Wisdom of the Ages

Masonic, Occult and Esoteric Online Library

Wisdom of the Ages

By George A. Fuller


One asked the Master: What shall be the nature of our homes in the world of the Lomkatos?

Just then Zertoulem came near to a shallow pool of water, and he stooped and picked up a pebble from his path and cast it into the water, and it sank out of sight in the slimy ooze at its bottom.

Then he turned toward the one who asked the question and replied as follows:

Behold, how the stone cast from my hand into the pool makes for itself a place in the slime and ooze under the water. Ye might at first think that my hand gave it the bed in which it should lie, but this is so only in seeming. My hand imparted the force that hurled the stone into the water, but the stone formed and shaped its own bed. The stone was spherical in shape and the bed in which it lies adapted itself to the shape of the stone. If the stone had been rough or angular in shape, its abiding place would have been the same.

Now, it was neither my hand, nor the force behind the hand that shaped the bed in which the stone lies. But, as ye can readily perceive, it was the stone that shaped its own bed.

Now, in speaking of the Lomkatos, the superficial observer might say, Inasmuch as Omn takes the spirit out of the terrestrial life, he must of necessity make the home in which it shall abide. How unwise this conclusion! Omn simply takes hence the spirit, but the power that hurls the spirit out of the physical body does not determine either the house or world in which it shall dwell.

If I ride in the chariot, neither the chariot nor the horse determines the direction I shall go. My spirit determines this and guides the horse and chariot accordingly.

So is it with the Lomkatos. The houses in which they dwell are moulded out of the deeds and thoughts that gave prominence to the lives they lived here.

Truly, we ought to be familiar with the nature of that world into which we shall be called to enter, for it has been builded up out of our desires and motives.

Special acts have greater effects upon the bodies of the Lomkatos than upon the worlds in which they shall live.

Desires and motives are the stuffs out of which their worlds are builded.

A world undesired and toward which no strong motive draws the soul would prove most unprofitable to the Lomkatos.

As the object of that life is not for sense gratification, but for intellectual and spiritual growth, it needs must follow close upon the confines of this terrestrial life and yet prove more fully adapted to all the soul's needs.

Easy are the gradations that lead upward in the land to which they have gone.

Well may it be called the land where all the desires of the soul are fulfilled, the land where the motives that underlaid the acts of the past become the stepping stones of the spirit.

Each one of the Lomkatos becomes the architect of his own home.



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