Zohar: Bereshith to Lekh Lekha

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Zohar: Bereshith to Lekh Lekha

By Nurho de Manhar

Kabbalistic Explanation of the Feast of Tabernacles and The Loulab

As Rabbi Hiya and Rabbi Jose travelled onwards, they beheld a stranger approaching them whom they judged by his appearance, to be an Israelite. After saluting him they asked "Who art thou.?" "I am," he replied, "a resident of the village of Ramin and as the feast of Tabernacles is coming on I have been specially deputed to prepare the Loulab and am therefore on may way to cut down palm branches and prepare them according to ancient and legal custom. After walking a little together, the stranger turning to them said, "Do you know why the Loulab must consist of four different objects in order to secure the blessing of rain upon the earth?" "With Students of the Secret Doctrine," they answered, "it has often been a subject of much discussion, but if you know anything that will further enlighten us, we pray you to impart it unto us."

Then spoke again the stranger and said, "The village in which I live, though small and in an obscure locality, is distinguished by the residence of students of the Secret Doctrine and also of a master, Rabbi Isaac, son of Jose of Melrozaba, who daily gives discourses and lessons on occult subjects from which we always gather knowledge new and most interesting. Once when conversing with him, he stated that during the Feast of Tabernacles the Israelites are exalted and pre-eminent above all other people and nations of the world and therefore we carry the Loulab in hand as a trophy of victory over them, inasmuch as only from Israel, do the great chiefs of idolatrous nations receive and participate in the blessings that descend from heaven. These chiefs or governing angels are called in scripture "hamayim hazzedonim" (the proud waters) as it is written 'Then had the proud waters gone over our soul. Blessed be the Lord who hath not given us as a prey to their teeth.' (Ps. CXXI V. 5.) The four components of the Loulab (the palm, willow, myrtle and citron)63b-64a correspond to the four letters of the sacred name I H V H by which Israel is exalted above all other nations and to whom is owing the descent of water to serve as libations upon the altar of sacrifice. From the beginning of the Feast of Tabernacles to Cippur or day of expiation, the holy One sits and judges the world, during which period, the Serpent no longer appears before Him as man's accuser, being attracted to the goat that is offered to him and therefore heedless of anything of a sacred character. So is it with him when a goat is offered to him at the time of new moon. For this reason, the children of Israel pray then the Holy One to grant them remission and forgiveness of their sins."



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