Wisdom of the Ages

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Wisdom of the Ages

By George A. Fuller


The Master continued: The new religion lightens every labor and will give rest to the weary ones of earth.

Does it not also reveal the fact that much of the labor of the world is both unnecessary and a hindrance to man's true spiritual growth?

Under the influence of this religion man should be led to want fewer things that belong to the external world, and only those things that conduce to the growth of his spiritual nature.

Under the new order of things works of art shall no longer be considered as either superfluities or luxuries simply to adorn the homes of wealth.

For then everything made by man will be a work of art. There can be no valid excuse for the existence of that which is ugly.

The time will come when it will be an unpardonable sin to create that which is not a work of art.

Man's labor becomes irksome only when he is forced to create that which is distasteful to him.

When everything that falls from his hands is a thing of beauty, his labor becomes one of love, and never rests heavily upon him.

Both the monotony and drudgery of everyday life oppress him.

Rest comes not in ceasing from labor, but from the doing of that which gives joy and satisfaction to the real self.

The new religion, taking a deep interest in the welfare of all mankind, seeks through art to elevate all.

In every one it reveals the God within, but, alas, too often looking out through stained-glass windows.

In time the stains shall all be removed from the windows, and then the real self in all its beauty shall stand revealed.

Until man's earthly condition is greatly improved we must look for spiritual illumination only in the few.

So long as man is looked upon merely as an animal, with no life save that of the physical, these conditions cannot be greatly altered.

All reform starts in the realm of the spiritual, and there, also, is found the greatest battleground of the opposition.

Not only the recognition of man's spiritual nature is a necessity of the hour, but also the recognition of the source of opposing forces and elements that antagonize everything that leads to the betterment of his condition.

The wise men, or seers, of Tlaskanata held that there were seven distinct and separate parts which united formed a human being. Commencing at the outward and proceeding towards the centre these parts arrange themselves after this plan:

1. The Physical Body.
2. The Vital Spark, or Life.

3. The Ethereal Form.

4. The Double Self, or, Will and Emotions.

5. The Mind—the home of Thoughts, Ideas, and Associations.

6. The Soul—that which as an Individuality is unaffected by death.

7. The breath of Omn.

In the self-centred one these separate parts are blended into the most perfect harmony.

The esoteric, or inner, meaning of religion stands revealed only unto those who realize this perfect harmony.

Those who are loaded down with the degrees of universities are generally too heavily weighted with the refuse ballast of the ages to rise to that altitude of soul-life where the secrets of Nature and of man alike are revealed.



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