Wisdom of the Ages

Masonic, Occult and Esoteric Online Library

Wisdom of the Ages

By George A. Fuller


He who entertains the truly religious life and takes pleasure only in things spiritual has already become immortal.

That which is gross and material is not forbidden him, but instead he rises above it and it becomes repulsive to him.

From the eminence he has gained he can never fall, because he has gained it by his own efforts.

He will require less and less food for the support of his physical body because he draws more and more of his sustenance from the akasa, or ether.

Through sublimation the outward is becoming more and more rarefied, and the spirit, asserting itself more and more, scintillates through and around the outward in an aura suffused with a blending of amethyst and topaz light.

Through efforts of the will he arises to those heights where disease and suffering are known no more.

The body is swayed by mental states as the trees of the forest are rocked by hurricanes.

Let thy mental states be peaceful ones, free from anger, hate, selfishness and thoughts of disease, and health shall be thine.

Thy power is infinite; then, why be conquered by things which are inferior to thee?

Let them have no place in thy mind. Drive them out with higher and worthier thoughts.

Think health, live in the atmosphere of health, and thou shalt be strong and well.

Thought is the mighty sculptor that shapes and fashions thy body. By individual effort thou canst bring it completely under the control of the will.

Learn the secret of concentration, and all that the soul desires shall be thine.

Keep a fixed purpose in thy mind, and no matter how unattainable it may seem to the world, in time it shall be thine.

Nothing can withstand the power of spirit. The soul possesses the power of drawing unto itself everything it needs.

Sayest thou that the one thing needed lies afar in the depths of space, and thinkest thou the spirit cannot reach it and draw it unto itself?

Be not too certain of this, for the spirit knows neither time nor space. That which seemeth to thy finite vision afar, may be near unto the spirit.

Not only does the spirit recognize its own but it calls its own unto itself.

What ye would have, strive after, and in time it shall be thine.

But the wise man strives after that which is good and pure, and these things become the bright gems that stud the crowns of immortal spirits.



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