First published in 1894, Brother of the Third Degree is a work of esoteric allegorical fiction that was written at the height of the Golden age of Occultism. This novel serves as an inspirational tale of initiation, intrigue, and a mysterious brotherhood that not only closely guards the secrets of occult wisdom but turns the wheels of history itself. Garver paints an intricate picture of the spiritual battle that rages beneath the veneer of geopolitical events — that ancient conflict between the forces of Love and Light and the armies of Hatred and Darkness. Within its pages are contained the loftiest notions of human spiritual development, perpetuated by his so-called White Brotherhood, an idealistic incarnation of ancient Freemasonry. While thoroughly embellished with the floral prose common to his era, the image of Freemasonry that Garver creates is as it should be: educational, active, and of the utmost moral fortitude.
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Larkspur CO 80118
United States
(303) 681-2028
Co-Masonry, Co-Freemasonry, Women's Freemasonry, Men and Women, Mixed Masonry