Wisdom of the Ages

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Wisdom of the Ages

By George A. Fuller


How strange that thou, Neontu, shouldst ask concerning the moral code of the new religion! For have I not again and again tried to make plain unto thee that ethical codes were of little value, because they can never usurp the place of that higher law known as that of conscience? While we may teach that right thought engenders right speech and right living, yet is it impossible to present a rule which followed by every man shall bring about such desired ends.

Each man must become a law unto himself. And when he recognizes that all strength and power comes from the Eternal then shall be revealed unto him the true path that leadeth to personal purity and righteousness.

Indeed, he has followed the true path a long way when he has learned that the consequence of every act must rest upon himself, and that no power will relieve him of this consequence.

The moral realm is as much the domain of cause and effect as is the physical realm.

Here no mediator stands ready to brush away the effects of long antecedent causes.

It may take many incarnations before these effects are all outgrown.

If ye sow the seeds of the distorted and spiny cactus ye cannot hope to see grow up out of the earth the graceful and well-proportioned tree. So must it ever be in thine everyday life. Love, wisdom and purity alone give strength of character and right expression to thine every act.

If man desires that which is good and true he will grow in no other direction.

If his desires are base, false and selfish his whole life will become either weak and vacillating or lashed into fury by the wild, boisterous waves of anger and passion.

Spiritual growth comes only when man is in most perfect harmony with all Nature—for then only can the better self be awakened.

If I were to give thee, oh, Neontu, one law to govern all the acts of thy life, it would be this:

Ever prove true to the light within!

What the soul affirms, as I have before stated, alone is right for thee.

The acts of thy life must conform to the dictations of the interior monitor.

The external should reflect the emotions, the hopes, and the aspirations of the higher nature.

When this is so thou shalt stand near to an immortality that is freed from the physical world.

To-day thou art suffering the consequences of acts in previous embodiments. In a great measure thou art the maker of thine own future.

All evil deeds must be expiated; all wrongs must be righted, for there is no forgiveness of sin.

Thou art both thine own judge and executioner.

Yet there is no escape for thee. The judge will be impartial and just, and the executioner will see that the sentence is duly carried out.

Then, is it not wiser for thee to cease thy mad, impetuous rush through life, and allow prudence and caution to exercise their benign influences over thine every act?

Through the gateway of thy new birth let not dark shadows stream forth from the tombs of the past.

Instead, may the golden beams radiating from noble acts and impulses make the smiles and laughter of the newborn prophetic of the incarnation upon which it is just entering.



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