The Way of Service

Masonic, Occult and Esoteric Online Library

The Way of Service

By George S. Arundale

Chapter II


— I — 

THE better the deed, the better the day.

— II — 

THERE is no one in the world who does not need something, and there is no one in the world who cannot give something.

— III — 

WHEN you are trying to serve someone, do not become impatient of his weaknesses. His weaknesses give you the privilege of serving him, for if he had no weaknesses he would need no service.

— IV —

JUST as there is no grief which does not contain the promise of a future joy, so there is no weakness which will not someday merge into a noble quality

— V — 

TRY to remember, when you are helping someone, that the force in his weakness will become, through your help, the force of a future quality. You cannot change the force, but you ought to try to change its form and its direction.

— VI — 

A little help actually given out of your own existing resources is worth more than the thought of how much better you would be able to serve were your resources greater.

— VII — 

YOU can best help another by displaying in your own character the qualities he lacks.

— VIII — 

THE way to test the value of your daily service to others is to notice whether you are day by day growing more peaceful, more contented, happier, and more tolerant.

— IX — 

THE world asks from you your own utmost service, not the utmost of someone else. When you are doing all that you can, you are doing all that you ought.

— X — 

NEVER allow a person's rejection of your offer of service to be an excuse for refusing any further help. He who refuses acts of service ends by needing them all the more.

— XI — 

BE careful how you reject loving service offered freely to you, for there is as much service in receiving service as in performing it.

— XII — 

WHEN once you have served as wisely and as whole-heartedly as you can, do not be anxious about the result; for the purity of your service returns in blessing to the server, and surrounds with blessing the person served.

— XIII — 

THE ideal reward of service is an increased power to love and therefore to serve.



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