins, seven, i. 176.

Virginal Spirit, i. 181, 182, ii. 240, 241, iii. 157.

Virginity, i. 218, 219.

Virtue, kinsmen of, i. 241; of perfect peace, i. 218; silence on their, ii. 250.

Virtue-lovers, i. 244.

Virtues, i. 216, ii. 245; company of, ii. 245; seven, ii. 248; lists of vices and, ii. 246.

Vi?h?u Purana, iii. 180.

Vision, and apocalypsis, ii. 20 ff.; of Aridæus (Thespesius), i. 438, 452, ii. 363; of Beautiful, iii. 15, 53, 253; most blessed, i. 102; of Er, i. 413, 426, 428, ii. 15, 40, 187; glorious, ii. 161; power of godly, iii. 19; of Good, ii. 143; of Hades, i. 223; of great and little man, ii. 238; of Mercabah, i. 154; perfect, iii. 96; simple, ii. 221; of soul, iii. 188; of spiritual crucifixion, ii. 238; supreme, ii. 264; visions, ii. 210; of Crates, i. 380; of Zosimus, i. 380.

Vital sheath, iii. 206.

Voice, direct, iii. 147; of fire, ii. 5, 26; heavenly, i. 101; living, iii. 323.

Void, ii. 64, 374.

Vortex, i. 389, 390, 453, ii. 187.

Vow of Silence, ii. 250.

Vulcan, net of, i. 62.

Vulcanic Crater, i. 452.

Vulture, i. 90.

Vyasa, ii, 235.

Wagenfeld, i. 123, 124.

Wagner, ii. 94.

Wall, i. 90, 163.

Walton, Alice, i. 461.

War, i. 327; in heaven, iii. 118; Trojan, i. 324, iii. 183.

Wardens, eight, i. 85, 121.

Warder of the souls, iii. 195.

Warriors, iii. 50.

Wars, Civil, i. 352.

Watcher, witness and, iii. 111.

Watchers (Egregores), i. 126, iii. 137.

Water, iii. 189; awesome, i. 394, 395; deathless, ii. 18; drainer of, ii. 39; fire and, iii. 66; above firmament, i. 188; first-born of, i. 398; living, i. 188, 190, 399; Osiris is, i. 156; sinuous, ii. 4; as source, i. 309; sprite, i. 367; very water, iii. 17.

Water-earth, ii. 33, 34.

Water-rats, i. 325.

Watery sphere, iii. 209.

Way, above, ii. 15, 41; of birth in God, ii. 244; of this birth, ii. 244; of death, ii. 18; of deathlessness, ii. 39; that leadeth to destruction, i. 182; of devotion, ii. 119; of gnosis, ii. 98; up to God, ii. 280; to worship God, ii. 212; out of ignorance, ii. 237; inner, i. 101; of life, i. 182, ii. 15, 40, 41; middle, ii. 96; up to mount, ii. 150, 171; old, old, ii. 98; of rebirth, ii. 248; straight, ii. 189, iii. 327, ii. 40, 287.

Weasel, i. 356.

Weasel-armed, i. 295.

Web of ignorance, ii. 121.

Wedding garment, ii. 42, ii. 249.

Well of Life, i. 79.

Wending up the Mount, ii. 219.

Wessely, i. 82, 86, 93, 97.

Whale, belly of, i. 425.

Wheat-ear, i. 178, 179.

Wheel, karmic, ii. 83.

Wheels of Ezekiel, iii. 173.

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Whether blest child of Kronos, i. 185.

Whirlwinds, fiery, i. 409.

White, cock, i. 342; rock, i. 162, 163.

Whole, ii. 310; sense, ii. 371.

Whoring, iii. 166.

Whorl, i. 441, ii. 187.

Wilamowitz, i. 185, 195, ii. 300.

Will, ii. 142; of God, ii. 160, 220, 395.

Wind, i. 396.

Windows, not eyes, iii. 109.

Winds, four, i. 84.

Wine, of ignorance, ii. 120; of, i. 268.

Winged globe, i. 390.

Wings, i. 432; feathers of their, i. 430; of sonship, i. 390.

Wisdom, i. 206, 220, 221, 223, 225, ii. 251, iii. 163; mass of archaic, ii. 236; brotherhood for sake of, i. 233; dark, i 87, 91; disciples of, iii. 303; of Egypt, i. 44, 69, ii. 98, iii. 321; church of, iii. 323; Greek, i. 193; in harmony, i. 183; harmony of, i. 237; husband of, i. 218; Indian, ii. 198; lady of all, iii. 208; laws of, i. 120; mother, i. 224, 228; practisers of, i. 206; serpent of, i. 194, 480; spark of, i. 206; supreme master of, i. 68; tradition of, i. 208; that understands in silence, iii. 162.

Wisdom-discipline, iii. 225.

Wisdom-lover, i. 431.

Wise, Thoth the, i. 134.

Withdrawn volumes, ii. 236.

Witness, the, ii. 50, 51; and watcher, iii. 111.

Wolf, i. 87, 90, 325.

Wolf-town, i. 354.

Wolves, i. 436.

Woman, first, i. 139, ii. 27; strange, iii. 166.

Womb, i. 396, ii. 128; ever-virgin, i. 222; fecund, ii. 390; of Great Mother, iii. 324; tore asunder His, i. 182; impure, i. 398; of Rhea, i. 335; is Silence, ii. 241; of Virgin, i. 399.

Women, band of seven, ii. 248; maladies of, iii. 225.

Wonder, ii. 93, iii. 246.

Wood, cutting of, i. 293.

Word, of creator, iii. 256; He who soweth the, ii. 18; language of the, i. 54; the proceeding thought, i. 137; spoken, ii. 343; by whom all things were made, i. 136; through the, ii. 233, 255.

Word-play, ii. 106.

Words, of Ammon, iii. 215; whom it is custom to call angels, i. 243; ladder of, i. 139; of Thoth, i. 63; three more-than-mighty, i. 165.

Work, great, iii. 314, 326.

World, old age of, ii. 356; end of, ii. 400; fast to the, ii. 239; inner, iii. 325; intelligible, ii. 273, 286, 302; map of, iii. 187; noëtic, iii. 80; orderer of, iii. 208; shrine of all, ii. 351; stranger to, ii. 220; unseen, i. 223; virgin of, iii. 93.

World-citizens, i. 206.

World-egg, ii. 33; Orphic tradition of, i. 387, 388.

World-eye, apple of the, iii. 167.

World-illusion, ii. 220, 237.

World-soul, i. 414, ii. 36, 70, 184, 260, iii. 173.

World-tree, the, ii. 317.

Worlds, number of, 183, iii. 171; plurality of, iii. 170; seven subject, ii. 179.

Worm, i. 171.

Worms, iii. 51.

Worse, i. 328.

Worship, ii. 323; of animals, i. 353.

Xenocrates, i. 298, 299.

Xenophanes, i. 351.

Xoïs, i. 320.

Yahweh, iii. 166, 167.

Ye are Gods, i. 163.

Ye shall leave your parents, i. 249.

Ye are whited sepulchres, i. 172.

Year, great, iii. 290.

Year-god, i. 402.

Years, thousand, i. 432; ten thousand, iii. 171; three thousand, i. 326.

Yedidyah ha-Alakhsanderi, i. 200.

Yoga, ii. 163; of Plotinus, i. 251.

Yoga-practices, ii. 197.

Yogin, Plutarch's, iii. 169.

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Yoke of horses, i. 430.

Yonge, i. 201.

Young Tern, i. 458.

Younger son, ii. 192, 257.

Youths, seven, i. 176.

Ysdnw, iii. 297.

Zeesar, i. 165.

Zeller, i. 32, 36, ii. 392.

Zervan Akarana, i. 400.

Zeus, i. 151, 279, 305, 313, 327, 330, 359; above, ii. 359; below, ii. 359; bull of, iii. 183; cosmic breath, i. 313; date of, i. 149; essence-chief, ii. 341; gifts of, iii. 274; lame, i. 343; Phrygius, i. 172; sons of, iii. 217.

Zion, foundation of, i. 162.

Zodia, iii. 53.

Zodiac, i. 414, 416, ii. 245; signs of the, ii. 52.

Zoëga, i. 400.

Zone, regal, iii. 198.

Zones, ii; 41, iii. 97, 194, 211; seven, i. 413, ii. 42.

Zophasemin, i. 126.

Zoroaster, i. 325, 437, iii. 274, 278, 296; the Mage, i. 324, iii. 317; The Telescope of, i. 13.

Zorokothora, iii. 211.

Zosimus, i. 157, 270, ii. 249, 265, iii. 273; and the Anthropos-doctrine, i. 196; visions of, i. 380.



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