Varieties Of Psychism

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Varieties Of Psychism


This book was originally printed in 1914, and has footnotes, images, and an appendix.

"This little book is an attempt to classify the various phases of psychism, and to explain their modus operandi. It is the result of my own study and, to some extent, experience. The whole is intended to be quite tentative, for there are many points upon which I have no personal experience, and even the wisest among our few psychic experts are learning merely the alphabet of a vast science. The book is written for students, and as it is difficult to imagine any student of psychic phenomena who is not familiar with at least the A. B. C. of Theosophy, I have throughout taken a knowledge of that for granted. Also I have purposely not exceeded the scope indicated by the title; the book, therefore, deals with the varieties of psychic faculty rather than with the rationale of psychism in general, and does not profess to give instruction in either the development or use of psychic faculty. I am much indebted for theory and detail to the perennial sources of Theosophical learning — Mrs. Besant and Mr. Leadbeater. The whole of the section dealing with the distinction between the Lower and Higher Psychism is really elaborated from Mrs. Besant's ‘A Study in Consciousness’, whilst everyone who writes about psychism from the Theosophical point of view must necessarily be indebted to Mr. Leadbeater's monumental researches.

About the author: James Ingall Wedgwood (1883-1951), was the 1st Presiding Bishop of the Liberal Catholic Church (1916-1923) and Priest-in-Charge, Church of St Francis of Assisi, Tekels Park, Camberley (1933-1950). J. I. Wedgwood’s publications include: The Distinctive Contribution of Theosophy to Christian Thought; Meditation for Beginners; Varieties of Psychism; The Presence of Christ in the Holy Communion; the Larger Meaning of Religion; The Beginnings of the Liberal Catholic Church; New Insights into Christian Worship.

What is Theosophy? It’s a collection of mystical and occultist philosophies concerning, or seeking direct knowledge of the presumed mysteries of life and nature, particularly of the nature of divinity and the origin and purpose of the universe. Theosophy is considered part of Western esotericism, which believes that hidden knowledge or wisdom from the ancient past offers a path to enlightenment and salvation. Helena Blavatsky's book The Secret Doctrine (1888), was one of the foundational works of modern theosophy.

Foreword by Annie Besant
Title Varieties of Psychism
Chapter I. Lower and Higher Psychism
Chapter II. The Lower Psychism
Chapter III. The Higher Psychism
Chapter IV. The Psychology of Psychics
Chapter V. The Value of Psychism



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